54 Normal

*I'm going to have two competitions back to back so yeah, I can't update next Friday and the next consequtive Saturday. (25th and 26th of July and 3rd and 4th of August.)

*We will head back from the competition at a really late time so I hope this is okay with you(?)

Waking up at the usual six o'clock, Xuanmei just got informed by LiXing that breakfast can be made personally in the dorms or bought in the cafeteria.

However, since she had gone on many missions and had acquired much information on how to cook to get the highest nutrition level possible, she made breakfast, which was a salad, and headed off to class.

The first day of fire element class was, well, normal. It was just a bunch of introductions; Not like she would ever need them, but hey!

Partly because it was the first day, the lessons ended at two. Of course, normal mathematical and mechanical items must also be learnt, but it was better left in the itinerary of the timetable from the second day onwards.

Bursting through the doors of the enormous dorm and trying to find Yuxuan, Xuanmei looked through every nook and cranny of the house, only to find that nobody was inside.

"So, how did searching for the late sloth go?"

Xuanmei grimaced as she nodded gravely, "Indeed, when she's late, doing whatever the heck she does on a free day, even god cannot find her."

Lixing, however, had long exited the conversation.

"How the hell... I thought this woman," LiXing said as he pointed at Xuanmei, "Has been looking for you in your room for ages!"

Xuanmei turned around just too see Yuxuan closing the room to her room, shuffling towards the kitchen.

"What? I just sat on my chair quietly the entire time and I thought she had noticed? I mean, that should be why she even ran out the door in the first place, right?"


"The synchronicity of you royal idiots are amusing and also scary."

"At least the smarter one is following me for a lesson."

Lixing pulled up his chest, walking towards Yuxuan's room.

"Not you, Unreasonable. I'm talking about her," Yuxuan said, nodding her head in Xuanmei's direction.


Xuanmei followed Yuxuan into the room as LiXing just sat outside, sighing in disappointment.

"Alright. What is it your wanted to learn from me again?" Yuxuan asked, a piece of delicate bread in her soft yet slightly rougher than a normal version of the fairer sex's hands.

"Oh, right, so, about the, uhm, psychic element..."

*Once again, I wish to be as reasonable as possible but I will be away for the whole day and I cannot possibly write anything as I am busy, so there you have it, I guess.

*I will update if I am able to, but if not, you probably will not see anything at all. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your time and ability to understand my problems.