Haruto exited the shower with a towel covering his lower half while using a smaller towel to dry his hair. He entered his room to see Ophis still looking out the window but she heard him come in so she turned her head. She looked at Haruto but didn't blink at his body. For a young man he had an Olympians body with chiseled muscles that were slim but fit his slightly tall body. Ophis looked away again to stare at the window and Haruto smiled. "What's wrong never seem a man's body like this before" Haruto spoke as he went into his closet to grab clothing. Ophis didn't say anything. Haruto reached in and pulled out a blue shirt without sleeves and a pair of black sweats with the cuffs tight around the ankles. He put on his clothes before walking towards Ophis. Haruto slowly approached before sitting next to her. "So are you going to stay the night?" Haruto asked as he looked at Ophis. She didn't reply and they sat there silently for a minute. "Alright then I guess you should make yourself at home." Haruto said as he fell down onto his bed.
"Hey B why is she so quiet?" Haruto asked in his mind. "We dragons have very different personalities, we live fora long time so we take our identity and stick by it for years. She just seems to be quiet which fits you since you're always so quiet." B replied. Haruto just stared at the ceiling wondering if he really was as serious as B made him out to be. It wasn't that he didn't know how to have fun it was just he was so focused on becoming stronger he didn't really stop to have it. Haruto took a deep breath and knew he couldn't sit here thinking of these trivial things he needed to become stronger. "Hey kid why don't you ask her to help you get stronger since you guys are in a group now anyways." B interrupted his train of thought. "What do you mean B?" Haruto asked. "Well why don't you ask her to train you up a bit with her dragon powers and you can learn how to use yours more against a stronger opponent" B told him. Haruto shook his head "No, I have you and were doing just fine I don't really feel like asking for her help she seems distracted anyways." Haruto turned over on his bed fighting with B in his head. "Come on you know we'll have some fun using abilities you haven't even practiced aren't you stuck on that visual art your mother left you." Haruto winced at B's last remark. It was true he had hit a wall on activating the final step in his mothers art and he didn't know what he was missing. He had been through countless battles over the years and his movement predicting and analysis was exceptional but he didn't know how to unlock those same eyes his mother had all those years ago. B was right what he was doing was getting him nowhere right now so he might as well try something else.
Haruto sat up and looked at Ophis again "Hey Ophis." Haruto spoke to the loli next to him. She turned to look at him with her grey eyes. "So since were working together now we should help eachother out right." Ophis stared at him a second and nodded slowly. "So I was thinking maybe you and I could spar with each other and you could teach me a thing or two maybe." Haruto said looking away while having an arm on his head feeling awkward on his approach. Ophis stayed silent for a few moments before standing up from the bed. Haruto watched as she moved towards the center of the room. Ophis stood center while spinning towards Haruto and she held out her hand. Haruto hesitantly walked forward. "I will help you." Ophis said before a circle appeared at their feet and they both teleported out of Harutos penthouse.
Haruto held his breath when he looked around there was nothing but darkness around him so he believed he was in space for a moment. B laughed "You can breathe just fine i'm helping you resist this place so relax and focus on her." B spoke and Haruto looked over to see Ophis floating in front of him relaxed. Haruto let out his breath and asked "Where are we?" Ophis replied "It's a place I found." Haruto looked at her with a discontent face because she wasn't very good at explaining things. He took a guess and asked "Is this the dimensional gap." Ophis face showed a slight frown she spoke, "No its somewhere I like to go when I miss my home." She looked out at the nothingness but she still felt it wasn't where she truly belonged for some reason. Haruto didn't really understand what was going on but if this was where they would fight he didn't really care. "So are we going to fight in here?" Haruto asked and Ophis looked back at Haruto. She nodded her head slowly before releasing her Aura. A dark purple light grew from behind her and the pressure around them increased Haruto felt slightly uneasy when B said "Now this is a dragon hahaha. Don't be afraid to go all out. she also seems to be stronger than I remember. When I said 40% I think I meant 30% haha." B joked inside Haruto's head but Haruto now felt more relieved he didn't actually fight her head on before. Hopefully this would be what helped him break into the next stage. Haruto didn't back down from her Aura though he released his own with black and blue waves emanated from him and his skin became wrapped with a blue glow on his arm where a dragon could be seen scaling form his right forearm all the way up to his shoulder and on his back. Both auras peaked and Haruto launched himself forward at Ophis.
Haruto and Ophis would go from time to time into her training space and fight each other to become stronger. Ophis would leave and Haruto would look for clues on each devil family while looking for member for the Khaos Brigade. They became close living together but it was mostly training Haruto hadn't really made any moves on Ophis but he would tease her with a few flirty jokes every once in a while. Haruto felt he was close to a breakthrough so when Ophis had returned from a trip he asked if they could go back, and of course they did.
Haruto and Ophis teleported from his penthouse back into the space. Haruto could feel he was close to a breakthrough. He knew he couldn't waste any time. "Alright B lets give her everything we have this time no holding back." B replied "Are you sure you want to go all out right away? No warm ups or anything. Your going to pull a hammy or something Haru-kun." B joked with Haruto but Haruto didn't respond. B let out a sigh "Alright, alright lets do this kid, I haven't seen you this serious for awhile so it motivates me to see what you have to show me." B spoke while syncing himself with Haruto. Haruto could feel a surge of power flowing through him and his aura started to run wild with scales appearing on his skin and his eyes became thin with reptile like slits as his iris. A pair of large wings appeared out his back that extended out 5 meters wide behind him. Ophis eyes also shined grey as she let out her Aura. They moved towards each other and clashed. Haruto was sent flying back a few meters bet corrected himself while inflating his chest. He let out a large breath of fire with black flames and blue edges roaring towards Ophis. She raised a hand and pushed the fire back before spinning it back towards Haruto. Haruto didn't wait as he stopped and flashed behind Ophis he slashed down but Ophis was waiting for him and took his arm and flung him out again. Haruto flapped his wings and flew upwards not wanting to slow down he used the momentum. He arced back down and sped up as he descended to Ophis. He extended out his arm hoping to impact Ophis. She waited for Haruto to get close before moving slightly dodging his attack while a simple push forward and her hair waved as Haruto flew past her. Unexpectedly Ophis felt a hand around her ankle before her vision went sideways as Haruto whipped her around and tossed her out wards. He followed her and predicted where she would fly and flashed on top of her body before cupping both hands to smash down on her sending her flying downwards. Ophis flew down but finally stopped. She wiped her mouth which had a drop of blood at the corner. She smiled before letting out a smokey-purple Aura around her and Haruto felt a chill down his spine. Normally when they spared he would get in a couple hits but that last one was fairly rough compared to others so it seemed he had brought out more of Ophis fighting power.
Ophis looked up and flashed to Haruto. She punched him directly in the gut reeling Harutos body over itself before she grabbed his arm to toss him upwards. Haruto flew up while Ophis grabbed him suddenly from above. She then proceeded to do the same as Haruto and cupped her hands together and sent Haruto flying. He descended so fast he could barley see as the wind from falling watered his eyes. Ophis wasn't done as she met him at the bottom and added a fierce knee directly into his stomach at the bottom of his fall. Haruto spat out a full mouth of blood into the air. He knew he had to get some distance so he pushed off Ophis and stood in front of her holding his gut. Haruto's vision was slightly blurred as he saw some stars still recovering from that last knee. Ophis didn't wait and lifted her hand up. A large ball started to form in her hand. "If you really have gotten stronger show me why I chose you." Ophis said as she released this ball towards Haruto. Haruto stared as he saw this colossal ball of magic flying towards him. He saw a flash back from the night his mother died. When she had faced all those devils she didn't hesitate to stop all those attacks. He shouldn't either, but how was he going to stop this. B yelled "If you're going to do something do it now!" Haruto woke up and realized Ophis wasn't just sparing she was going for the kill. Haruto calmed his heart and closed his eyes. B yelled again "Haruto you need to do something or I'll do it for you!" Haruto stayed calm in front of the magic with his eyes closed. He felt the heat coming from it as it edged closer to him. "Haruto!" B shouted once more because it was about to hit Haruto when a large ark of blue light beamed into the darkness. Ophis eyes widened as she felt an energy she hadn't felt before from Haruto.
Haruto stood in front of the giant energy ball with one hand forward. His eyes gleamed with a cobalt light and he looked cold. His aura was completely different his once fiery raging dragon Aura had calmed and merged with the cool cobalt light around him. His forehead shined brightly as a symbol glowed with the same light as his eyes. Haruto lifted the energy and pushed it away launching it across the sky and it sped away before disappearing then exploding into a large mushroom 10 times larger than an atomic bomb. The wind pushed past both Haruto and Ophis from the shockwaves of Ophis's attack. Haruto looked calmly at Ophis. Ophis suddenly felt a chill down her spine a feeling she hadn't had in a long time. She looked to see Haruto was gone and she turned to see him standing next to her with a hand on her shoulder. He was looking down on her with his cold eyes. She felt scared for a split second because she felt those eyes looked right through her whole existence. It was silent for a moment before Haruto broke into a smile. "Thank you." Haruto said before letting go of Ophis and releasing his transformation. Ophis let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and nodded in acknowledgement towards Haruto.
They both teleported back to his penthouse and Haruto thanked Ophis again. She just nodded and left his penthouse right away without looking back. He felt exhausted after using all of his transformations like that so he decided to just lay on his bed and enjoy the moment. Thinking to himself about the feeling he had when he transformed was he feeling like no other. He didn't know why but when he entered that state he felt his power multiply and his vision knew no bounds as he could see everything happen almost before it happened. This visual art wasn't as simple as he thought it was he thought no wonder his mother was so powerful as a human. "You did good Haru-kun now its time to PARTY!" B said in Haruto mind. Haruto just smiled "Maybe next time right now im beat." he replied before tossing a blanket over himself smiling in satisfaction. Haruto closed his eyes and whispered "Thanks Mom." before falling asleep...
Later that night while Haruto was sleeping he felt a rustling underneath his sheets. Haruto groaned being woken up by this odd feeling. He opened his eyes and saw a large bulge under his sheets. His chest felt heavy as he woke up. He pulled the blanket up and looked down. Under the sheets he saw a head covered in pink hair. The head moved and he saw a slender naked body with a busty chesty move around before turning her head onto the left side of his chest. The beautiful girl with ruby-red lips moaned sexily while laying on his chest. She started to rub her legs on Harutos and he could feel the heat building up down there. Haruto looked at her for a moment before rolling her off him and onto the floor next to his bed. A large thump was heard followed by a loud "OW" coming from next to him. The girl sat up "Haruto... why do you kick me off your bed I just wanted to cuddle." The girl said with tears in her eyes and looked at him. "How many times have I told you Mei not to get into my bed while im sleeping." Haruto scolded the girl. Mei stretched her arms and stood up, as she did a pair of devil wings sprung from her back and stretched behind her as she stood up.
"That's not anyway to treat the number one pop-star idol of Kuoh is it?" she said with a pouty face. "Or should I say number one spy?" she said while holding a imaginary magnifying glass in the air with one eye shut. "Have you come with any new information?" Haruto asked in an apathetic voice as he got up from his bed and walked out of his room into his living room. Mei followed him "Yes I found some good news that I know you'll love." she said as she followed Haruto and she sat at a table in his dining room as he walked towards his kitchen sink. "Go ahead tell me, and it better be worth what I paid you this month." Haruto took a glass and started to fill it up with water. "Oh you know what you pay me is just to keep me around because you care about me so much, I make wayyyyy more as a singer." Mei said as she watched Haruto drink he water silently. "Okay, im here to tell you that I may have found traces of a girl that matches the description." Harutos cup broke into pieces which startled Mei. Haruto stopped and walked forward towards Mei. "Tell me what you found" Haruto said he moved his face close to Mei's with cold eyes. Mei felt scared since she hadn't really seen Haruto this serious.
Normally he was just cold towards her and payed her to keep working. Working as his spy in the devil faction was something she wanted to do because she fell in love with him when she first saw him. She was doing a tour and she saw him walking in the street and she stopped. She felt her heart skip a beat as she watched this man walking the opposite direction as her. She didn't know he was a fallen angel at first but they soon found out and he told her from the beginning he hated devils. She believed she could make him change his mind but in the past 3 years it was alwasy the same cold eyes, but never like what she was experiencing now. She felt truly scared. She cleared he throat and backed away slightly.
"Okay well I heard there was a devil going to highschool here and she has red hair. Shes actually from the Gremory family her name is Rias Gremory and her brother is Sirzechs Lucifer one of the great devils. Anyways she came here a few months ago and it seems she brought some friends and started something called the Occult Research Club." Haruto nodded and sat down at the table with Mei listening to her words intently. "So what does that have to do with Akeno she's a fallen angel." Mei's eyes flashed in surprise for a moment before looking away. Haruto noticed and asked "What, what is it?" Mei looked back at Haruto with a sad look. "Well it seems theres also a girl named Akeno in the club." she said. "Okay so we know where she is thats all I need" Haruto stood up but Mei jumped forward to hug him. "Wait theres more okay." she said while holding him. Haruto could feel that something was wrong so he pulled her away and looked her in the eyes. "What are you not telling me Mei." Haruto said in a gentle voice to get the information out of her. Mei hesistated before saying "It seems that Rias has a powerful lightning user as her queen in her peerage." Haruto felt something click in his head as Mei continued "and it seems her queens name is Akeno Himejima."
Haruto's world went silent before he felt his fist crash through his table and his penthouse start shaking from his Aura. "Haruto stop it!" Mei yelled as she shook Haruto. Haruto pushed his arm out and sent Mei flying into a nearby chair smashing it in half as she fell. Haruto looked over and saw Mei laying hurt on the ground. He paused and took a deep breath. He had almost lost control. Haruto slowly walked up to Mei and picked her up while she lay unconscious. He took her to a sofa nearby and cast a healing spell on her for the scratches that were on her body. Haruto felt bad for doing this to Mei. Even though she was a devil she always tolerated his cold attitude and helped him, and cooked for him through the years. Haruto grabbed a blanket and put it over Mei before teleporting to the top of the building.
Haruto looked out at the city of Kuoh and sighed. The woman who had been helping him all these years was a devil, and the woman he had been searching for all these years was now a devil. He hated devils but these two held a place somewhere in his heart even if he didn't want to admit it. He was conflicted on what he should do. He was suppose to dispose of Mei once he had this information but could he really kill these devils that he felt a connection to. His heart was conflicted and he looked out to the stars. What was the next step? Destruction of everything or Restoration for himself?