Being Disobedient

When Amethyst came to it was 2:24 in the morning. She yawned sitting up stretching a little. 'That was a good nap.' She thought before her mind then started to recall yesterday's events. She remembered that she was in the hallway with Eris and Joel and that Eris was feeding on her wrist. Looking down at her left arm she saw it had a large sized bandage on her wrist. She sighed laying back down telling herself that she'll question them more once the sun came up. As she was trying to get comfortable, she suddenly noticed the limited amount of space she occupied. She then felt a slightly movement behind her and someone's breath on her neck.

"I see your finally awake, stupid girl," said a cold and domineering voice.

Amethyst froze upon hearing the voice, 'Damnit all. Goodbye my peaceful slumber. Man, this isn't my lucky day. What is he doing in my room again? I really need to have another talk with Joel. He's didn't do what I asked him to do."

"Hey, stupid, I'm talking to you!" Eris raised his voice feeling annoyed.

"Stop calling me stupid," Amethyst said furiously turning towards his completely healed face. "Why are you in my bed? I don't need you as my pillow!"

"After changing into cleaner clothes, Joel told me I should lay beside you even though I don't know why he suggested it. It's not like I owe you anything," Eris remarked running his fingers threw his clean silky blonde locks with a face that can make anyone drool except Amethyst. To her she just wanted to punch his face repeatedly.

"Umm...yes you do. I risked my life to save your life, idiot!" she said frowning in anger crossing her arms over her chest.

"What did you just call me?"

"Okay, you two. Break it up. Eris you're off duty now. You don't have to watch over Amethyst anymore," Joel said interrupting them as he walked into Amethyst's room like a referee. He was now wearing a clean black t-shirt with a pair of jeans. All his wounds also seem to be healed already.

"Finally...about damn time," uttered Eris with relief as he got off the bed and walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway.

"Joel you're so devious. Why did you have him watch over me? I don't even need to be watched over."

"Oh, really. There was an attack on your life resulting in us getting beaten. Oh, and even though someone said they felt disgusted after drinking your blood. They still seemed to be a bit worried after you fainted, so I suggested the idea. I thought they would clearly reject the thought. It's kind odd that they accepted it, don't you think?" asked Joel in a suspicious tone while raising his left eyebrow looking down at Amethyst.

Amethyst looked at the annoying matchmaker that she generously feeds wanting to punish him for being disobedient. "Worried? More like afraid her meal ticket will perish. Also, it's my face he is disgusted by because I know I'm delicious. You two have never gotten sick from feeding. Speaking of food, I'm actually feeling quite famish now that I'm up," she said proudly rubbing her stomach.

Joel laughed smiling at the young lady before him. "Alright, then. Well I'm gonna go out for a walk. Try not to get into a fight while I'm gone."

"Okay….Actually you should take him with you. That way I can have peace and quiet," Amethyst said walking out the bedroom behind Joel.

After Joel vanished from sight, Amethyst was now in the kitchen retrieved a snack. She went onto the balcony, with a ham and pepperoni grilled cheese sandwich accompany by some barbecue chips, when she spotted Eris sleeping on one of the lounge chairs. She sighed walking up to the side rail leaning over it while eating her sandwich and chips.

"Stupid girl, you're contaminating my air. I'm trying to relax here."

"Will you stop calling me stupid? My clever mind knows many torture techniques if you keep this behavior up."

Eris laughed as he stood up walking over to Amethyst. "Big talk for a small fry."

Amethyst frowned looking at Eris with disdain. It was a fact that she was only 5'2" which always ignited her anger when pointed out. "What did you just say? Did you just insulted me for being short? Haven't you heard great things comes in small packages," she smiled looking triumphantly.

Eris walked a bit closer towering over Amethyst. Being 5'9" tall he patted her on the head speaking in a mocking tone. "I called you a small fry. Did I hurt the little one's feelings? What can a little hamster do to me?" he asked petting her as if she was a pet hamster.

"Hamster!" She could not believe that he just compared her to a hamster. Though they both were cute she agreed on that, but how dare he use such a cute creature to insult her. "You do know hamsters bite when threaten? How about I show how much a hamster can strike back!" Amethyst explained all fired up puffing out her cheeks.

Eris stare down at the little girl that was glaring at him with such animosity, he couldn't help but laugh. He laughed so hard at her rounded puffed out cheeks with eyes full of anger until tears started to form in his eyes. Holding his stomach, he asked her "So you gonna bite me? That not how our pact works short stacks."

Amethyst's face turned red as her tolerant level raised resulting in an unexpected kick to his kneecap. The impact sent Eris left knee to buckle of his weight followed with a surge of pain. "Oops. I missed. I was trying to aim higher. A good dog should know not to bite the hand that feeds it. You should really be more obedient like Joel. Also, if I was you…. you should treat your food better, you never know if you might get poison one day."

"What?! You missed…..Ughhh…..Firstly something is seriously wrong with you girl. You do not aim for that spot. Ever! Second, stop referring to us as your damn pets. And lastly don't you dare think about coating my food with some obscene substance," Eris proclaimed standing up straight to stand his ground fuming with a hint of anger and bitterness.

"What are you talking about? I meant I missed the other leg. You just compared me to a hamster, so I believe it only fair," she said with an innocent smile to hide her mischievous grin. "Also, you can't stop me from eating my favorite food. I love garlic bread! And ginger tea helps with my upset tummy."

"Yeah, sure, if you say so," Eris replied trying to contain his anger. "I think that's enough bickering for one night. Interacting with you always exhausts a lot of energy, even after I have a full stomach. Go to bed stupid," he responded as he laid back down on the lounge chair.

"Fine. Good night. Also stay out of my room. I'm not gonna feed you again," responded Amethyst trying to ignore the return of the 'stupid' remark as she walked back into the house from the balcony.

After the sliding door was closed and footsteps processed from the door a temporary silence was broken by a sly voice. "Stupid girl, you look more like a little hamster when pissed. I guess I need to up my game," utter Eris with a smirk looking up at the stars.