BackUp Plans

POV Azazel

After months searching for a source for a new sacred gear I finally hit a breakthrough. Working with Haruto was the last push I needed in my research to lead me to a cave im crawling through now. I left a message with my assistant explaining my whereabouts but no one else can know where i'm going, not even my family knows. After a few days of searching I found this cave to be a very likely spot where a hidden piece of a very ancient dragon was supposedly sealed away. I asked around the village and it seems there is legends of an ancient being fighting with the dragon before the universe was even fully developed so he created this place to seal it away. Nobody knows any names, for that information was long ago lost to the passage of time. I figured I could get more information at least if I came down here.

Azazel crawls through the dark crevices of the cave only enough space for one person to barley crawl through. The path is an unpleasant one as he meets with various insects and snakes that live in the dark and they aren't normal. They seem to be feeding off the power of this place because as soon as Azazel reaches a large opening he meets with a large snake. It slithers out from a large crevice in the caves opening. It slowly slithers towards him and begins to arch upwards and look down on Azazel. He looks up and sees this 10m snake barley fitting in this opening flicking its tongue to sense where he is. It then curls its tail up to spring at him, Azazel bounces back to avoid its attack. He has a hard time battling off the snake that bears unfamiliar drawings all over its body while it spits acid at him. Azazel wants to stop to look at the drawings but first he must defeat the snake. Using the snakes weakness to light he conjures a light spell to blind the snake. Azazel waits a split second because he knows the snake is going to lash out violently trying to get a lucky hit while it can not see. A large scaly tail whips at the wall where he was standing a moment before and large pieces of rock break apart. Azazel looks back and smirks "Jeez you really want to hurt me don't you." he jokes as he battles the snake. The snake tries to recover from its disorientation by aiming for the light source again with its tail. Finally Azazel predicts where the tail will attack and dives forward with a sword that appears in his hand. He ducks under the head of the snake and springs upwards with his sword piercing the snakes mouth cleanly through the other side of its head.

Silence returns to the area where the battle was just fought. Azazel walks up the corpse and begins to examine it. The drawings are just one symbol repeatedly etched into its skin for some reason it looks like a spiral but with a twist at the end engraved in black. Azazel had never seen that symbol before and made sure to make a log of it to research later. He continued walking through the cave eliminating most of the smaller creatures with ease compared to his encounter with the larger creature before. After walking for a few hours he finally reaches a point where it seemed the cave ended. "Hmm all that for a dead end." he thinks to himself as he places two fingers under his chin in an 'L' shape, "there has to be something more here." Azazel takes a step back to examine the room from a different angle.

Azazel notices a 1cm sized bug crawling along the wall. It crawls towards the floor when it disappears into a very small crack. Azazel steps forward towards the narrow hole that the bug just crawled through. Picking up a chunk of dirt he throws it near the crack. He stares at the hole expectantly waiting for something to happen. Once the dirt hits the ground there is a small cloud of dirt that floats in the air, the cloud then travels slowly towards the hold and seeps in disappearing into the wall. Azazel smiles because he knew he was close to what he was looking for.

Azazel used magic to break a bigger hole and looked down to see a dark hole that didnt seem to have a bottom. He couldn't use his wings to go down so he decided to use a simple climbing kit with consisted of a rope, a spike, and a large yellow hard hat equipped with a light. Climbing downwards for 10 minutes he finally saw a source of light. Excited he hurried down and as he passed into the new area he was astounded. A large ancient structure was sitting on a narrow pathway with nothing surrounding it. It reminded him of the ancient Greek temples he had seen in Greece but this one was much larger by about 10 times. Everything seemed to be still standing no pillars were collapsed and nothing seemed to be fading. Azazel was puzzled how a structure like this could be in perfect condition for so long. He slowly approached and walked carefully because the path was very narrow, narrow with a chance of falling down into a deep dark abyss below. He reached the end of the path and walked inside the structure. The only thing inside was a large cage. Inside the cage was a single orb that seemed very ominous. He walked up and slid through the large bars that were covered in the same symbol he saw on the snake earlier. He walked towars the single giant podium at the center and picked up the orb. As he picked it up he felt a strong urge inside of him to keep this and find all its secrets. He stood there staring into it hearing whispers when he heard a sudden rock fall, he woke up from his trance and placed it into a special box he had prepared before hand in his storage ring. Making the journey back was not a grueling as the journey in but it still took about the same amount of time. As Azazel finally reached the exit his instincts told him something was wrong. "Hello Azazel" Azazel heard a soft voice above him. He looked up and saw 2 people waiting for him. One was a man with long blonde hair light green eyes and a halo above his head. While the other had long red hair and blue green eyes. "Hello Michael and sirzechs what brings you both here."