Chapter 17: Recruitment Again

The next morning, as Rai woke up he feel something heavy on him. Wondering what it is Rai look down only to see a mass of red which scare him for a second, before he realize that it's just hairs. Then he pinch his forehead as he figure out who it is.

"Seika!" Rai yell right into her ear.

"WAAA!" Seika woke up in fright then jump from her sleeping position and fell on the floor. As she look around for the cause of her morning misfortune she saw Rai sitting up on the bed. Pouting Seika said "What did you so that for Rai, I was having a good dream."

Rai in turn grow a tick mark on his forehead. He didn't bother to reply instead ask "So, what are you doing here instead of you room?" Rai stop and think for a second before saying "and how do you even know where I sleep, I am sure I didn't tell you yesterday."

"hehehe" Seika try to laugh innocently "I haven't seen you for so long and I wanted to sleep next to you like we use to again."

Rai tick mark grow a bit bigger and said "You still didn't answer the second question."

"Oh" Seika say as if she just realize "I ask Mubai and he told me."

"I see" Rai reply. He was going to scold her but he thought of something and smile sinisterly for a second before saying "Why don't you get ready and go meet your friends I have something to so." Rai said as he quickly got up and left, leaving Seika a little scare of why he smile like that before she decide to not think about it.

Rai makes his way toward the dean office thinking 'Now, how much money would I need to get Flender to agree with this. Probably not much but just in case I'll give him a few gold. I don't need much money anyway.' Rai brought a pouch of money from storage and put it in his pocket. Rai then open the door to the dean office without knocking.

Seeing this and knowing that it's Rai, Flender ask "What can I do for my favorite student this fine morning."

Rai didn't bother beating around the bush and said "I want to be the examiner of the fourth exam."

Flender smile and ask "Oh? I was going have Zhao Wuji do that, what makes you think you can do better?"

Rai didn't bother answering him "Here, you just want this don't you?" Rai said as he throw the money pouch at Flender desk.

"You know me so well. That why you are my favorite students." Flender says as he pretend to wipe a tear of happiness from his eyes. "Alright go ahead."

"Yes" Rai said as he turn to leave not bothering about the happy Dean behind him.

Rai waited for an hour before he can see Mubai bringing five people with him a explaining about the school. As they reach the fourth exam site Mubai was not surprise seeing Rai standing there.

"Rai? So you are doing the combat test?" Mubai asked.

"That's right" Rai said "Now back up so I can tell them the rules." Rai then turn to the group of new students "My name is Xiong ShunRai for those of you who don't know, but you can just call me Rai. I will be your examiner of the combat exam." Rai said as he smile at them. "The rules are simple, no killing and no permanent damage. Other than that, everything else is fair play. To pass, you have to beat me whether individually or as a group." Rai then stop for a few minute to let what he said sink in. "You can attack anytime you are ready."

As Rai was talking to them, he think 'observe'.

[Name: Homura Seika

Age: 12

Spirit Power: 28

Tool Spirit: Seven Elemental Fire Ring

Spirit Ring 1(420 years): Fire - A fire-base attack that can be use like a fireball or burn a certain area around the user

Spirit Ring 2(751 years): Waterflame - A thin water like flame layer surround the user/target giving them the flexibility of water. Can be use on other but with only 70% effectiveness.]

[A very talented girl]

[A/N: Everyone else is just the same as their counterpart during this time.]

Seeing that Rai is about the same age as them, they were going to go one bye one until they hear Mubai "Careful, he may be young but he's rank 40." surprising the group and causing them to rethink their decision. They huddle together to come up with a plan.

Seeing that they are done and coming toward him, Rai said "All together huh? Well then come on" as he summon both spirit together and pull out his blade.

They stare at each other before Tang San said "GO!". Xiao Wu then rush at Rai and send a kick toward his head. Rai dodge by moving back a bit then activate Speed Boost so he can react fast enough to any surprise attack. After blocking and dodging some of Xiao Wu moves, he suddenly saw hundreds long blades of grass coming toward him.

Jumping back, Rai survey the group a little more. He saw a girl with pink hair who should be Ning Rongrong holding up a pagoda, Tang San who just activated his spirit skill and Seika who was charging a big fireball. Realizing that someone is missing, Rai was about to look for her but Seika split her fireball into many smaller one and start sending them toward Rai.

Not having anytime to look for the person that disappear, Rai start dodging the fireballs while trying to make his way toward the group. Just as Seika run out of fireballs and Rai was going to attack them, Xiao Wu's leg came right at his head from the side forcing Rai to jump back and make some distance again.

"You got some good teamw..." Rai started to say before he feel something behind him and jump to the side. Rai look over to see the brown hair girl with cat ear who is Zhu Zhuqing. She jump back toward the group of new students again.

"It's rude to interrupt someone when they are talking you know." Rai said to Zhuqing. She just stare at Rai like he's an idiot. "Now, as I was saying. You guys got some good teamwork for people who just met, well half of you just met. So I am going to kick it up a notch." Rai said making them more alert.

"I'll let you experience my first ever self created ability that I just perfected. It's call Godspeed" Rai said, at the same time an eye marking appear on his forehead. Rai then rush at them with a speed that only Tang San seem to be able to see. Even at his top speed in Godspeed, the world still look like it's moving in slow motion to Rai. [A/N: Totally didn't steal it from Killua]

Seeing that Tang San can still follow his movement, Rai decide to knock him out first. Rai appear in the middle of their group and swing the back part of his blade toward Tang San shocking everyone there as they didn't even see him move.

AS Rai strike, Tang San summons a bunch of grass as a cushion where the sword is going to hit, saving himself at the last second. Rai then quickly retreat at he same speed that he rush them right before a claw and feet hit the spot when he was at.

"Didn't think you will be able to react at all." Rai said making Tang San frown a bit. Rai thought 'Must be a perk of his Purple Demon Eyes and the fact that he need quick reaction speed for hidden weapon.'

"Get ready I'm coming again." Rai warn them, but before he was able to rush at them the timer he set before ring.

"Damn it, stop by the timer again before it get to the good part." Rai said. He turn around and saw that the new students were a bit confused. "Oh, did I forgot to tell you that you can also pass by surviving until the time is up?" Rai said pretending that he forgot.

A tick mark then appear on Seika head as she start trowing fireballs at Rai again while chasing and yelling "This is why you were smiling this morning isn't it."

"WA!" Rai scream as he dodge the fireballs "Come down, Seika, you passed." but Seika didn't seem like she was going to stop so he hurriedly said "I promise I'll take you shopping later if you stop." as he continue to dodge.

Hearing what Rai said Seika stop, put on a happy smile like she was never mad in the first place and said "Don't forget what you promised."

"So" Rai said pretending that none of that just happened "You passed" Rai told them making all of them celebrate happily together. He then look toward Tang San, felt a chill down his neck and remember 'Sh*t I forgot that his dad is a title douluo, hope he doesn't come after me like he did Zhao Wuji.'