They're Human Too

Tala looked at the car where her brother was sitting inside, then up to the second floor where one of the young men were staring down at her. Leaning over the rail he had a look as if he was staring at his next prey. His emerald eyes displayed a dangerous and carnivorous glint paired with a benevolent smirk. She felt a shiver go down her spin as if she was a meekly deer and he was a ravenous tiger. Feeling herself breaking out into a sweat she looked back at Amethyst nodding her head.

'Yes, keeping this a secret shouldn't be a problem. As long as I agreed to remain quiet me and my brother can continue with our normal life. To be honest, I'm not even sure what I saw. Maybe they were roleplaying and that was all an act or maybe they're in some kind of cult where you sexually attack someone until blood is shed. Wait a second, they did say something about having me for lunch. Oh, crap they're cannibals. Sh*t I don't wanna be killed, skinned, or eaten. I just had to be that nosy neighbor that can't keep their nose out of someone else's business.' Tala conversed within herself as a forced smile was on her face. "Umm.....Okay. I promised to keep what I saw a secret," she said nervously trying not to tremble from the gaze that was fixated on her back.

"Great! I'm so grateful and once again don't worry about the pussy cat up there. I won't let him hurt you. Now you should get going. I don't want you to be late for work," Amethyst smiled at her gratefully pushing her over to the navy-blue car.

As she was pushed over to the Malibu in a hurry Tala remained silent in hope of a quick escape with Amethyst's assistants. Her brother Justin looked up from his phone when he saw his sister finally coming his way through the glass window. When he first saw them descend from the staircase it seemed like they were in a rush to leave the apartment complex. 'Was his sister right about the noise being caused by a domestic violence attack?' he questioned himself wondering if maybe he should had stayed as backup.

When he was about to unbuckle his seat belt, he noticed they stopped in front of the building to talk. He was confused when he saw a young girl, much younger than himself conversing with his sister. Shortly after their descended from the stairs, a young man with blonde hair, maybe in his twenties, came out the same apartment they just fled from. From where he was at, he could only see the man's physical structure, so he didn't notice his cold stare looking down at the two.

Looking at the older man than back at the young girl there was no way they were siblings. Lovers maybe? 'Were they having a lover's spat? Wait a second is she being held here against her will or was she secretly seeing this guy without her parent's knowledge. Whatever was going on wasn't their problem and they should have just ignored the loud commotion,' he thought picking up his phone to check the time. Noticing they were losing way too much time on this entanglement, he was about to down the window, and call out to his sister when he saw her being pushed his way.

Amethyst released Tala's hand once they reached the front door on the passenger side. She waved and said her goodbyes, then retreated towards the building. Within seconds the young girl was gone and the man that was eyeing her also had disappeared back into apartment 206. Stunned as if the unexpected encounter never happened, Tala was eventually brought back to reality when she heard he brother calling her.

"Tala! What are you doing get in the car? If we don't leave now, we might end up late!" Justin said urging her into the car.

Tala nodded opening the passenger's door and hoping in. The car ride to work was drove in complete silent. Feeling lost for words Tala did not know how to explain the past encounter to her brother without revealing the truth, while Justin just didn't want to know. After a thirty minute drive they finally reach their destination with a couple minutes to spare.

They both worked inside a large building complex with multiple chain stores. The Bristle Breeze Mall was one of the biggest malls in the state. It was a very profitable mall standing tall for over fifty years. Tala and Justin had lucked out being new hires to two stores that just had their grand re-opening and was looking for new people to hire.

At a crosswalk inside the mall the twins split off towards their own destinations. Tala took a right towards Hot Tones, a music store for musicians and music lovers. While Justin continued walking straight towards Gamer's Coliseum, a game shop that sells a lot of classic games alongside many new releases.

On Tala lunch break she decided to check out the little café that she passed on her way to work. The café was called Sweets and Coffee Café which paired well with it's cute and cozy interior. Walking inside the little café her eyes suddenly fell on a young teenager with long brown hair with blonde highlights. She was having a pleasant conversation with one of the male waiters. As the memories from earlier this morning started to play on repeat inside Tala's head, she then took a step backward in a hasty retreat.

Before she could get her foot out the café's entrance her name was called across the café. Hearing her name called she wanted to pretend like she didn't hear it, but she didn't want to be rude either. Now that she was spotted, she should just go ahead and jump into the deep end.

"Amethyst right? Hello again," Tala said with a smile walking towards her, although internally she was chanting. 'Oh crap…oh crap…... oh crap.'

"Well I felt bad about what happened this morning, so I wanted to speak to you again. Bristle Breeze mall is the only location that has a Hot Tone in the city, so I knew you had to be here. I was heading to the store when my stomach started growling and the smell from the café captured my sense leading me inside," said Amethyst with a friendly smile.

"Oh," said Tala as the uneasy feeling she felt before started to creep back up in her heart.

"Please have a seat. You can order whatever you like. My treat," Amethyst generously offer as she gestured her to sit down.

"That won't be necessary. I only have a thirty minute break. I'll just get me something to go," Tala refused trying to contain her nervousness.

"No, I insist. I promise I'll be quick. I just want to explain a few things with you," assured Amethyst.

Seeing the unmoving and friendly look on Amethyst's face made Tala conceded in the girl's request, as she sat down across from the her. "Okay. I'm listening."

The waiter that was talking to Amethyst before stood by watching the exchanges between the two young ladies. Once she was seated, he greeted her politely and then started to incur about her order. The waiter took his leave after receiving Tala's order which made the uneasiness resurface again, being left alone with Amethyst.

"Nothing gonna happen to you in here. You don't have to be so tensed," Amethyst utter before taking a sip of her iced tea. Tala looked at the girl forcing a slight smile on her face as she listened to her words. "Since you saw what happened this morning, I have some earth shattering news….," said pausing before speaking again. "Over a thousand years ago, a disease appeared only in newborns. These babies were then diagnosed with a blood disorder stating that a large amount of blood is needed for the baby's survival. If they didn't consume blood regularly, they would die. Once these babies got older the amount of blood needed increased greatly to the point that it led too many people death's due to blood lost. Instead of finding another way to cure them the government deemed them as monsters, stripping them of their human origins by giving them a new name. Vampires…. Vampires was the name given to any diseases stricken humans. Some vampires were hunted down and killed. The ones that survived this onslaught faded into the darkness. Now vampires are known only as mythical creatures whom feed on the blood of humans," explained Amethyst in a low voice so that only Tala could hear her.

Tala looked at Amethyst with a dumbfound expression. 'Did she just say vampires are real and not just real but are actually infected humans?' 'So, she's not in a morbid cult then?' Shaking her head at the girl thinking she must be delusional. Looking into Amethyst's eyes she could see the confidence they displayed, then she remembered the encounter this morning. Tala was beginning to think that she was the real delusional one among them. Taking a deep breath, she asked for more details.

"So, you're not in a cult full of cannibals?" Tala asked. This was very important, because she didn't want to be their next sacrifice.

Amethyst went silent which rattled Tala. "Of course not. I was just giving them their daily dosage for their illness, although one of them was being too impatient to wait his turn."

"Hmmm… it's hard to really believe those creatures actually exist and the two living with you are them?" Tala asked being cautious of her wording unlike Amethyst.

Amethyst giggled a little feeling a bit tickled at Tala's way of speaking. "Yes, Eris and Joel, the two that were back at my apartment are vampires. Don't be afraid to say the "V" word. Most people will just think that we're talking about a book or movie. Also, even though this is a kept secret in some countries our little country is oblivious of their existence since, they look just like humans. The vampires that lives here are living an incognito life. They can be your barber, your teacher, waiter, or even your lover. You never know who's who unless they tell you or you catch them while feeding," stated Amethyst while nipping on her sliced of apple pie.