Dungeon 1 of ?

I was shocked it's the same as the books. The people around were throwing stones at them. Liza was shielding Pochi and Tama while the other 3 girls we're shielded by the biggest one of them. The fox kin that shielded them had beautiful golden hair and golden eyes, the hair was left open and reached her waist. Her tail looked extremely mofu mofu able and her fox ears compliment her hair.

The wolfkin and bunny kin that are shielded by the fox kin girl we're squatting down in shuddering in fear. Not far away was a slave owner together with a cow kin and sheep kin girl. Throwing rocks at them without any second thought. While the cow and sheep kin girls just stood off to the side.

He was possessed by a demon and the guy Uusu that was possessed in the original is also possessed. It seems they changed their approach maybe something is different from the original besides my appearance.

Now for the looks of the girls, the wolfkin has silver hair kept in a bob cut it looks very smooth and her pair of reds eyes are just captivating. the bunny kin girl had silver hair and blue eyes, she keeps her hair open dropping till the waist. The sheep kin girl had beautiful black hair and fur her eyes are also of a very dark yet beautiful black.

She kept her hair in a bob cut, some hair seemed to stand out together with, the anime typical antenna hair and her horns complemented that. The cow kin girl had black hair reaching, till about her navel. It was kept open and together with her beautiful green eyes, she could captivate someone easily. Her horns also like the sheep girls complimented her looks.

I couldn't make out they're condition, so I deployed some clones to beat the shit out of the black rat gang. My clones hit both possessed guys unconscious. In the meantime just like in the original Zena went and protected the girls with wind magic. The priest from Zaikuon Temple was upset someone dared to hurt, a devout believer but he was proven otherwise when a black claw cut him in half.

The demon that was in Uusu's body freed itself after I have given the original MC speech. The demon from the unknown guy's body also freed itself and went for the sheep kin and cow kin girls. I used forced teleportation magic to get them to my side they were surprised, while I was at it I told Zena to call reinforcements and freed Tama, Pochi and Liza from they're chains.

I took out the divine sword from my storage and slaughtered the demons they left a crystal behind I infused with magic, miasma and soul energy while using all known to me upgrade skills. After I let it drop to the ground, it began distorting the ground sucking everyone in the surrounding within. Because I was holding onto the beast kin girls we were all brought to the control room.

I faked the demons voice transmission from the original and made the monsters weaker so more survive. I fund a big flaw in the dungeon system you can't disable monster spawns. You can only limit them to a certain number but that's it.

The dungeon was way bigger than in the original, also better organized it made the ground above it forcefully stable, making it okay living above it.

The beast kin girls were looking at me. I started walking toward a passage when they shouted all together. „Please don't leave us!" Now how I am gonna take care of this?