Chapter 4 - Going to School

Main Character gains +1 Intelligence from your choice. You will be more knowledgeable in the world, allowing you to make better-informed decisions.

You step out into the sunlight of a new day and head down to the adventurer's guild with Minerva. She leads the way through the town once again as you struggle to map the town's layout in your head.

In front of the two of you is a building larger than most. A steady stream of people wearing all sorts of equipment filled your view. Behind the building, you can hear merchants shouting for customers to see their wares, but the terms were foreign to you.

Entering the building, you come face to face with a young lady standing behind a desk.

"Hello there, I need a new adventurer's card for this young man here," Minerva spoke confidently once again pushing you forward. You are instructed by the lady to make a small cut on your hand and to drip your blood on a card around the same size as the one you witnessed Minerva flashing to Alex, the town guard.

The moment that your blood hit the card, it shone with a dull brown color. Once the light ceased shining so brightly, you notice the card now displays a likeness of your face and a list of figures that you still aren't able to understand.

Minerva reaches over and takes the card from you. "Wow!" She exclaims, inspiring some excitement in you. "You are so weak..." she states in a deadpanned tone.

"Nevermind that," she says, handing the card back to you and giving the attendant some coins. "Your stats will naturally increase, from now on, you're not allowed to leave town without my permission." She states firmly.

As you and Minerva leave the Adventurer's Guild, she recites the rules of the city, to remind you that you would have to act with care as you are the outsider in the town.

Minerva brings you to a fancier building, one of the few made from stone. She brings you through the door, she states that this is the town hall, where disputes are handled by the town officials.


Minerva registers you for school. Picking up all the necessary papers and informing the officials that although you would be attending the school, she would only be able to return the applications tomorrow.

Following all of the procedures as she needed to, Minerva led you to the school compounds. Some young adults like yourself could be spotted littered around the school grounds.

"Classes take place throughout the day but not at night, every day the schedule is the same, so you need to come in the morning, I will not be enforcing your attendance, but since you chose this life, you must put in the effort to attend." Minerva strictly instructs.

"Remember when I said, I will not be doing this for free? At night when classes end, there will be chores at home. Tonight, I will show you what needs to be done. For now, go and enjoy your classes." Minerva gently smiled and pushed you forward.

Go to classes diligently (Chapter 8) or Play truant (Chapter 9).