Captured by A Vamptress (1)

That night while Amethyst was in her room sleeping, her two roommates went out to roam the streets with a few of their nightlife companions. Even though Amethyst's roommates were restraining themselves from causing mischief, while for others it was more of a life line than causing mischief. So that late evening the silent chase commerce.

The pursuer was a charming, elegant, fearless, and dominating vampire that age exceeded passed most vamps, so due to her long life span, she is often mistaken as one of the ancient1 vampire by other vamps. However, in reality she has only lived for a few hundred years and not a thousand.

For a human to stop aging after her twenties created a problem, so through her long life span, she undergone several identities, in order to blend within society. She worked as a model, sales' managers, fitness instructor, veterinarian, and even a nurse.

After exploring through a few identities, she was able to determine, which identity gave her the most advantages. Of course, most would assume working as a nurse or doctor would be the perfect occupation for a vampire, and yet many vampires actually avoid all healthcare facility, due to the fact they saw any and all blood there were filthy.

This vamptress actually prefer being a university student the most out of all her identities. Her university, Wintermoore was located on the east side of Bristol Breeze city. For her Wintermoore University was the perfect location to stock pile an unlimited source of medicine for her illness. She loved seducing and converting men to be her underlings, however she preferred to feed from those with superior achievements.

Nerds, MVPs, young entrepreneurs and even idols of all kinds. Their blood was like a drug to her, and she loved the rush she felt, from feeding on these type of people.

Although, there were a few occasion when one of her 'playthings' would die from overfeeding, and each time the university claimed it was due to fatigue and malnutrition. No one bother to investigate their deaths any further, since each one of the students' medical charts all showed signs of being anemic, suffering from insomnia or abundant amount of stress.

There were even a couple of occasions, where a few students and teachers had a touch of selective amnesia. She was a brutal person to those whom were disobedient, yet considerate to those whom always remained loyal to her. So, if she were to loss interested in any of her loyal 'playthings', she would have her bestie, a charmed hypnotist, to hypnotize them to forget all about vampires' existence.

At present she has four 'playthings' that satisfied her hunger daily. They were all the top achievers within their respected fields. Overtime, she started to see herself as a human connoisseur, so even though she already has four different types of flavors she could savor, did not stop her from searching for other savoring flavors. As a human connoisseur, she would attend or volunteer for many college related events, as if they were sample tasting events.

When she was volunteered as a student guide for the fall semester orientation, she finally struck gold once again. The unknown flavor she came across was a young freshman. Coincidentally, within the mind of this lecherous vamptress, he indeed looked like a 'fresh' man to her. No longer a boy and yet barely a man at the age of eighteen.

The young man, on the other hand, did not even wanted to set foot into any university. He was being forced to attend Wintermoore University by his parents, even though his passion was set on becoming an international game competitor. He was already a gaming genius and a young idol among the online virtual world.

An accomplished digital gamer. She was curious about how this type of flavor would taste. The problem was how to approach such a person. With her bewitching good looks and seductive nature, clearly, she would be avoided by such a computer nerd. The only possible way for her to obtain her new 'plaything' would be to wait for the perfect opportunity, in other words track his every moment.

To her surprise the young man was unexpectedly popular. Every day he was surrounded by a group of people and the majority of them were his online fans. So, the undetected observation continued on for a couple of weeks, granting the enchanting vamptress zero opportunity alone with her desired target, resulting in her becoming exceedingly irritated. At this point, only the taste of his blood could curve her appetite.

Since she was already passed her limit, she made her move that Sunday evening. While she shadowed him silently, she finally was granted a mere second to pounce, once her target entered the side road that lead towards his apartment complex.

Walking down the dirt pathway to his home, the young man was completely oblivious of his purser, until a sharp object purged into his neck. The sudden force entry caused his face to turn deathly with fear as a terrified shrieked quickly followed. His loud cry would have been heard, if it was not for the delicate hand muffling his voice. As he tried to struggle free from his attacker, his body slowly started to turn cold and, then eventually became lump as he blacked out.

When the young man regained consciousness, it was already daylight outside. He scanned his surroundings and noticed that he was in an unfamiliar bedroom. Currently he was trapped inside a bricked room with no windows, with only a small vent, which allowed a tiny bit of sunlight to shine in.

The next thing he noticed was that he was laying on a bed with only a single piece of clothing. As he stared down at his super villain theme boxers, his face gradually displayed a perplexed expression, once he saw the numerous amount of bite marks all over his arms and torso. There were a few bite marks on his necks as well, but he was unable to see those.

His bewildered state deepened further upon hearing a soft jingling sound under the comforter, after he raised his kneel into a bent position. He quickly then removed the navy blue comforter, revealing a pair of shackles. Each shackles were tightly clasped around both his ankles, which were attached to a long chain that trailed down off the edge of the bed.

Completely muddled, the young man sat within the same spot for what seemed like an eternity, as he tried to fathom how he got into such a predicament. As he was in deep thought, a sudden creak came from the room's only exit.

A slim figure stood silently within the darken hallway, while they examined their newly obtained 'plaything'.

Upon noticing the unknown figure presence, the young man started to have a slight panic attack. 'I remember last night I was attacked by someone. Could they be my attacker and/ or my abductor?' the young man wondered before speaking. "Who's there?" asked the young man with confident trying hide his trembling disposition.

A lovely and seductive voice soon was heard after the question was spoken. This enchanted voiced echoed smoothly within the enclosed room. "Oh, Devon….. my sweet delicious Devon," the female assailant softly spoked as she walked closer to her prey.

The woman before the young Devon Ragnarök was an irresistible masterpiece. Her creamy complexion glowed against her long curly black hair that were seasoned with blonde highlights. Her eyes were like two ember marbles that could ignite anyone's inner flame. Her lips were luscious even though they were only dawn with a light peach colored gloss. Her body was full of everlasting curves, starting with her average size bosom, elongated back, wide hips and long legs. This beauty was no other than Nikki Blair, the most beautiful and pursed female in Wintermoore University. A woman he would always avoid, because he knew he was an inferior