
Sasagairi Miyabe

I soon realized that we had to do something about the battleship after I gave everyone their powers so I decided to make a group to go and explore the island. After they left, I was gonna try to open the box we all had brought on the deck before going through the rift so we all tried a lot of ways to open the box but it was hopeless. But suddenly I had an idea, I told my brother to use his power to cut the edges of the box and surprisingly it worked. As I moved the piece that was cut apart from the box, I took out what was inside which was a cage with and egg with the colors of a rainbow on it. I was about to ask for some suggestions to what it could be until the group that we send out found something. We all went together to see what it was and found out that it was a big stone that was light red. It was radiating red and a little blue from it. My brother said it was something like his magic and that he was feeling energized just being next to it so I thought it could be a power source because if it could energize my brother, it could probably be a power source for the engine room so we all hauled it on to the ship and took it to the supply room where I told my brother to make it to little chunks and put it in the engine. When he put the stone inside, the systems of the ship said it could be powered for the next 27 years. I was surprised when I saw this so I went outside to tell everyone about it when I saw the ship levitating. Apparently, the ship was hovering because of the metal of the ship combining with the stone that we found on the island so I took this in a good way and made sure nobody would be shocked by this by acting casual. Everyone didn't overreact when I told them about it so we decided to move on and the ship was adjusted by them using their new found powers so that we could go places with the ship still flying. I went to the control room and the radar was indicating there was a large mass of land that we could go to so we set off.