Dungeon 2 of ?

After a while, I finally managed to calm the girls down. And named them Tama, Pochi, and Liza are as to be expected. I named the fox girl Inari, the wolf girl got the name Fen short for Fenrir, the bunny girl's name is Shea like the bunny girl from Arifureta, the sheep girl's name is Filia, while I named the cowkin girl Ai.

After that was finished I looked at the map we're at the bottom of the dungeon in the core room, so getting out will take more time than in the original. I am the master of the dungeon so the monsters won't attack me, but the girls need some training. As it stands now only Liza and Inari have any combat-related experience. Liza has the spear skill level 1 like in the original, while being level 2.

Inari has chanting skill level 2, fire magic skill level 4 and sword skill level 1. While being Level 3, she most likely has received training since a young age or her skills wouldn't be that developed at such a level. Ai is Level 2 and has cooking, service, etiquette and cleaning skills all at level 1.

Pochi and Tama are both Level 1 without skills. Shea is level 2 with enemy detection and keen ears skills level 1. Fen is level 4 with enemy detection, sword and keen ears skills all level 2. The last girl Filia was level 5 with first aid, cooking, cleaning, chanting, light magic, service, etiquette, and fighting skills all level 1. She must have been trained as well like Inari. Something is strange with these girls being some poor citizens slaves.

But I put finding out about that to the back of my mind. I took out slave contract scrolls one for each girl and had them sign them. After the ceremony they're now my slaves they're very obedient. I found out that the slave's Crest is put automatically, I think it's sad not being able to see the girls grow to care for me. Also their levels will not be all that important cause I will push them to humanities limit level 99 soon.

But I have to live with it for now. I made them fight monsters I created with unit creation while teaching them many things. When they were resting because of a hard day I would teleport to the core room and find out if any people died. If so I would go collect they're corpses and bury him. I don't fear the dungeon hurting the girls. It seems to know they're contracted to me and makes the monsters stay away from them.

After getting close to, reaching the surface with 5 days of training in all possible things the girls are now all level 99. My unique skills and teaching skills made it easier for them to grow in all ways. I am not gonna hide they're progress cause they actually worked for it.

They all have these skills level 9. sword, spear, knife, bow, shield, dual wielding, throwing, battle instinct, keen ears, sharp eyes, enemy detection, space grasp, third eye, mind eye, chanting, all attribute magic, all magic resistance, physical resistance, magic edge, magic edge cannon, magic manipulation, flickering movement, ground shrink, true ninjitsu, fighting, self defense, first aid, cleaning, cooking, service, etiquette, social, tact, writing, all bad status resistance, seduction, temptation, lovers talk, bed talk and sweet talk.

It basically makes them all the strongest alive right now. I also taught them reading, writing, and all Magic attributes until forbidden magic. I haven't thought them forbidden magic yet but they would learn it quite fast in the future. Why they have seduction, temptation, lovers talk, bed talk and sweet talk skills is because they started flirting with me.

Apparently the slave crest makes them obsessed about trying to make me happy in any way possible, so they started seducing me I almost fell for it multiple times but I could hold back in the end. I really don't want to touch them till we are out of this labyrinth. I made the core in a way it does allow me to leave but only with an external core following me.

Basically a loli with crimson hair and beautiful features that does everything I say. I am starting to think I have Satou's loli curse. But it shouldn't be a problem cause I have no preferences in women. And I am certainly not a yes loli no-touch guy. I am for sure more into Lolis so I have no problem taking them in the future.