Mission complete

It had already been an hour since he arrived together with Shuri and Akeno to his dimension.

They were inside the cabin where there was an uncomfortable atmosphere, they were not alone, next to them were Yasaka and Kuroka.

Yasaka: "So ... She'll stay here?" She asked calmly.

Yukio: "... Yes?" Now he knew that he had done something very silly.

Shuri had an uncomfortable smile at the penetrating gaze of Yasaka.

Yasaka: "No, she can´t stay here, I will give her a room in my mansion."

Yukio: "That would be good, anyway I'm not much in this place ... What do you think?" He asked Shuri who was looking at him.

Shuri: "I would like to stay here, it's a comfortable place."

Yasaka: "My mansion has rooms available and many chefs ... Why wouldn´t you come?" She smiled in a strange way.

But Shuri ignored her: "I have to reject your offer, I've noticed that two girls live here and it would be great for them to spend time with my daughter ... I can also cook and take care of them."

Shuri had a very good point, although in reality what she wanted was something else that she would say later ...

Yasaka: "If so, my daughter is also in my mansion and they can get along very well together ..." Yasaka felt that if she let her stay in this cabin, something very bad would happen.

Seeing their interaction, he knew that Shuri would not back down, but neither would Yasaka ...

Shuri: "Why don´t you let your daughter come visit us?"

Yasaka had a vein on her forehead, she understood what this woman was trying, she wanted to stay here, she looked at Yukio with a look of 'You did it again'.

Yasaka: "Can I know why you choose to stay here?"

Shuri smiled widely as she cleared her throat.

Shuri: "Isn´t it better to let my daughter stay at the house of her 'father'?"


It was the sound of a cup falling to the ground and a hand that hit the table splitting it in two.

Yasaka / Kuroka: "Father!!?"

The two tigers turned their eyes to him, he felt the sweat fall on his back.

-Did I ruin it? -

System: "Probably yes."

He asked himself internally and to his surprise, it was the system that answered him.

He did not know whether to curse it or feel happy that it answered his question.

He could see the two girls approaching him, he looked at Shuri with a pleading look.


After Shuri told them how it all happened they calmed down a bit and went to a room to continue talking among themselves, Yukio for one went home, he needed to sleep.

It was funny that two hours ago he killed Suō Himejima in cold blood but in front of these women, he was really weak …

-I guess I'm the kind of person who doesn´t want to be bad with his 'family'..-

--- In the room

Yasaka: "I see ... That means he adopted your daughter, but ... are you aware that he is a child?"

Shuri looked at her strangely but calmly replied: "He may be a boy, but the time will come when he grows up and takes his responsibilities further ..." She stopped and laughed: "Isn´t that the same thing you expect?"

Yasaka was shocked and blushed, it was true, she was waiting for Yukio to grow up.

While these two spoke Kuroka looked at both of them with a cold look.

Yasaka: "I guess ... But what do you plan to do?"

Shuri: "I don´t know, I just want to take care of my daughter, so he told me I should not worry ..."

Yasaka: "I did not talk about that ... Your husband."

Shuri's face tensed, but she snorted and had an angry look.

Shuri: "Humpf! Husband? He promised to protect us and when necessary he disappeared as if we did not exist, during the whole process I trusted that he would at least come, but he did not ..."

Yasaka: "Do you still love him?"

Shuri: "I would lie to you if I said no ... It's funny, right, even if someone fails, we'll still love him ..."

Yasaka had a sympathetic look, because it was normal. Who would stop loving in a time span of night to morning?

Shuri: "Even so I will not go back to him, my duty at this moment is just to give Akeno a good life, the rest does not matter", she said resolutely.

Both women looked at each other and then smiled.

Yasaka: "We are mothers ... And we will have to take care of our daughters together."

It was as if a bond was created between the two, but then words came out of Yasaka.

Yasaka: "But Yukio is mine ..." She said blushing, Shuri was shocked and then laughed.

It was like that until there was a voice from the side of both of them.

Kuroka: "What did you say? Grandma ..." Both felt a chill because of such a sudden voice which was as cold as ice.

They looked at Kuroka, they forgot that she was there, besides her presence was like air, they had not felt her.

Yasaka: "Kuroka?"

Kuroka: "Humpf!" She huffed and then turned away from the room leaving some words. "I like Yukio-kun and I will be his fiancée ... Any problem?"

She left the room leaving Yasaka and Shuri in shock.

After a minute of silence, they both turned to look at each other.

Yasaka: "I did not expect that to happen ..."

Shuri: "And do you think I was expecting such an event? ... Now you have a rival ... Will you try hard?

Yasaka: "I think ..." Yasaka hesitated but after a while, she told her what she had been seeing, when Yukio used some of his energy, that young man who always appeared as an illusion, after she finished telling everything, she was surprised by the answer from Shuri.

Shuri had told her that she saw something similar, and both of them quickly realized.

Yasaka / Shuri: "He ... hides something."

--- Yukio

When he entered his room he saw a silver-haired woman waiting for him.

He already knew that she would be here, it was obvious after his show in that house.

Grayfia: "Agarus eh? Something in your defense?" He pondered immediately and tried to sound as innocent as possible.

Yukio: "I didn´t do anything ..."

But it did not turn out the way he wanted.

Grayfia: "Nothing? How strange to feel your presence all over the place, no?"

He was speechless, it was true, he did not clean the place and left traces, fortunately, almost everything was tarnished with his .

As long as he had it suppressed no one could find him.

Grayfia should have recognized it because of the previous fight in the forest where he used it.

The strange thing is that she had never asked him what that was ...

Yukio: "Well, but in my defense, they bothered me, do you understand?" He crossed his arms looking directly at her.

Grayfia: "Did they bother you? ... Wasn´t it to save two more women? Do you plan to create a rescue harem?"

Her words left him blank.

-Wasn´t it true? Every woman that I have taken to live in my dimension has been rescued by me, am I a hero who rescues the damsel in distress?- He thought.

Yukio: "No, I would not say a harem, I just needed to save them, do you think I should have let them die? You know I can´t do that."

Grayfia looked at him with a frown.

She had explained to him a long time ago that he should avoid problems because that could expose him to other factions.

She was worried about him, but she sighed and approached him and leaned over to kiss him on the forehead.

Grayfia: "Well, I'll let you pass, but be careful next time." Soon a magic circle appeared under her feet and she disappeared.

For his part, he was still thinking about that feeling of her lips on his forehead.

Yukio: "Was it refreshing?" He shook his head and then concentrated on something important.

Yukio: -System complete the mission.- He spoke in his head.

[Mission: Save Akeno Himejima within four years prior to her meeting with Rías Gremory. / The mission gives a clue to her location in four years. - It is recommended that the user be strengthened | REWARD (12,500 chips / Pieces of God) Completed]

System: [The user has completed the mission before the lapse of time and without clues, therefore, his rewards will rise.]

System: [You have received .]

System: [Added 16,320 Token.]

System: [Mysterious bag 2x.]

System: [Title - Against Time.]

Yukio: "OH FINALLY !!" He screamed as he clenched his fists, finally, he had hhis pieces and he was also able to receive two mysterious bags.


Sorry to upload the chapters so late, what happens is that I work from 6:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m.

I arrived dying of sleep! I want to resign! (╬ಠ益ಠ)

Title - Against Time / Effects '5 Luck'

Editor: maave