Chapter 19: Great Spirit Arena

For the past few days Rai pretend to cultivate in his room in an effort to hide from Rongrong. He manage to hide until it was time to head to the arena. When he join up with the group, he didn't see Rongrong and almost sigh in relief, but since it will look weird to other he just acted like normal.

As they made their way toward the spirit arena, Flender start to explain spirit master and normal people. He told everyone that spirit arena is a place where spirit master gather to hone and test their skill against each other. After telling them that if they didn't reach silver rank, they won't get to graduate, he left Mubai to explain everything about the spirit arena to everyone.

Seika, hearing that they can do team battle wanted to battle with Rai but since Rai have more than a whole rank above her. They won't be able to fight together because their opponent will be too strong for Seika to do anything. This cause her to be a little dejected.

When they sign up to fight in the spirit arena, this time Rai sign up using his real name since he doesn't need to hide his rank anymore. Everyone sign up for 1v1 with Tang San and Xiao Wu signing up for 2v2. Mubai also ask Rai if Rai want to fight in 2v2 with him and Rai agree.

Rai manage to win most of his fight with Lightning Blade, Speed Boost, and Mind Game. For the match that those three skill weren't enough, he would use Lightning Step to surprise his opponent and win. They also didn't fight in group fight because their support class spirit masters are not here. Rai can only support himself and Seika focus more on attack even if she can support.

When it reach Tang San vs Zhu Zhuqing match, everything happen as it did before. Zhuqing got angry at Mubai, said something to Mubai which made him angry too, then Rongrong decide to poke fun at Mubai making him lash out at her.

Since Rai know what is going to happen, Rai jump in front of everyone and shielded them from Mubai lashing out before Mubai can do anything though

"Mubai, you need to calm down." Rai say seriously.

"Fine." Mabai said. Then he threaten Rongrong not to say something like that again and leave. As Mubai left Rongrong ask Rai to kill Mubai which Rai instantly turn down.

She went to ask Tang San and like Rai, Tang San turn her down while telling her that not everything can be bought with money and left. Rangrong then ask Oscar if he will help her, but Oscar also leave and turn her down and told her that she won't make any true friend like that.

See that everyone left Rai was about to leave too but look at Rongrong which remind of how being alone felt in his past life so Rai decide to help her.

As Rai walk toward her, Rongrong ask "Are you going to leave to?"

"I am" Rai answer causing Rongrong to start crying a little. Seeing her crying like this, Rai reach down and flick her forehead again, this time intentionally. "But I don't have to." Rai continue which make her look up at him with a little hope.

Rai took a handkerchief from his storage ring, hand it to her and told her "Rongrong, you just came out of your clan so you don't know this but, it's a dangerous world out here." Rai said as he sit down next to her again. "Without your family here to help, you can only rely on your friends to support you. And with the way you are acting, like Oscar said, you won't be able to make any friend."

Rongrong broke down crying some more and ask Rai "Then what can I do?"

"It's simple" Rai said making her look at him again. "but at the same time it'll be hard.To make friends or truly got close to people, you need to change yourself." Rai stop to make sure she is listening. "you are a smart girl so if you decide to change I'm sure you know what to do. Still, if you decide to change and need help, you can come ask me for help anytime. I'll help you as your first friend at Shrek."

Rongrong then look down for a thinking about the things Rai said. After making a decision, she look up at Rai with resolve and ask "What do I have to do?"

"Well, the first part will always be the hard part. You will have to sincerely apologize to everyone, but even then some of them won't believe that you are welling to change, so you will have to show it through your action." Rai told her. She frown a bit after he said that they some people won't believe her. Rai then flick her forehead again and said "If you are willing to change, even if they don't believe you I will. Beside, they are not that small minded, if you show that you changed, they will easily accept you into the group."

"En" Rongrong nodded with a serious face. Which earn a flick from Rai once more. This time, Rongrong hold her forehead, make a face like she someone wronged her and ask "What was that for?"

"You don't have to look so serious, it won't be that hard if you truly want to change." Rai told her as he gets up. "Beside, you should smile more, I said it before, you look cuter when you smile." Rai said as he give Rongrong a hand "Come on, lets get back to the academy, you can think about this as you sleep."

"yes" Rongrong said in a low voice as she take his hand while looking away and a bit red. Rai didn't notice because he was too busy thinking happily that he succeeded in helping her.

When they reach the academy, Rai told her to get some rest and he will talk to everyone tomorrow so she can properly apologize. Rongrong nodded then went to her room with the resolve to change.

[A/N: Man trying to write emotional scene is really hard, and I thought writing fighting scene was hard. Props to all the people who can write romance novel. Anyway thank you for reading.]