Azazel was launched back holding onto his left arm, or at least what was left of it. Some blood poured onto the ground as he cast a spell to stop the bleeding. Michael stared down at Azazel with pity in his eyes and Sirzechs eyes gave off a cold-distant look as they watched Azazel back into a corner.
"It wouldn't have to be this way if you just agreed to work with us and shared that technology with us Azazel" Sirzechs stated. Azazel smiled "ah but Sirzechs I told you to give me more time as my Fallen Angels are still in a worse position than the devils closer to endangerment. We were just beginning to recoup when you both came to me asking for my research." Sirzechs clicked his tongue replying "Azazel you know we are both struggling so we should be working together not fighting, we don't want another great war." Azazel whispered "Now that we can agree on" as he stood finishing first aid on his arm. "Unfortunately we had to make a move tonight because you had been making to many moves with your organization lately." Michael said pointing down his weapon ,which sizzled from Azazel's blood, through the air.
Azazel knew he didn't stand a chance against the two leaders of each faction. Maybe if he had time to prepare. Shit maybe if he had the motivation, but like they said he didn't want to start another great war either. So he had one choice. He had to run. Azazel knew fighting would only cause issues for their world and his family but if he left ,for now at least, they would not involve his family and he could keep them distracted for a few years. Azazel had faith his son would grow to lead the Fallen Angel faction and he would return to his family after some time. He knew this would only delay things but right now he needed time to formulate a plan to resolve this mess and to access this power he found to make sure these things would never happen again.
Azazel looked up and smiled at Michael "You know I never wanted to make things so complicated but I just need to protect the ones I love. I know you wouldn't attack innocence Michael" he then looked at Sirzechs "but you devils can be a bit crafty. Can I trust you not to drag innocent people into our mess?" Sirzechs raised an eyebrow at Azazel and looked towards Michael who just gave him a slight nod. "I don't believe in hurting innocent people, you however are not innocent." Sirzechs stated. Azazel laughed "Of course i'm not, but im glad to hear you say that. Anyways its been nice playing but I have things to do." Michael paused then looked to see Azazel pull out a pendent and panicked. Sirzechs reacted slightly faster activating his magic underneath Azazel but it was to late Azazel waved at both before a green inscription flashed on the pendent and Azazel vanished.
Azazel completed his teleport into a dark room. He looked around to see Haruto sleeping in his bed. The pendent around his neck flashed as the magic faded and the pendent disappeared into little green crystals the vanished into the air. Azazel walked up slowly towards his son noticing thin streaks of blonde hair coming out the tips of Harutos very dark hair. Playing with Harutos hair for a moment he whispered to his son, " I need to leave for a little while but I need you to be the man of the house for a little while okay" Haruto turned his head in his sleep fighting his fathers petting. Azazel smiled seeing his son fight his love even in his sleep, but he knew how much his son loved him from the longing in his eyes when he leaves and his tsudere attitude when hes around. "For now I need you to hide something for me." Azazel then reached his to storage ring and pulled out the box he stored the object from the cave.
Azazel had a sad look in his eyes. He knew if he held onto this item he would never be able to find time to truly find out what it was, but if he left it to his son he could seal it away to hide it inside of Harutos body until he returned for them. In exchange is son would always be in danger and he didn't even know the effects of what he found, but instinct told him if he couldn't figure it out then Haruto could. Azazel resolved himself and took out the object that enchanted him in the cave. He resisted his desire to keep it and pushed it on top of Harutos stomach. Azazel moved his hand to create a sound barrier around them and saw Haruto move around waking from his slumber. Azazel stopped to look at his son. "Dad what's going on." Haruto said as he rubbed his eyes. Azazel gave a small smirk and said "I need you to be strong Haruto, be stronger than I ever could be." as he pushed the object down into Harutos stomach.
Haruto woke up with a weird feeling resting on his stomach. He felt a weird energy emanating around him. As he looked up he saw his father looking down at him with a sad expression. Haruto asked his father what was happening. His father paused and spoke softly towards him muttering something about being strong before a wave of pain Haruto had never thought possible surged over him. He saw his entire room glow blue then green like waves of the Aurora Borealis surging in his room. Haruto tried to stay awake but all he heard was a deep voice that sent reverberations through his soul saying "The Black Emperor of..." before he passed out from the pain.
Azazel stared at his son in shock of what he thought he just heard. There was just to much of a coincidence with these turns of events. Unfortunately his shock could only last for so long because he knew time was running out before the others would catch onto his trail and if he stayed here he would involve his family further. He stood up and kissed his son on his head before leaving the room. He closed the door behind him when he turned to see his wife pointing a sword at his throat.
"What did you do to my son?" she pushed the cold steel onto his throat. Azazel's skin started to burn as he realized what she held was a sacred weapon. "Yui he's fine!" Azazel said quickly realizing his life was truly in danger. Yui looked her husband before letting out a long sigh. "Azazel what on earth is happening? You show up in the middle of the night with out saying anything completely gone for these past few weeks with no messages, and then I see you putting some random object into our son. You expect me to trust you right now. How do I know you don't mean us harm?" she said with pain in her voice looking at the man she loved but torn by how things appeared on the surface.
Azazel gave a small frown, "I know I have been a horrible husband and father these past couple weeks but I swear on my life I mean no harm to our son Yui." he said as he slowly walked up to Yui putting his hands on her shoulders. They both locked eyes and he stared into her dim blue eyes that seemed to lack its normal brightness. Yui looked into his soothing violet eyes. "Promise me you'll take care of us." she said. Hearing this Azazel looked away. Yui confused took a step back until she realized there was more going on, "Don't tell me you're leaving again." Azazel stared at the ground before collecting himself. He knew he had to be strong.
Azazel looked up with a smile on his face a looked at Yui who stared at him with hurtful eyes. He sighed and said "I know none of this makes sense right now and everything is happening quickly but if you trust me, you'll keep Haruto safe with you until he's powerful enough to protect himself." Azazel stood looking at Yui with a serious look. Yui wanted to fight with him to keep him there but she knew by his face there was no point. She knew things wouldn't last forever but she couldn't help the tears forming in her eyes as she knew her family would have to separate. All the moments of her family staying together would be gone and she wouldn't be able to scold her men for researching for to long, she wouldn't be able to bully Azazel with her motherly love towards their child. Yui knew she had enjoyed those moments of being together the most but by the sound of things Harutos safety was on the line and for her son she would protect him by any means necessary. Nothing would make her compromise her sons safety not even Azazel. Azazel knew this so he made his hasty plans revolve on having Haruto grow stronger while Yui protected him until his game of cat and mouse ended.
Yui slowly approached Azazel with her chin up. Azazel smiled and was going to say something when Yui put her index finger over his lips. "Come back to us." Yui said this one sentence before giving Azazel a tender kiss on his lips. Azazel kissed his wife back before she parted from him. Azazel greedy for love pulled her into his embrace again and said " Of course Yui-chan" then pressing his lips against hers with some force. The two held this passionate kiss until Azazel yelped "Ow!" grabbing his lower lip. Yui had bit him to make him stop their kiss and Azazel gave her an evil smile. The two loved each other but knew what had to happen. Azazel gave her one last look before activating his magic circle and Yui glanced at him leaving as she entered Harutos room to check on his condition.
Azazel vanished and the house was quiet again. Yui closed the door behind her. She walked to Harutos bedside where she saw her son covered in sweat passed out irregularly on his bed. She fixed a few strands of hair off his face when she suddenly felt something in her gut. She pulled Haruto from his bed and jumped out of the 2nd story to their backyard. Landing gracefully while holding her son she placed him onto a chair in the yard. After she placed him down she saw a dozen figures floating in the sky. "Who are you?" she said in a cold voice to the strange group. A devil slowly floated down in front of Yui. "Who am I, I am Creuserey Asmodeus the descendant of the true satan faction" the man had long dark hair, pale skin, and a pair of pointy ears. Yui asked in an annoyed voice"What does the true satan faction want with us, we are humans?" Asmodeus laughed "You tainted whore, you slept with a fallen angel who plans to rise above devils and you ask why we would attack his family." Yui's eye twitched when she heard him call her a whore. "Well if its a fight you came seeking," Yui pulled out her sacred weapon "its a fight you'll lose." Yui exploded a bone-chilling aura making Asmodeus lose his smile and yell "Kill her and bring the child to me!" as he pulled out a sword rushing towards Yui.
Yui's eyes closed and she felt the cool summer air blow onto the sweat that was slowly dripping on her forehead. She felt everything around her and calmed herself taking a sharp inhale before slowly opening her eyes. A bright light flashed and her eyes sparkled in the night as she used her visual art. Everything seemed to slow down as she took up her weapon and slashed down Asmodeus sword and struck her elbow into his jaw sending him flying into her home. Another pair of devils flew down from above pointing spears at her from two angles. Yui spun to grab the rod of one spear launching the devil towards another group of three flying down while piercing her own sacred sword through the second devil completely sending him into a rage before the holiness killed him completely. Yui wasted no time by jumping up into the air grabbing a devil by his head and pushing him upwards with her while piercing him with her weapon towards other devils. Two devils tried to stab down but only met with the flesh of their comrade until getting pierced themselves by her weapon. A devil tried to use this small window to sneak up behind her when she spun around and grabbed his shirt. Pulling both feet up onto his chest she kicked into him changing her direction away from the group while sending him flying through the air crashing into trees in the forest 2km away.
Yui immediately landed next to Haruto and grabbed onto him. She used all her strength to leap up into the forest bounding in the air 4 kms before landing. She knew she had to get away from there. she sensed another large group approaching. she could handle the first group alone but another one was hard even for her she had to hide Haruto somewhere until she could come back. All of sudden a blast came from the sky crashing near them. Yui lept back with Haruto in her arms.
"You can run all night but you will never escape with that boy, hes to much of a burden on you young lady." A devil with dark brown hair covering one eye floated above her. Asmodeus caught up with his group wiping some blood from his mouth. "I told you I would handle this alone." Asmodeus turned to the other devil. "Obviously she was to much for you to handle now wasn't she." the devil turned his shoulder away and ordered. "Everyone ready!"
Yui looked up and saw more then 50 devils floating above her aiming towards her and Haruto. She smiled bitterly and looked at Haruto. Haruto lay on the ground finally showing signs of waking up.
He pushed himself up and grabbed his stomach. "Where am I?" he looked around to see trees all around him, the events with his father seeming like a nightmare and now he woke up into another one. Haruto looked at his mother who was smiling at him but her eyes were shining cobalt with etchings in her iris while tears formed. "Haruto I need you to escape as far as you can okay." She rose walking towards her son slowly. Haruto then felt something was very wrong as he looked to the sky as his eyes went wide. All he saw was a sea of red lights flashing slowly forming magic circles above them with wings of devils behind each figure. Haruto looked back at his mother and asked "Whats going on Mom!?" Yui just walked next to Haruto before wrapping her arms around his head. "I know everything is very confusing but I need you to promise me you will be strong for me okay my love." Yui held him very still but he could feel the tears falling on his neck. Harutos heart twisted as he felt this was a all really just a nightmare. She pulled him away slightly and looked deeply in his eyes.
"I know you don't turn 11 for another few days but I figured I could give you this birthday present now." Yui said as she reached on her hand for a ring that held a small cobalt shard in its socket. 'This has everything you'll need to survive and more." Haruto recieved the ring as she placed it on his middle finger. "Wait, mom you dont mean this has.." Haruto was cut off by Yui's placing a finger over his lips. "Don't worry this isn't your fault, nor should you blame your father. I am not strong enough to protect you." she placed her soft hand over his face. "Just be sure to live a happy life, eat good foods, don't fight with your father to much, be careful around strong woman because we are scary but loving towards those who are kind to us." Haruto felt tears forming in his eyes but couldn't move his mouth as he watched his mother speaking to him so lovingly. She pulled him closer and said to him "and most of all i'll always be with you as long as you carry this." she placed her lips directly on his forehead and a symbol of an eye formed for a moment before fading away. Haruto looked up to see his mother smiling at him with closed eyes saying "I love you Haruto" while a blinding light came down from behind her. Yui grabbed Haruto shielded him as she burst up with a gold armour appearing on her body with a golden glow shielding them. The intial impact cracked her shield and she grunted as she felt the pressure coming from the combined attacks of the devils. Feeling the shield around them breaking Yui pulled out a large cloak wrapping Haruto with and put him down behind her before pulling out a giant shield that matched her armour. The light finally pierced the first shield to make contact with the giant shield when everything was blinded by a sudden explosion of all the magic.
Haruto witnessed his mother stand before an entire army for him with shock. He never knew his mother was this powerful. She stood strong and proud before him shielding him from everything that came their way until he was blinded by the explosion of everything. Haruto woke up feeling an aching pain in his shoulder. He looked over to see a large piece of wood piercing his left shoulder. Haruto looked around him to see the forest on fire. Everything was a blood red mixed with a death-grey color around him. He panicked when he couldn't see his mother. "Mom!" he called out but heard nothing. He stood up to look around when he saw her gold armour. Haruto saw his mother lying still on the ground. He ran towards he screaming "Mom!" but received no response. He slid on his knees next to her rolling her over but all he saw was his mother limply rolling on her back with blood coming from a large hole in her chest. He looked to see the giant shield had caved in and the metal had become split open with a large hole where her chest was behind. He shook his mother "Mom please wake up, mom please." but she didn't move. "I promise ill eat everything you give me, I promise ill clean my room, I promise ill focus more on my studies, so please mom wake up." He tried to force her eyes open but when he did all he saw was grey eyes staring back at him.
"Do you want to destroy everything?" Haruto was nowhere. He was kneeling in the darkness when he heard a whisper. "Destroy it all, give me everything and I will take it all." the voice beckoned him. Haruto felt nothing as he saw those eyes. Haruto screamed at the top of his lungs. A cry from his soul releasing all his hatred into the world.
Asmodeus felt good about causing disruption in the underworld for Sirzechs. He felt by destroying any cooperation with Fallen Angels would make his plans to take over later even easier by causing all this disorder. Looking at the aftermath Asmodeus felt the womans life force fade. He smirked and told his subordinates to go down for the child. 2 devils fly down, but Asmodeus heard screams come from them. All of a sudden a huge wave of despair come over him when he saw the largest aura he had even seen coming from the forest. The waves of aura flooded the area of destruction with blue and black waves as a shadow of a dragon rose and roared into the skies. 5 devils behind him screamed as they were cut in half. Asmodeus turned to see a young boy with long dark hair and streaks of blonde covering his face. Tattoos of a dragon scaled his arms connecting across his back with a spiral glowing dark blue on his stomach.
The boy spoke in a low voice "You will all know what it feels like to face the dragon of annihilation" then sweeping past 5 more devils completely severing them in half with his bare hands. Asmodeus felt a tug when a the man with brown hair grabbed him. "We need to leave now." Asmodeus was shocked because normally this man was very proud but he chose to run away now. He thought about it for moment before disregarding the thought and vanishing with him.
The boy noticed and screamed in his mind watching the two escape so he had to let out his frustration somewhere. With another ear deafening roar the boy looked at the 40+ devils and dashed towards them all.
A few hours later in the forest. A boy stood with blood covering his arms and the fire at his back. He stood above a pile of corpses and spread out a pair of large black wings covered in scales. A closer looked revealed small blue patterns etched into the scales. Haruto was lost. He had no where to go and no family around. Haruto looked up to the moon and longed for his mothers warm touch. All he felt was cold. "Its time to go Haru-kun" a low voice spoke to him. Haruto nodded as he regained his composure working with his partner was difficult trying to calm his insane mind state, but eventually they pulled Haruto back and now all Haruto felt was this numbness. Haruto was thankful to his new partner. "Thank you Bahamut. Now we need to get stronger and find those devils if its the last thing we do." Haruto squeezed his hands into a fist making some blood drip that he still had from his enemies. "Don't worry we'll find them, and well make them all pay. Also you can just call me B." Haruto nodded rubbing his fingers over the ring his mother gave him and flapped his wings disappearing into the night sky leaving behind a wake of destruction and fire behind him.
There was a young man with a blue long sleeved shirt, that was rolled up to his elbows showing off the heads of a pair of dragons with black martial artist pants tied with a blue belt, walking with his hands in his pockets journeying nonchalant through the forest talking to himself "for the last time B, i'm not going to throw a party for helping that old lady across the street. That was like a week ago don't you forget things." he spoke to himself. At least it seemed from the outside, but this was none other then Haruto with a long hair combed straight back tied in a small bun with some blonde streaks in a row of dark hairs with the sides in a low fade with a long sword strapped to his back. He was 16 years old today traveling the world becoming stronger searching for clues on who attacked them all those years ago. "Well I haven't had a good party in a long time so we need to do something." a deep voice spoke to him in his head. Haruto argured back and forth with the voice as he always did when he heard a soft cry coming from the forest. He paused and asked B "Hey do you hear that?" B paused his conversation as well as and "Yes, I do it sounds like someone is crying in the forest." Haruto leaned in to hear the direction it was coming from and leap into the trees. He ran across the tree tops when he finally arrived to the source of the crying.
Haruto saw a little girl with dark hair crying in the middle of the forest. She had dark hair and a white set of priestess clothing. It seemed she was crying for a while looked at how soaked her sleeves were. Haruto jumped down and landed next to the little girl. The little girl was startled and turned to point a small dagger at Haruto. Haruto took a step back and said "whoa i'm not here to hurt you okay." as he put his hands in the air. "No, you're trying to trick me." the girl said. Haruto looked at her eyes which shimmered in the light with its violet colors. Haruto recognized the characteristics and said "are you a fallen angel running away?" The girl was startled by his words and thrust the dagger "You see you are after me!" Haruto leaned back and replied "No I promise i'm not going to hurt you okay." As he said that he pulled out one wing from his fallen angel heritage. The girl froze as she saw the wing. She looked at him with a sad look. Haruto smiled at her and she looked down while slowly lowering her robe while turning away from him showing off a single wing as well. "See were not that different at all." Haruto spoke as he grabbed her robe and lifted it back onto her shoulders. The little girl blushed and adjusted her clothing.
"So why are you running away?" Haruto asked the little girl. The girl turned away again and said my mother was chased off by our clan and my father is missing. Harutos face winced as he heard the little girls story. She spoke of what had happened leading to the events up until she finally arrived here lost in the forest. Haruto listened quietly while the girl cried as she retold what happened. The girl finished her story when she looked up at Haruto and asked "What did I do wrong to cause this?" Haruto knelt down and held the little girl as gently as he could and said "its not your fault, its the monsters who caused all this, but youre okay now okay. Whats your name little girl" The girl looked up at him and said "Akeno Himejima." Haruto smiled saying"my name is Haruto and you dont have to worry anymore ill help you okay."The girl sobbed more as she heard his words. He just held her until she finally stopped and fell asleep.
Haruto had never imagined someone else experiencing the same pain as him. He felt alone. Sure he had B to help him in his mission but it wasn't the same as seeing this little girls eyes looking at him with the same eyes he saw in the mirror. Haruto pet the little girls hair when he sensed people coming towards them. He lay he gently on a tree nearby and he went towards the group.
Haruto stopped in front a group of 7 men with weapons. "Well whats going on here." Haruto spoke. The group of men yelled and shouted when one stepped forward "Get out of the way young man were looking for someone." The man walked forward but Haruto stuck a wing in front of them. "Look he's one of them too!" A man in the back of the group yelled causing the whole group to get riled up and raise their weapons. Haruto shook his head "you wouldn't happen to be looking for a little girl with black hair and white robes are you?" The leader of the men eyes opened wide. "Okay ill take that as a yes." Haruto said as he grabbed the man by the collar and flung him into the air. The group of men looked up and felt a sudden brush of wind breeze their necks. One man looked down to see a small red slit on his throat. He tried to breath but he felt a sudden squirt on his hand and felt he was choking. All 6 dropped on the floor clutching their throats trying to stop the bleeding. Haruto reappeared where he was standing as wiped his blade before sheathing it in its holster behind on his back. The 7th man came flying back down and Haruto caught him. "Now, tell me what business you have with this little girl."
The man basically recounted the same talke Akeno told Haruto earlier. This man led the party that had killed her mother and was now after Akeno. Haruto was infuriated but he knew he should let Akeno decide what happens to this man. Haruto dragged the man back to where he left Akeno but when he arrived the area was empty. Haruto tried to use magic sense to check the area but it seemed he couldn't find any trace of Akeno but he felt a faint aura of a devil. He investigated the area he left Akeno only to see a couple strands of hair left behind. A few were from a dark haired girl that he assumed was Akeno but then he saw a few strands of red hair. Who had come and taken Akeno...
Hope you guys enjoyed I spent lots of time on this one. Im not trying to waste word space to hit 5k words in a single chapter. You guys are.