Out At Sea

As soon as we took off, the radar showed it would take a couple of days to get to the mainland.

We all had to work together to maintain the ship in working conditions.

We all rotate shifts around so we could get rest and take care of the ship at the same time.

When my shift taking care of cleaning out the turrets, I wondered if I could use my magic. I entered my room and laid down on the bed wondering about how I could activate my magic so I took out the scanner that was used to give magic to the crew and saw on the screen that it said.

I was able to use a tutorial mode for my magic which was outrageous because if I noticed this sooner, I could've been able to use magic earlier. I tapped on the tutorial button and the scanner disappeared. Before I could've said anything else, words in front of me popped out saying to say open.

As soon as I said that, a screen that was exactly the same as the scanner showed up and was touch accessible. It showed my stats and everything else and the tutorial button was still there so I tapped it again and the screen disappeared and in a ladylike voice, it told me to get any object so I picked up some dust that was forming on the floor and there were options to change the dust to any form.

I then changed the dust to the form of paper and there it was, my first ever time using my powers.

The screen then said that I could begin start using my powers so I decided to touch myself to see what would happen and then another screen showed up showing the condition of my body when suddenly I saw it.

I became shocked with what I saw the on my body.

It said I had a curse on my body that was limiting my magic power using my powers was a way to chip off the curse slowly so I tried to take the curse from my body but for some reason I could'nt so I gave myself body upgrades. After modifying my own body, I touched the ship and came up with an idea to make golems to take care of the ship so I took a couple of papers from what I made before and modified each of them to be a humanoid type golems and I assigned them jobs to take care of the ship. After I created 15 of them, I decided that I would give them strength buffs so if anyone comes on the ship, they could defend it and I they also have unlimited stamina because they are golems with no muscles to strain.

After I set up the ship, I made maids and assigned them to each of my friends to see how they would treat them and according to how they treat them, I would change the maids to their favor.

I set them up and went up to the deck just to see a set of surprised faces. I then explained it to everyone about what happened except for the maids. My brother came up to me and gave me a hug, I guess he was just thankful for me to give him something he could always be with together.