Haruto stood above Mei's body which had been pierced with a sword. Haruto looked down to see his hand gripping that sword. How did he get here? What happened? Haruto didn't understand what was going on but seeing her lifeless body he had a sad feeling overcome him. His true feelings from being comforted over the years showed as he let out tears knowing he had done this to her. An innocent girl trying to help him with all her effort only to be treated like this..
Haruto opened his eyes and looked around drenched in a cold sweat. He was in his room as he awoke from this nightmare. Haruto was coming to his senses and he got up to check on Mei in the living room. He opened the door and saw here still asleep on his couch so he walked over. He stood over her just like in his dream and reached down. He ran a hand through her soft pink hair and let out a sigh. Haruto bent over and picked her up from the couch and took her into his bedroom. He walked in shutting the door behind him quietly in order not to wake her up. He approached his bed and set her down taking his sheets and tucking her underneath so she could rest in a better position.
Haruto walked to the corner of his room and grabbed his small chair and twisted it towards his window. Resting his arms across the chair he sat down and placed his chin on his arms looking out at the quiet city of Kuoh. A electronic sign off in the distance showed Mei's cheery face with a peace symbol held in front of her wearing some costume that matched her hair. Haruto smiled to himself. "You know you dont always have to be alone Haru-Kun" B said in his head. Haruto shook his head and replied to B "I don't know sometimes B, it feels like I can't go back to the days where everything was great. I'm always watching my back for all the trouble my familys in and I'm constantly looking for who attacked us that night. No matter which way I go I can never relax." Haruto spoke honestly since lying to B never worked. "Well why dont you use your strength to protect the ones you love." B said directly impacting Haruto.
Haruto trained day after day and he finally made a break through. He felt a lot stronger then before, a result when he unlocked his ability during the fight with Ophis. Now that he could protect people should he take the chance to allow others to love him again..
Haruto was in the middle of thinking when he heard a voice. "Haruto please.." Mei muttered in her sleep in her cute voice. Haruto let a small smile slip. Normally her cute antics didnt get to him. Haruto got up and walked over to the sleeping Mei. He ran his hand through he hair again but this time stopped her he came towards her cheek. He stared at her ruby red lips and got lost for a moment.
Haruto shook his head and walked back to the chair he was sitting in. He must have been getting emotional because of that dream he had witnessed earlier and let it get to him. He had to get his emotions under control before he did something he wasnt suppose to.
Little did Haruto know, Mei let a secret smile appear on her face as she had been awake since he decided to take her into the bedroom. She enjoyed Haruto's care and thought of a plan to make him touch her some more so she called out his name in her cute voice and IT WORKED. She was so happy feeling Haruto caress her face as she slept. When she felt Haruto pause and felt his stare her heart pounded, "Is he going to kiss me." Mei thought to herself. Harutos hamd pulled away and she felt a little sad but she realized this was progress, actual progress. In 3 years of working for Haruto all she had done had no effect. Today finally she made a step in the right direction, even though she didnt know what cause him to have a change of heart. Maybe he felt bad for pushing her into the chair. She didnt know but now it didnt matter. She was going to leave when she first woke up but now this treatment of her was worth forgiving him for today's actions. Mei turned a bit to peek at Haruto before finally closing her eyes again to dream of them being together.