First hunt and new powers.

Recommended song for this chapter (Dream on - Aerosmith)

Now while I was driving I recalled all the characteristics of ghosts, there are many variations and some ghosts are more powerful than others its comes with age and the kind of dead and pain that the person suffered while he/she was alive, but the majority of the ghosts are from these categories: those that can move objects (Telekinesis) most of the ghosts of the Supernatural story has this power, there are others that may possess someone you need to search for ectoplasma from the victims body or near the ghost lair, mess with electronic devices and control or modify them and those are the most common powers of the ghosts, the less known powers are blinking instantly from place to place even transporting one physical human while doing it it only appears in powerful ghosts, destroy other ghosts and absorb their energy and that makes them stronger, pyrokinesis like Sam and Dean Winchester's mom or kill from reflections like bloody Mary.

I convinced my Grandpa of tattoo us powerful glyphs and symbols to avoid being possesed by all kinds of supernatural beings, so we tattoo each other the classic Anti Possession Symbol with a slight changes, it looks the same and its over the heart, but it also circles it a series of enochian symbols that makes you unnable to be found by any kind of supernatural beings and for the last in our left shoulder we tattoo each other the Family coat of arms and I ask my grandpa to tattoo in my back "Quia Dominus misit me" (With our family motto it quotes "Non timebo mala quia Dominus misit me" that means "I fear no evil because the lord has sent me") I wish to remember who brings me to this exciting world and the mission I have, we use special ink for the tattoos that involves a lot of rare ingredients, apparently it was some ancient recipe from the family that reinforces the glyphs and symbols, my grandpa told me that I have to memorize this recipe because I have to tattoo my future partners with this ink and the family coat of arms then place my blood on and scream the family motto to allow my partners to enter my house or the safe houses without me being there, that makes them part of our hunter family, grandpa told me that all my instructors have this tattoo, I hurry to memorize all of the recipe content and instructions.

With all of these measures I have a body that its not going to be easily possessed by normal supernaturals and some measures for the future packs of demons and angels.

I am nearly at the ghost lair and make sure that I got all of my weapons ready for the confrontation, I broke the entrance door with a kick and took out my EMF and search around the house while I was looking I found some ectoplasmic substance and some signals spike out of the EMF I took out my right M1911 pistol and in my left hand I took my KA-BAR knife, from nowhere the most fucking disgusting ghost stand right behind me I slashed it with my knife and it dissapears I saw it and I knew it was the husband, his ghost form was practically some minced meat with eyes I mean his wife really beat the shit out of him.

-"Are you not ugly mother trucker!!"(Ian)

Now because I slash him he lost some energy and he has to rest for a while, but then a knife flew to my head I avoid it and look to the freaking wife that blinks right in front of my face.

-"Now I know I am handsome lady but you cant do this, its not appropiate u know"(Ian)

She puts me in the wall with some telekinesis shit but i manage to shoot her, she freezes a bit and I use this time to absorb some energy from her, I mean she can blink and not dissapear easily with a bullet of salt, and also she have powerful telekinesis ability, I need to get her powers, she panicks when she feels that I am absorbing her energy and fleds, but I got what I want, I knew it because I start glowing, then I start running to my car, went in and drive the hell out of there.

-"Now I know that my Grandpa was not going to make this hunt easy but two freaking ghost and pretty powerful ones I have to punch my old man a little when i got there"(Ian)

Now I am near home and starts absorbing the energy from the ghost and her memories, I feel her rage and pain from incountable beatings and the pleasure from killing his husband, to the nothingness that her husband makes her feel in his last moments and the calm mind when she cuts her wrists, now I got her memories of telekinesis and blinking powers, how to control and mess with electric stuff.

Great I change the song that was on the Impala to (Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine) with my newly acquired ghost powers.

-"Now this is just amaaaaazing!!" (Ian)

I arrived to the mansion I have to punch my grandpa a little bit and pack some gasoline and salt in the Impala to burn the ghost bodies, and figure it out where are them, I went out my car and enter the mansion.

-"Ey gramps!!! Two freaking powerful ghosts are you kidding me!!? Its my freaking first hunt!"(Ian)

-"I knew that you can handle it grandson you are an Elkins after all!!"(GD)

-"Well then you have to make the dinner tonight eh!!"(Ian)

I put myself in research mode and figure out that their bodies were at the local cementary and make myself a plan to absorb the husband energy before I kill them.

I put a galon of gasoline and a kilogram of salt and start to drive to the local cementary, I start digging out their graves I knew that at some point I was going to be stopped by these shitty ghosts so with my telekinetic powers I make a circle of salt around the graves, I finish digging put some salt on them and gasoline and then they appear out of nowhere I use again my powers and encircles them with salt then I use my blood magic and draw a glyph to immobilize them, now I start absorbing energy from the husband ghost and I glow a little with this done I light on a match and watch them banish.

I go to the car and start driving home, my grandpa make some incredible hamburguers when I arrived and a delicious milkshake I mean he is the best cooking guy I know even counting those from my past life.

-"Grandpa I have to say that you have to be a chef in your previous life your food is the best ever!!"(Ian)

-"Hahaha I am glad that you like it little boy because I am going to teach how to properly cook also!"(Grandpa Daniel)

-"Great!! So how do you grade my first hunt pops?"(Ian)

-"Not bad at all kiddo!! 9 out of 10!"(Grandpa Daniel)

-"What!!? What did i do wrong pops? Why did you penalize me a point?"(Ian)

-"Well you should went out with the galon of gasoline and the kilogram of salt from the first time also you can research where the bodies were buried before you came back and make the whole hunt in a single trip! But is the best first hunt that I saw, you did great kiddo!"(Grandpa Daniel)

-"Shit It was stupid of me not to do that pops! Why did I not think of that before?!! "(Ian)

-"It's ok kiddo sometimes our feelings and toughts got the best of us and we got ourselves in danger because of that, now you were completely in control but what if the ghosts follow you after you left their lair and you dont have the necessary ingredients to killed them, then you are going to have a fucked up time kiddo, so keep thinking of what are your shortcomings from this hunt and try to lear from your errors!"(Grandpa Daniel).

-"Now get your stuff done, because I am going to travel to San Francisco, I think that there is a Shape shifter there that I need to hunt, you are going to Middle school from now on, so get your stuff I am going to left you in school while I do the hunt there, I am going to comeback in a few weeks."(Grandpa Daniel)

Great my first time alone!! Now I can train with my supernatural powers at least for some weeks.