
Adam's plan is very simple, find the nearest big group of those mutants, send the Frigates and start the slaughter. While having fun killing those abominations, he will also attempt to capture one of them and learn about their purpose.

He knew that the mutants have no way to counter them in the air so to minimize his losses he would just make sure to kill them way before they get near to one of the Red Skull cities.

He was excited as to what his frigates can do too.


The mutants are almost done wiping out the remnants of the Sun God cult. Adam can see the signs that they're already preparing to direct their war efforts towards the Red Skulls.

Some of the mutants bigger groups are already starting to change directions towards the Red Skull's border.

One group in particular is about to reach the border and probably two to three hours before they reach the city of Milton.


Adam is sitting on a chair inside the Astoria Frigate; he chose to ride this particular ship because Astoria won the best blowjob earlier. The said winner is also sitting on the command chair of the ship fidgeting with some on screen controls.

The girls made a bet last night that whoever gives Adam the best blowjob today; he will be using their ship as his flagship of choice for today's mission. The other four girls are commanding their own Frigates too.

Adam's role in this entire thing is the overall command of the battle; he'll be the acting Admiral of the five ships. He is letting the girls command their own Frigates.

Inside the Command Bridge and sitting right beside Adam, there is also Thorn and Mr. Gambino. They wish to watch the battle as well.

For the past 24 hours, Adam has been quite busy summoning his toys. With the additional units that the five Frigates gave him, he is currently in command of a small but very powerful army.

He accessed is battle unit page.

(5) Frigate

(30) Gunship

(26) Rhino Tank

(5) Spider Tank

(60) Battle Robot

(10) Attack Drone

After making sure that everything is set, he activated his battle map then tapped on the location where he wish for all his ships to converge.


Aside from the units that Adam is bringing with him to battle, the AI is also still in control of the bunker along with the Thor missile system.

Ever since they lost the island of Little Italy, the AI has been constantly sending Thor missiles to high priority targets. He tasked the AI to target any mutant groups who came close to the Red Skull border.

The group that Adam is going to attack is one of the larger ones who can't be handled by just one or two missiles.

This allows Adam to constantly gain experience from the kills.

A group of about ten thousand mutated humans are moving rapidly through the streets. Old vehicles on the road are trampled like tin cans.

They are currently moving through a small abandoned village. The area is pretty barren and the old houses are mostly collapsed.

All of a sudden, five huge ships appeared in formation above their heads. The incident caused most of the mutants to stop and stare at the sleek black ships. Without warning the two protruding gun towers on the side of the ships started raining down some heavy laser fire on top of their heads.

Each of the Frigate's secondary weapons are spitting out rapid laser lances down on the ground.

While firing, the Frigates moved and formed a circle around the mutant groups, making sure that none will escape from below.

While the mutants below are drowning in chaos, the big hanger doors on the underside of the ships opened and six Gunships flew out adding their weapons to the carnage.

The girls are pretty familiar with the ships controls by now. Even the micro management of the ships on board units are under their command as well.

To secure the ground and attempt to capture one of the mutants, each of the ship dropped their ground forces.

Five hundred meters in the air, tanks suddenly dropped from the ships hanger doors.

The Rhino Tank that is attached to the Frigates is automatically equipped with airdrop components. This allowed the Frigates to rapidly deploy their tanks for ground battle.

From the mutant's point of view, a huge metal box was dropped from the ship and made a huge crater on the ground. The box suddenly made some hissing noises and the protective airdrop case opened.

One side of the box slid open and from inside, a huge behemoth of a tank came out. Its body alone is four times bigger than the normal human tanks that they face.

On top of it is a big ass tank turret with two sinister looking gun barrels.

The moment it came out of the box, loud booming sounds started ringing out. The loud booms are accompanied by great explosions on the mutant forces side.

After the tanks started engaging the enemy forces, each Frigate also dropped twelve battle droids.

These battle droids spread out and split into two groups. Each six man team worked together and hunted for their targets.

Adam with the help of the AI highlighted some of the mutants who are possibly in command of this group.

The battle droids are tasked to capture and detain them for later questioning.

Whenever a battle droid team encounters problems that they can't handle, Adam summons one of the Spider tanks to support them.

It took Adam and his army three hours to completely wipe out every mutant in this battle. They have also captured fifteen mutants who are the most likely in command of this group.

Adam also noted that he lost quite a few battle droids, a couple of spider tanks and a Gunship in this battle.

The gunship flew too close to the ground while giving one of the spider tanks and a team of battle droids some backup. A bunch of mutants jumped on top of it and was able to manage to crash it on the ground.

All in all the battle was a success; Adam learned a few things in fighting the mutants and their behaviour.

After securing the site, and gathering his forces back to their respective ships, Adam set a new course and attacked the next group nearest them.