
The next morning he was thinking about who would become his allies, Yukio had some ideas of who could they be.

He wanted to create a valuable force, after all, a faction should be strong by itself and not by the leader.

But there was something that had been bothering him and it was this mission.

System: [The fairies are in danger, the host has been given a mission.]

System: [Save the fairies, as the new successor 'Dragon of the abyss', your duty is to protect your home.]

Yukio: -System Could you give me more details of the mission?- He asked mentally.

System: "Allied fairies of the 'Dragon of the abyss' are in a war against unknown beings, you as protector and successor have the duty to protect your future allies."

Yukio: -Well, I have it ... but where are the fairies supposed to be? -

He did not remember that the "fairies" existed in this world, that made him feel confused

System: "When the user accepts the mission, he will be sent to a different dimension to fulfill his task."

Well, he expected that, and also wanted to know something.

Yukio: -What do I receive when I complete the mission?-

System: "Your role in the mission is helping the fairies, therefore their rewards are indefinite."

That only made him want to accept the mission even less.

Yukio: "* sigh * I guess I'll accept it anyway, I have to level up in some way and killing devils is not taking me anywhere."

Since he fought against the Himejima, he realized that the experience he was getting has been going down a lot.

Soon an idea came to his head.

Yukio: -System, are the missions only for me? -

System: "No, if you mark your allies with a 'party' signature they can enter with you."

Excellent, now he could take someone with him, in that case, this could be easier.

Yukio: "Hey system can I come back from that dimension?"

System: "Yes, the user can go and return at his will."

He sighed, that's what he wanted to know, he soon opened a white portal which swallowed him and disappeared from his room.


Issei: "Yukio-onii?"

Issei had entered the room of Yukio, he wanted to talk some things with him but it turns out that he was not there.

Issei: "How strange, I thought I heard him ... Where could he be?"


When he opened his eyes, he was already in the cabin, he could smell a seductive aroma of freshly cooked food, he went to the kitchen and looked at Shuri who was there.

She seemed to notice him after a few seconds and smiled.

Shuri: "Are you hungry?"

Yukio: "I think I would lie to you when I said no." He smiled back, he had to admit that she was a very beautiful woman.

Shuri: "Just wait a little longer, if you´re looking for the girls they should be outside." She pointed to the exit.

He nodded and walked towards the exit, due to his , he noticed that Shuri was still looking at him, but since he did not see that she meant to tell him something, he decided not to pay attention to her for now.

When he left he noticed three little girls who were talking to each other, the first to notice was Koneko who ran to him to hug him.

Koneko: "Onii-chan!!" She hugged him like a koala, he had to say that she was quite animated.

Yukio: "Hey Koneko, I told you to stop jumping like this, you'll hurt yourself."

Koneko: "I will not hurt myself because you´ll always protect me, right?" She smiled innocently, he pinched her cheeks.

Yukio: "You're right." He could only ignore it, she was very sweet, quite different from what they said in the series.

Kuroka looked at the scene with a smile and then stood up walking towards him.

And Akeno, well she had a cautious look, he guessed it was normal, after all, she got knockout and suddenly appeared here.

Kuroka: "What does bring you here, Yukio-kun?" She stood in front of him staring at him.

Yukio: "I want to ask you something."

Kuroka: "What would it be? ... Oh, marriage? ... Aren´t we still too young?" She said with a playful smile.

He knew what this woman was like, he also knew that when she grew up she would be a manipulator, so he decided to ignore her.

Yukio: "Unfortunately not, I want to ask you to accompany me to a place."

Kuroka raised an eyebrow and became serious.

Kuroka: "A place? By your tone I can see that it is not a simple place .. What is it about?"

He looked at her attitude change, which was fast but he liked that.

Yukio: "It's a different dimension similar to mine, but it has problems ... Do you want to accompany me?"

Kuroka did not even think about it and smiled: "Yes, I would like to accompany you. Can we take Koneko?"

He thought about it a bit and decided that yes, it was a good thing for her to come with us.

Yukio: "Well, in that case, we'll leave tomorrow, you have to prepare."

Kuroka nodded at his comment.

He let down Koneko and decided to enter the cabin, he had not used his room for a long time.

But he felt a hand pull his sleeve, when he turned around he could see that it was Kuroka, he raised an eyebrow and spoke.

Yukio: "Do you need something?"

Kuroka: "Can we talk?"

Yukio: "Talk? ... Ah, I understand, follow me." He could see that she wanted to speak privately, so he asked her to follow him inside.

Kuroka released him and they walked towards his 'room'.

Upon arriving he could see that it was as he left it, a simple bed and a small table with old books that he used to upgrade his 'INT'.

He offered Kuroka a chair and they sat in front looking at each other.

Yukio: "So?"

Kuroka sighed and then looked at him before speaking.

Kuroka: "Did you really mean it at that time?"

He did not understand what she meant, but Kuroka seemed to notice and completed his words

Kuroka: "When you saved us you promised to protect us ... Was that true?"

He already understood what she wanted to say.

Yukio: "I told you, I promised to protect you two and I will definitely do it, no matter what obstacles are found on the way, nothing will stop me ... You became my family and I will certainly do everything possible for you."

He spoke frankly, he certainly loved his family, it was the only thing he would protect without hesitation.

Kuroka did not take her eyes off him, she tried to see if he would lie and then sighed before speaking.

Kuroka: "I knew it." She smiled and with her small hand took Yukio's "Even if you do not show it, you are very kind to everyone, at first I thought you had bad intentions with us, but my doubts vanished when you fought Gilbert and you hurt yourself, just to protect us. I owe you a lot, I want to be very strong to protect you as you did with me and I want you to be proud of me ... "

While she was talking, Yukio felt her heart tighten, it was strange, but she felt something stir in her blood.

Kuroka: "Therefore, I want to continue with you, I want to become that person who is by your side, be your friend, accompany you in battles and cover your back because ...

I will definitely be strong to be by your side, Yukio-kun."

There was a silence for a few seconds in the room when suddenly in the middle of Kuroka's chest something began to light up.

She was scared but she felt warm and then the light went out, she did not understand what happened.

Kuroka turned around to check and was shocked.

Kuroka: "I ... Did you mark me?" She turned with a look of amazement and happiness.

For his part, Yukio did not understand anything ... until the system spoke to him.

System: "Congratulations to the host - You have marked Kuroka with the primary brand as your wife."

His mind went out in that instant …

Editor: maave