A Nerd’s Best Friend (2)

Xella pouted a little with a 'I'm not convinced' expression. "Wow, Amethyst your something else you know that…... Anyway, how are you doing? You look tired," Xella finally asked out of concern as she exchanged her gum for a new piece.

"I'm doing alright. I just had a stressful day yesterday," Amethyst responded laying her back against her bed frame, while holding onto one of her large plushie.

"Oh, really! What happened?" Xella asked with a worried tone.

"Well I had another disagreement with Eris which was witness by our new neighbor. Worst first impression ever…. Also, I meet a friend of my buddie Keifer, the one I told you about that goes to night school. It felt like I was stuck in one of those novels' scenes, where the protagonist gets bullied by the antagonist over a guy. It was such an agonizing cliché. No matter what I said or did, she kept finding faults in me," explained Amethyst with a sigh afterwards, recalling yesterday's events.

"Geez, she sounds like the evil step-sister type," uttered Xella in response.

"No, more like the childhood best friend, whose blinded by their innate love for them," added Amethyst with a slight frown.

Xella and Amethyst looked each other, then broke into a lite laughter after dashing out their novel related description. Amethyst felt a bit better having her bestie to talk to. Even though she kept a huge secret from her bestie, she felt it was for the best that Xella didn't know about her cousins' and the others' true identities.

Xella was also a one in a million friend. She never pushed for too much information when Amethyst would give her a vague answer. She would always smile and give Amethyst lots of hugs, showing her full support, even if she did not know all the details.

They continued their conversation, where they talked about all kinds of things. They even had a heated argument over their favorite manga, about who will win the upcoming match behind Tai and Mitch in "I Woke Up As A Superhuman". It was an action pack manga full of many action and comedic scenes.

Most of the manga or novels they read where either action, adventures, or comedy based books. They would occasionally read a few romance if the characters had decent personalities. They did not like reading must romance genres, since it felt odd to ship themselves with the male lead.

Even the supporting male characters were a no-go for them. 1. They're usually chasing the female lead as well. 2. The second female lead is usually some crazy, evil, obsessed she-demon (they had to avoid these type at any cost). And 3. They are either not hot, cute, lovable or bad*** enough for them.

And yes, they know that must people would think they are crazy for thinking like this, but this is how the inside of a single and young nerd's mind operates.

After an hour of indulging themselves in their shared obsessions, Xella decided to head home. Amethyst was quite pleased that she was able to spend time with her female bonding partner, but she knew the longer her bestie stayed, the greater the possibility that she would be in danger. So, she did not object to her leaving so soon and escorted her bestie to the front door.

When they preceded to the living room, Amethyst's eyes immediately landed on the stray that returned home as soon as she turned the corner. She was pleased that the other free loader obeyed her order this time. Ignoring their presence, she quickly escorted Xella through the living room and towards the front door.

After she said her goodbyes to Xella, Amethyst returned to the living room to address her roommates. "Thank you, for behaving yourself this time."

One of her roommates gave a slight nod, while the other one displayed a smirked on his face. "Causing trouble is a hobby not a full-time profession," uttered the young blonde roommate with a yawn, whom was reclined back on the sofa.

'Hobby! You considered what happened yesterday as a pastime for your own entertainment. I had to convinced someone not to expose you and yet you're having a joyous time watching me in a state of panic. Urgh….Darn vampire!' Amethyst reflected internally as she rolled her eyes a tad bit annoyed. "Anyway, thanks. I'm too winded to explain to another person our real relation. It's safer for her to continued believing that you're my relative," she responded with a bit of gratitude, even though she really wanted to pull his hair out due to that rotten attitude of a certain roommate.

The young blonde leaned on his side propping his hand under his chin staring over at the little hamster. "How do you know that? Maybe she might want to be a donor too," he suggested sarcastically.

"Trust me, my friend wouldn't dare. She becomes a bit obsessed with anything that is unnatural. Once we stayed at a hotel that claimed itself to be haunted, she was the only one that willingly went searching for ghosts. She even tried to host a séance in our joint bedroom. She was very disappointed when she found out that there were no ghosts within the hotel. My point is that you will gain a stalker rather than a donor if she was to find out. She's more of a witness of the supernatural than a volunteer," warned Amethyst while standing with one arms folds over her tummy and the other arm was propped on top as she twirled a few strands of her hair with her finger.

"Psycho chick…... Do you have any normal friends?" asked the young blonde roommate in a mocking tone.

"Hmph! Like you're one to talk, Eris! You have a psycho ex-fiancée..." Amethyst retorted in response. After a short pause she spoke again. "I'm heading back to my room now, since I've already said what I wanted to say," she added then disappeared into the hallway.

The living room fell silent leaving only the sounds coming from the television. Joel continued to watch tv, as if everything that was said after his benefactor thanked him did not occur. Although Eris, on the other hand, laid back down with a smirk spread across his face, after the angry little short stack left.