
We reached a small city on the mainland after a couple of days with nothing interesting going on. As we set docked, I put a disguise on the ship to make it look like a caravel. Some of us got off while the rest stayed to guard the ship.

As we were searching the city, we went to get some clothes so that we could blend in with the people. When we finished buying some clothes, we went to a nearby bar to get some food. The currency there was in coins so I went back to the ship, got some gold bars, then went to a pawnshop to sell the gold and got a sackful of gold coins back. The cashier there reccomended me to go to the guild and sign myself up there because it looked like the guild could use some help.

I went back to the bar and paid with one gold piece which was a lot because they started giving us tons of food.

I took a rock and used my powers and a screen showing options and customized it so that I can go wherever I want to go if i've been there before. After that, I tried it out and met with the rest who didn't go to the city. So I sailed the ship to the sea, and took everyone on the ship and transported to the bar. We all sat down to eat to discuss what we were gonna do next. They all soon got drunk and I secretly got up and walked passed by them to go out.

While they were in a drunken state, I went out to explore the city and found a big building with big bold letters imprinted "GUILD OF ADVENTURERS". I entered the guild to see lines of adventurers getting job request from the main board. After looking around the guild, I went to register up and got the others registered up to.

After getting me and my friends signed up, I teleported to the bar and gave each of them their guild cards. Most of them were drunk so we had to take them to a nearby inn and paid for everyone.

I then went to the guild to accept a job request just to see how its like to take one so I selected one that said to hunt for some wolves. It looked easy and no one else was taking this one so I took it and went out to the fields.