Afternoon Snack

When Amethyst finally reached her apartment, on the second floor, she took out her house keys to unlock the front door. She was a bit alarmed when the door popped open slightly, after she tried to use her key to unlock it. Her brows dropped downwards as a frown appeared on her face. They clearly were told not to have any visitor. The only times they have left the door open or unlock were when they had company inside.

As she walked inside, she was formatting in her head what form of torture she should use to punish them until, she walked into an empty house stain red. Fueled by anger, the thought never closed her mind that something horrifying could have happen while she was away. The living room was a little trashed and blood stains were visible on the furniture, walls and floor. As her anger slowly disappeared, another emotion took its place, after she saw the two lying on the floor in the hallway. It was as fear and despair was fighting against one another in her heart as she rushed over to the two laying down unconscious.

Both of their bodies were covered in countless wounds. The wounds were bleeding at such a degree that their clothes were already completely soaked with their blood. Amethyst's heart started to beat rapidly looking at the state they were in. Looking between the two she wondered how many hours it has been since they receive their injuries. Did this just transpire, or did it happened shortly after she left home? Some many questions were running through her 'thought processor' that she was starting the feel dizzy. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, before she leaned down towards one of them to see if she could wake him up.

"Eris wake up! What happen here?" Amethyst asked in a worried voice as she was kneeled beside him.

When Eris heard Amethyst voice, he immediately responded by cough a few times before trying to move. Followed by him breathing heavy from the intense workout it took to sit up against the wall. He had to muster up all the energy he had left just to perform such a simple action. Of course, his abrupt movements resulted in causing his side wound to bleed more. Ignoring the sharp and eerily pain he gave Amethyst a sly smirk. "Is school over already? I hope you avoided being your sensei snack, because I'm starving."

"Stop trying to avoid the issue! You're bleeding to death, yet here you are making jokes. Tell me what happened now! Why are you and Joel so badly injured?" Amethyst demanded feeling impatience as her heart continued beating unsteadily.

"Oh, this…. We'll be okay once we feed," Eris responds try to steady his breathing from getting heavier by masking it with a light chuckle.

Amethyst was about to have a fit. He clearly was dodging the question, which was making her become restless. The other unconscious person, a few inches from Eris and Amethyst, started to show signs of movements. Joel, whom was taking a catnap, reluctantly rolled over toward their direction once he heard them bickering.

He had a strong pain toleration, so the wounds weren't causing him that much pain. Instead of moving after the ordeal, he decide to lay there and take a nap next to his unconscious roommate. However, hearing the desperate tone in Amethyst's voice as she argued with his lugheaded bro, he was now fully awake. He laid his back up against the hallway wall, before releasing a deep and long sigh. Looking at their benefactor he spoke trustfully.

"Amethyst, we were attacked by vampires that disapprove of allowing you to walk around freely after you found out about our existence. They came here to kill you, but when they realize you weren't here, they asked us where you were? When we wouldn't tell them….. things kind of got a bit violent," Joel said lying his left arm over her bent knee. "Eris received more injuries than me due to his past history with humans. Humans are food not companions. This is the thought process of many."

Ignoring the insulting remark and the background hint towards Eris past, Amethyst ran her hands through her bangs pushing back her hair as she calmed down her heart. She took a deep breath followed by a small sigh, "You really are an idiot, why didn't you tell them where I was? They wouldn't be able to make it pass sensei at school. I never have seen any vamps that aren't afraid of him. You could have been killed if they were stronger than the two of you."

"Amethyst, it's Joel's responsibility to protect you, so things ended like this, because it was his choice. Beside it's not so bad living with an unlimited food source. For other vampires they find it easier to hunt down humans for their blood intake instead of making the pact with a human. Now enough ramble and start healing me. I've lost too much blood to heal myself," demanded Eris looking at her with a look of impatience.

Amethyst slanted her eyes glaring at how selfish and shameless the person before her is. He refused to accept his responsibilities but enjoys the benefits of their pact. She smirked back at Eris before standing up to walk over to Joel. "Since you're well enough to still boss me around I'll heal Joel first," she said with a smile looking at Joel as she held her hand in front of Joel mouth.

"Darn brat. Just wait until I get a hold of you, I'm going to drain you until I'm satisfy," mutter Eris.

"What was that? Are you still being ungrateful Mr. Freeloader?" Amethyst grinned looking back at Eris.

Joel shock his head at the two, grabbing the arm that was presented in front of him, gently piercing his fangs into her wrist. Amethyst twitched closing one of her eyes taking in the pain that stung worse than getting stick with a needle. She stared at a spot on the wall focusing on her breathing as her blood was slowing being sucked out her wrist. The wetness against her skin always made her feel uncomfortable in a way that always led her thoughts down a wrong turn inside her head.

Within a few minutes Joel retracted his fangs from her wrist licking around his month to catch any blood that may have dripped down his chin. Amethyst on the other hand looked a bit flushed in a dazed as she felt her body temperature raised and the pain in her arm slowly disappeared.

"Now that Joel is finished come over here and feed me woman," Eris demanded again with his weak voice being impatience like always.

Amethyst snapped back to reality standing back up with an emotion of reluctance to return over to Eris. She really hated feeding this glutton with his domineering personality. She kneeled on both knees before leaning back to sit down on her legs. She held her pre-bitten wrist up to Eris mouth for him to fed. Once he got a small taste of Amethyst's blood, his eyes went from an emerald green to a hazel yellow, sinking his fangs into her wrist like he was a starved out animal.

"Ouch, not so hard….. Eris, are you listening to me? Loosen up your grip please," Amethyst wince in pain trying not to lose consciousness.

"Don't bother...he can't hear you," Joel uttered as his eyes were slowly changing back to cerulean blue. "He lost too much blood to remain in a sane state. Right now, he's in a trance and is only focusing on feeding. Give him a few minutes to drink. I won't let him drink you dry."

"Ummm…..O...kay," Amethyst respond reluctantly before she started to feel sluggish as her face turned a shade lighter following with her fainting across Eris's legs.