Chapter 18: Cheering Rongrong up?

"Alright, you guys and girls can celebrate later. Come with me, I'll show you to your room." Rai said He turn around to escort them toward the dorm.

One tour, introduction, and celebration later. Everyone was tired so they decide to get some early rest while Rai was sitting in his room aging his rings. 'I haven't check my stats in a while' Rai thought. He look down at his hand 'observe'.

[Name: Xiong ShunRai

Age: 12

Cultivate: Spirit Ascension Manual

Spirit Power: 40

Tool Spirit: Full Battle Suit

Spirit Ring 1(10,000 years): Agility Boost - Boost the user agility by 100%

Spirit Ring 2(10,000 years): Strength Boost- Boost the user strength by 100%

Spirit Ring 3(10.000 years): Defense Boost - Boost the user defense by 100%

Beast Spirit: Raiju

Spirit Ring 1(10,000 years): Lightning Blade

Spirit Ring 2(21,000 years): Mind Game

Self Created Skill 1: Lightning Step

Self Created Skill 2: Godspeed - by sending a current of lightning through the body, it can speed up the body tremendously, doesn't speed up reaction time due to not knowing enough about the brain.

Spirit Bone Head - left eye (Eye of Truth), right eye (Eye of Illusion), third eye (Eye of Perception)

Spirit Bone Right Arm - (Devil's Right Arm) Gather any type of power giving to the bones and uses/amplify it in a destructive punch]

[A very young spirit elder]

'Still a long way to go until it reach 100,000 years, not to mention 1,000,000 years. I wonder how long it will take.' Rai thought as he look at his stats. Suddenly he feel a raise in spirit power from the direction of the forest for an instant. As he was about to go check he stop and think 'Wait, that should be Tang San's dad, definitely not going to go there considering what he did to Wuji. Flender can handle it.' Then Rai went back to his bed to sleep but he suddenly stand up again.

'A title douluo is here and I want to sleep?' Rai thought 'This is my chance to see what the presence of a title douluo feels like. I might be able use it against other with Mind Game.' Rai quickly put on a jacket and run into the forest.

As he reach the clearing, he saw Tang Hao release his rings. 'YES! just in time' Rai thought. He then made his way toward Flender.

"Rai? What are you doing here." Flender asked surprise and a bit concern.

"A feel a burst of spirit power and came to check out what cause it?" Rai answer "I was going to hide but I saw nine rings and figure hiding was useless."

"Smart." Tang Hao said "I did notice you coming toward here."

Rai pretend to study Tang Hao a bit then said "You look like an older Tang San. Are you Tang San's older brother?" trying to get on his good side.

Tang Hao smile and said "No, I am his father."

"Father? Tang San's father is a Title Douluo? How come I never heard anyone say that?" Rai pretend to not know.

"I didn't tell him and I prefer for him to not know until he find me again." Tang Hao answer.

"Right. Is there anything you need of us?" Rai asked politely.

"I'm just here to tell your dean" Tang Hao turn toward Flender "to take care of my son."

"Of course we will do our take care of Tang San, he too care of Seika in the past four years so I have no problem helping him." Rai said seriously. Tang Hao smile then walk away and disappear in less then one second.

"Phew" Rai relax after making sure Tang Hao is gone.

Flender raise an eyebrow at that and ask "I thought you weren't afraid?"

"Of course I was, he is a title douluo and I am a spirit expert. I may have put on a brave face but I am sweating buckets behind my back" Rai said as he turn to leave. "Speaking to a title douluo was too mentally taxing, I'm going straight to bed."

Flender chuckle a bit before following Rai while thanking the gods that he didn't have to talk to that scary looking title douluo.


The next day Rai when got up, he look outside and saw that he woke up later then usual. As he move the blanket off him, he saw a patch of red hair again. This time he only sigh, then got up quietly trying to to wake Seika up as he got ready to leave..

When Rai heading toward the kitchen, he saw a flash of red light and remember that today is the day Tang San and Xiao Wu met Fatty or Ma Hongjun. He quickly use Lightning Step to appear behind Fatty right as Fatty was going to use his first spirit skill. Rai then smack Fatty on the head, making him fall to the ground canceling the spirit skill.

"What are you doing causing trouble to the new student so early in the morning." Rai say as Fatty stood up.

"But they attack me first." Fatty try to reason with Rai. Rai turn to toward the duo.

"We saw him harassing a girl and try to help." Xiao Wu explain.

Rai then look back at Fatty and ask "It's about food isn't it?" to which Fatty nod.

Rai look at the girl that should be Fatty's girlfriend turned ex-girlfriend. "You can continue." Rai said. He walk toward Tang San and Xiao Wu as they watch the girl breaking up with fatty.

Rai saw Mubai coming toward them, call out to him and tell everyone "Come on, lets go eat before Fatty gets there." then he explain about Fatty spirit to them as they hurriedly fallow, leaving behind a sad Fatty eating dumpling.

As they were getting their food, Fatty quickly ran through the door and straight for the food only to be knock out by Rai. Rai then turn to everyone else and explain "I'll wake him up after everyone gets their food, otherwise he will eat it all." then continue to grab something to eat like nothing happened.

After everyone finish eating. Oscar, who joined them after fatty was knock out, took everyone to the field and also explain about the school rules. As he was getting to badmouthing Flender, Flender show up, told everyone that they will collect tuition fees today. He then make Oscar run with the excuse of support spirit master being weaker then combat spirit master so they have to do more physical training. Since Rongrong is also a support spirit master, he made her run too.

'Oh right, Rongrong is still a spoil kid right now, I'll see what I can do after Flender yelled at her.' Rai thought as he saw Rongrong and Oscar start their exercise. 'Then there is Mubai and Zhuqing's problem... Well, their problem is about the fact that they are engage so there is nothing I can do about that. Beside they will short themselves out after Mubai fall for Zhuqing.'

Rai broke out of his thought as Teacher Li came and collect their school fees. After Oscar and Rongrong came back and Flender finish yelling at Rongrong/showing the rest of the students that he wasn't afraid of big power, Rai went to him and ask "You got permission from their can to teach her however you want didn't you?"

"W-What are you talking about." Flender pretended not know about it. "since you are here, why don't you go comfort Rongrong" He said in an effort make Rai leave so Rai doesn't expose him.

"Hahaha" Rai just laugh and walk toward where Rongrong ran off to. After looking around for a while Rai found Rongrong sitting on a barrel near a river.

"What are you doing here?" Rongrong ask as she glare at Rai.

"Just a concern senior checking on his junior." Rai answer as he walk to sit on the grass near her. "So tell me, what is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's little princess doing in a, as you said 'lowly place' such as this." Rai ask. Rongrong didn't answer and just glare at him some more.

After waiting for a while, Rai feel that he won't be getting an answer any time soon so he did the first thing that come to mind when he saw Rongrong continue to glare at him. Rai stand up, walk toward Rongrong, then reach out his hand. Seeing this, she was going to ask what he was going to do but before she can, Rai flick her forehead. As that happened , they both froze to process what happened.

'Ops, why did I just do that.' Rai thought then realize 'I see, seeing her glaring remind me of when Seika did something bad and Grandpa Homura scold her. I always flick her forehead to get her attention so I can cheer her up.' Then Rai looked toward Rongrong and thought 'Sh*t, have to quickly think of something to say before she broke out of her shock and yell at me.'

"You shouldn't glare at people like that, it's not nice and you won't be able to make any friend like that you know." As Rai said this, he knew that won't be enough to clam her down so he blurted out

"Beside you are cuter when you smile." causing both of them to freez again. Rai because he was embarrassed of what he just said and Rongrong because this is the first time someone other then here father call her cute. Everyone else always call her pretty, beautiful or talented, so she also took a second to process what he just said.

'Aw sh*t, well no saving me now, I should leave before I make things more awkward and said something else I shouldn't.' Rai thought. He quickly said "It's getting late so you should go get some rest." and quickly left, leaving a dumbfounded Rongrong behind without her being able to say anything.


[A/N: I feel like this chapter is... worst then usual... Oh well, I'm already a couple of hours late so I'm going to upload anyway. This is what you guys get for now. If I'm not feeling lazy later I'll come back and edit this to make it sound better. Won't change anything just to make it sound better.]