
It's the first time that Adam actually paid close attention to his Global map.

Ever since he acquired the orbital drones, he gained the ability to see almost everything on the earth's surface in real time. The range of the five orbital drones covers the whole planet.

After giving the AI the task of locating every single mutated human on earth, he was thoroughly surprised with the result.

It seems that the mutated humans that they're fighting with consist of 24% of all remaining living things that can still be labelled as humans. Well according to the AI's search parameters, this includes all variations and mutations that have a human form.

Zombies have the most number at 54%.

What surprised Adam is that normal humans only consist of a very small number, just 6%.

Looking at map, Adam noted that aside from the three major variations of humans that Adam knows about, the remaining 16% seem to consist of thousands upon thousands more minor mutations. These are mutated species from animals that was also affected by the catastrophe.

One particular mutant resides deep in the Atlantic Ocean. Adam was amazed when the A.I. showed him an image of a two hundred foot long killer whale.

After checking some other species for a while, noting their locations and satisfying his curiosity. Adam ignored them and returned his focus on the enemy.

From the aerial images, it seems like these guys have already decimated the human population from the north and are on a constant pace towards the south.

The areas where the Mafia's territory is located have some mountain ranges that seem to act as a barrier from the outside.

When the mutated humans reached this area they naturally followed the land and encountered the Mafia's forces.

However, since the Mafia's enforcers are well armed they can't break their defences with small groups, hence the mutated human build-up in the valley.

Once the Mafia lost, the whole area is now open to the mutated humans. They spread out south and encountered the first Sun God city and moved from there, destroying one city after another.

At the moment only the Red Skulls small outposts are reporting attacks from these guys, however Adam knew that it won't be long before the Red Skull cities will be attacked too.


He called Thorn to his house to discuss this threat.

Adam told him about the Mafia and the Sun God's fate. He showed him the aerial map of the area and the locations of the mutated humans.

Due to the imminent danger, it was decided that all the people whose living in the outer cities will be moved towards the Phoenix city and its sister city a few miles south, BlueRidge city.

These two are the biggest and has the best protection and defence. Human populations inside the Red Skull City are not really big. They're called cities simply because they are once a real city before the apocalypse. In reality only a few thousand people is living in every city.

They both agreed that human lives should be protected at all cost; they agreed that they will only use human soldiers in very desperate situations. In case they really need them, they will only use the clones as grunts and in rare scenarios they can also send small groups of elite soldiers to do special missions.

He noted that the mutated humans have no presence in the water; the Godfathers move towards the oil rig is indeed a very good idea.

Thorn was reluctant to leave the Red Sun territories but agreed that if in case they will be overrun he will choose to keep his people safe.

Thorn left to start the evacuation process for the outer cities.

Looking at the map he noted a few very isolated islands in the pacific. He asked the AI to find a suitable island for him. It would be best if it has a natural source of water and food. It would also be preferable for the island to be surrounded by miles of water in all directions.

It only took the AI a few seconds to give him a list of possible locations, from Small Island to the big ones. Not only in the pacific but around the globe. He removed the ones that are in danger of volcanoes and earthquakes.

He was left with five islands, four big ones and one small island.

Satisfied with the list he started planning his attack.