Chapter 16: Meeting Seika Again

'Being at Shrek Academy is kind of boring beside the occasional spar with Mubai. Speaking of sparing Mubai, I don't think he won once. There was some draw but it I won every other time we fought.' Rai think to himself as he is sitting on a roof watching the sun in the sky.

'It almost been a year since I came to Shrek Academy. That mean that Seika and Tang San are going to join soon. With them joining, things will get more exciting. I also can't wait to see Seika again.' Rai thought, but then he suddenly stand up.

'Mind Game seem to works against spirit sage too, since Flender didn't notice the little change I do when I play pranks on him, and I have a feeling that it will works against low level spirit douluo, but Title Douluo will definitely see through it.' Rai

'I also got to meet Oscar. Boy did his tofu smelled. I was barely able to stop myself from running away the first time I smell it.' Rai thought 'Still the effect of those smelly tofu are quite good. If you can get around the smell that it.'

'Fatty, Ma Hongjun, also join not too long ago. With him around, if you don't wake up early, all the food will be gone and you will have to settle for Oscar smelling tofu. I am glad I knew about his appetite beforehand and was able to always get breakfast before him. It also help that he wake up a bit late everyday.' Rai thought to himself.

'Mubai also been working hard. Unlike in douluo dalu, he is rank 39 right now instead of rank 37. I also reach rank 40 not too long ago. I should wait until he or the new students reach their max rank before going to get a new ring. After all I still need to age my current ring.' Rai

'I wonder what I should do in the exam tomorrow." Rai thought then he remember. 'Right, the entrance exam is tomorrow. That mean today is the day Mubai meet Tang San.' He jump down from the roof and quickly makes his way out toward Suotuo City.

Along the way he thought of where Seika could be right now. Of course, tomorrow being the entrance exam day, he was sure that he will be seeing her, he just can't wait.

As Rai reach the couple inn in the city, be begin to feel spirit power emitting from inside with one of them being the familiar Mubai spirit power and the other one unknown. 'That must be Tang San' Rai thought as he open the door with a BAM and shout "MUBAI" making everyone including Tang San and Mubai who is going to fight to look toward him.

"What are you doing here fighting. You are suppose to be back at the academy getting ready for tomorrow" Rai say pretending he don't know what's going on. As Rai was going to say something and to drag Mubai away and talk to Tang San he suddenly hear a familiar voice saying.

"Rai?" ???

Rai turn to the origin of the voice to see a red hair girl about 12 years old looking at him. "Seika?" Rai ask as he saw her.

"RAI! It is you!" Seika yell happily as she tackle hug Rai.

Rai caught Seika while being careful not to hurt her in the process. "Seika, what are you doing here?" Rai asked surprise.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? You told me that you are going to be here I so follow you here" Seika said.

"Oh right, hahaha..." Rai laugh awkwardly.

"Of course, oh almost forgot." Seika grab Rai's hand like she used to and drag him toward Tang San and Xiao Wu. "Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Xiao Wu and Tang San. Tang San, Xiao Wu, this is my fu..." Seika pause for a bit as as her face redden a bit before continuing "This is my childhood friend ShunRai." Seika finish.

"Childhood friend? don't you mean b...mmm" Xiao Wu started saying before an embarrassed Seika cover her mouth and drag her away.

"hahaa" Rai laugh seeing that. He then turn toward Tang San and said "thank you for taking care of Seika for me."

"Its no problem, it's also nice that Xiao Wu can have a lady friend." Tang San reply with a friendly smile.

"Right, then come by Shrek tomorrow. I can tell that you are powerful from the spirit power you release earlier so you should definitely join us." Rai said to Tang San.

"Of course I'll come, I hear that it's a gathering of monster and wanted to check it out since Seika never stop talking about it and you" Tang San said teasing Rai causing Rai face heat up a bit.

"So do you have a place to stay, if not you can come to stay at the academy for a day. I'm sure the dean won't mind..." Rai consider for a bit before say "as long as you give him some money."

Before Tang San can answer, Seika and Xiao Wu return and Seika ask "what are you two talking about?"

"I was just wondering if you have a place to stay, if not I was going to invite you to stay at he academy." Rai answer.

"Really? I can come with you to the academy?" Seika ask full of hope.

"Yes, well, as long as you pay the dean to stay for the night" Rai said.

"YES!" Seika yell. "I'm coming with you."

Rai nod and turn toward Tang San and Xiao Wu "What about you two?" Rai ask

"Thanks for the offer but we'll stay here." Xiao Wu quickly cut in not giving Tang San a chance to answer.

Rai look at Xiao Wu for a bit causing her face to turn a bit red then said "Alright, then I'll see you two tomorrow." Rai then turn toward Seika and said "Come on, I'll show you the academy." garbing her hand and dragging her away forgetting Mubai was still there.

"Hey!" Mubai yelled running after them. Also leaving the two girl that he brought here behind.

Tang San then went to the owner of the inn, paid for the room and thought to himself 'Seems like this academy will be interesting.