Nuclear Aftermath

"Adam! Wake up."

His consciousness slowly started to clear up.

"Adam! We have an emergency. It's about your dimension."

He blinked, confused, my dimension?

"What do you mean Alice?"

"I was able to trace your original dimension, but the probes that I sent there just told me that your parents are in danger."

Realization starting to sink in, his parents?

"Adam, it seems that there is a war being waged there now. I'm detecting huge amounts of radiation."

His brain is still trying to process the information. When the girl lying next to him made the decision for him.

"Get them Adam."

He smiled at Astoria before looking back at the naked robot that suddenly appeared in their room.

"Alice detach a Dreadnaught from my fleet and send a covert rescue mission there now! Use force if necessary but ensure that they are not discovered."

Astoria untangled herself from Nica's embrace and scoopeded one of the discarded dresses on the floor.

"Ensure their safety first then bring them to Prontera. We'll be there later once the girls are all awake."

"Do you want me to intervene on their war?"

"I'm thinking about it, it should be fun."

"Extraction is a success. We have your parents aboard an Unmanned Dreadnaught. They are currently sedated and being treated from their severe radiation poisoning."

"What's the status of in that world?"

Alice projected a globe in front of them showing the current devastation. The tiny nation of Mactan is completely obliterated. All three of its major landmass is covered with a few mushroom clouds.

"Damn, what are those idiots thinking?"

He spent the next hour reading the news gathered by Alice from that world.

Getting angrier and angrier by the second.

Greedy bastards.

"People like this really pisses me off."

He watched as the two superpowers started duking it out.

"Tell the Atlanteans that there is a change of plans. I already lost interest in this world and will be going back to Prontera within 2 hours."

The Atlanteans offered to give Adam all the research materials that they have gathered for the last 700 years. In exchange, Adam will help them repair their ship and return to their own homeworld.

His original purpose of going to this world is already complete and he planned to stay for a few more weeks to enjoy what the world can offer but it looks like he found something more exciting to do.

He noticed that all the girls are fully awake now, their attention is focused on the projected globe in front watching the devastation being caused.

"Let's get some breakfast first, let them know that they should be ready within 2 hours. We'll be extracting their ship and going to orbit."


United Federation's National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Washington AD.

A man came frantically running through the halls of the government office. He came to a stop right in front of a big oak door. A bronze plate can be seen hanging on it with a single word "Administrator". He curtly knocked then hastily opened the door without waiting for the reply.

"Our long range space scanners have detected an anomaly at 0800 hours today. It was very brief and the anomaly disappeared right away. We were very lucky that Hobble was facing that specific area and was conducting a visual calibration test. They were able to see a massive object appeared for less than a second then disappeared."

"Are you sure that it's not a glitch?"

He handed me a bunch of paper with a photo on it. The Hubble Telescope was conducting a test by taking pictures of Pluto using it to recalibrate their mirrors.

"Those ten pictures were taken in a span of 2 seconds." He leaned over and pointed at one of the pictures in the middle of the pile.

"If you check this one, you can see the distortion in space, our analysts confirmed that this appeared fifty thousand kilometers above Pluto."

He then pointed at the next picture in the pile. He can't miss the sharp intake of breath from his director.

"This one shows a massive object exiting the portal. According to our estimates, that thing is roughly 50 kilometers across."