Recommended song for this chapter (Guns N' Roses - November Rain)
My grandpa left me and I went to the training room, now I plan how is going to be my schedule training this weeks, first I am going to school and when I came back the first power that I need to master is telekinesis, its a pretty handy power to have with this I can make glyphs, symbols or rituals that combined to my blood magic practically I can do it with a tought but I have to be proficient in it and then be fast doing it.
I train a whole week in telekinesis, first three days I master making symbols, glyphs and rituals with salt and mountain ashes, even with holy oil that was a pain in the ass because one was solid stuff and other thing is manipulating liquids, the next day I forged 5 Double-Pointed Throwing Spikes with Elkins Alloy and I manipulate the alloy with telekinesis while it was in the forge to engrave glyphs and symbols on them, then I make a holster and start to practice my control over them, first I shoot them in to a dummy I focus on the head and the heart, the weakness points of many supernaturals and when I finish to perfectionate my aim I start to put a lot of obstacles on the way of the dummy even put it behind a pilar for cover I train 2 days on it all day long and I sleep only 4 or 5 hours a day the last day I have perfectionate my aim even with obstacles so I train doing with more spikes at the same time and with different targets at the end of the week I assume that I have perfectionate telekinesis but I wanted to use it on bullets also so I train another week to make it work now I can change the tragectory of the bullets or stop them if they come after me but I have to use my vampire vision because my human eye cant see the bullet until its to late, so I also perfectionate my vampire vision in some extent, next week I train in blood magic I perfectionate my symbols and glyphs and also make them quickly I was thinking of blood and we know I know that in blood there is iron so I manage to make the iron content in blood mold in to blood spikes which in the exterior are just iron this will help me to deal with a lot of supernaturals like ghosts.
Then it hit me ghosts! I forget to absorb the last powers of the husband ghost, I started glowing and memories of the continuous beatings started flowing in my mind, then the impotence and rage that he felt when her wife started stabbing him and the blood flowing from 57 stab wounds, now possesion powers started to invade my mind and how to properly do it or make the enemy suffered something called ghost illness, now the possesion I have its different because I hace a corporal body for possessing I need to have contact with the body and then I can invade his mind and obtain useful information from the possesion and the ghost ilness it happens the same way I have to scratch the enemy and sparse some echtoplasmic fluid in the wound this ilness would make them weak for a time, in combination with my wolf claws Its pretty resourceful.
The last week of training I used it to train my werewolf and vampire powers the best I can, I train my smell and hearing powers from the werewolf race and the vision from the vampire race, my strenght, velocity and agility by using the weights in the gym and making myself a field track with obstacles and traps, for the last I have to make my regeneration powers stronger so I test some things first I put my right arm in a potent acid solution on the bathtub I was agonizing while doing it but somehow from time to time my arm and regeneration powers feel stronger and they are no longer afraid of this acid solution I submerge myself in the bath even my head and make my whole body resistant and more powerful, my regeneration powers grow with these experience, in all of these years I try to guess how I can use my 5th wish you know the one that makes me avoid/improve my shortcomings/capabilities, now I knew for the regeneration power it was self inflicting pain until my body gets used to it so I want to know what happens if I submerge myself in dead man's blood would that make me immune to it?
I drain the bath and took out a barrel of dead man blood and fill the bath with it the same experiment took course I slashed my hand and submerge it in the bath a sensation of powerlesness and weakness fill my body but I insist 2 hours later my hand was immune to the dead man's blood i proceed to submerge myself in the bath, now I knew how to avoid/improve my shortcomings/capabilities I repeat these process with a mixture of salt and mountain ashes for my ghost shortcomings and aconite and mistletoe for the werewolf shortcomings.
These three weeks was the most fructiferous training my grandpa eventually came back and told me how was his hunt, shapeshifters are some nasty shit I have to say, my grandpa killed it but unfortunately it kills some nice girl.
2 years later I am 14 years old, I went in a hunt and save this young female Doctor, from the hands of an arachne it was some nasty pain in the ass because arachne's skin its immune to gunshots and fire but like many other supernatural being's if you can shot 'em then decapitate that mother truckers!! I killed it and of course I absorb his blood then I look back at the female Doctor, she was so grateful to me, now I have to say she's a hottie!! (Michelle Borth) her name is Carmen Porter the youngest surgeon doctor in the history, she's now 17 years old.
Now I dont look like a 14 years old at all I am 6 feet 2 inches tall now according to my calculations I am going to be 6 feet 5 or 6 inches tall at the end of my growing period, and my face and body are just exquisite, 10 abdominal pack and huge quantity of muscles here and there but in an athletic way not a bodybuild frame.
-"Thanks a lot If you dont came I do not know what would that thing have done to me!!"(Carmen)
-"It's ok, Miss...?"(Ian)
-"Oh Carmen! Carmen Porter the youngest surgeon in history at you service! Are you hurt anywhere? What's your name?"(Carmen)
-"My name is Ian Elkins and dont worry even if Arachne's are pretty tough they are not a great deal for me"(Ian)
-"Arachne? It's the name of that thing?"(Carmen)
-"Yes they are a monster from Crete of 2000 years ago but somehow this one manage to escape their extermination this would probably be the last one of its species"(Ian)
-"Ian I want to follow you it's that ok?"(Carmen)
-"Wow what, are you sure? This is a pretty tired and dangerous job for such a beauty!!"(Ian)
-"Beauty... he calls me beauty... Yes I am sure I want to follow you and help you also I am astonished by this new world that I am experimentating I want to know what's out there!"(Tomato Carmen)
-"Well you are a beauty and a doctor something that make be pretty useful, but you are going to need to train like a possessed if you want to follow me it's that ok? Also if you want to follow me you are going to became part of my pack, my family are you sure you want to follow me Carmen?"(Ian)
-"Yes, I am sure!"(Carmen)
-"Well then come with me let's get out of here partner!"(Ian)
They went out the arachne's lair and went into the Impala, they went to Carmen's home for her stuff and to the hospital to present her resignation, in the way she told me that she was an orphan and that her adoptive parents die 2 years before of cancer and left her with some money and her studies paid she became a doctor and a surgeon to save her parents but it was too late and she focus ond her studies from there on, I took her to the mansion she was surprised with it and immediatly told my rich bastard, because she enter with me it was not a problem but I explain how the defense ward system works and that I need to tattoo her the Family coat of arms to enter and leaving the property of Elkins family without problems.
While I was changing my t-shirt in my room I have the bad costume of leaving the door open Carmen take a peek she just explode with the sight of my naked upper body but also notice the other tattoos on my body.
-"Arrghh... mmm... Ian? I dont want to peek but I notice that you have other tattoos on your body there is some meaning or use on them?"(Carmen)
-"You are such a cute liar Carmen! Did you like what you saw? Well some of them have no use like the family coat of arms I dont need it because I am an Elkins, or the one on my back because thats a reminding of what I fight for, the only one that is for use is the one in my chest this is a powerful symbol and enochian glyphs that prevent me from being possessed by supernatural beings and also make me hard to locate by them, this one is a must with the coat of arms and I also need to tattoo this on you it's ok?"(Ian)
-"Totally fine but I have so much to learn... sigh..."(Carmen)
-"It's ok we have time and I want to learn from you also!"(Ian)
-"Are you sur? That's going to be pretty hard and you need to learn a huge quantity of books"(Carmen)
-"Dont worry look around did you see all those books? I read them all of them, also I am not worse or I might even have more IQ than you with an eidetic memory so Its not going to be a problem"(Ian)
-"WHAAAAT?!!! All of them but here has more books than the local library that's insane, wait eidetic memory woooooooow you keep amaze me all the time"(Carmen)
-"That's more there than what you saw, got it sweetheart?
Tomato Carmen presents itself to the party hahaha she's so cute I have to make her mine!!!