Perilous Ballsacc

Where is your coccyx? Where is it? Just where, and just why after I tell you so many times to tell me your mouth remains shut like a stupid imbecile shut up, just shut up, just stfu

This is a message to you.

Yes I did it, and no, I don't regret it...

Are you not afraid?...Do you not fear, that when you sit like that at such an angle and in such a position before me, that I'll release a high energy, high speed projectile with it's unstoppable trajectory colliding right into your vulnerable nutsack?

You don't, do you?

Cos you're dumb, you don't think things through, you don't have the experience in life to have seen this coming. And not just that, but you've grown complacent, haven't you? After a lifetime of not having your ballsack being, quite frankly, mutilated by a slingshot made out of a balloon and a bottle cap, emitting a sweet bought from Aldi, you thought you were safe... Didn't you...

Yes...Scream, groan loudly, recoil in pain! For the rest of the hour you cross your legs and turn away from me, thinking that this pain will never come for you again..

But the darkness lurks and closes in once more, for your ballsack under the table has been enshrouded in darkness, and so, is at the mercy of the darkness...

A pincer attack. I, and an avid supporter of the cause haunt you, we encircle you and entice you into uncrossing your legs, yet you steel your emotions!

...If only you could have steeled your nutsack...

Your right sleeve has been filled with midget gems along with the wrapper...Be afraid.

Your computer's power button is about to be pressed, resulting in the loss of all that work you had done on those, low quality, online flash games....Be afraid...

My weapon is taunt, teeming with malice; my malevolent gaze falls upon your face, distracting you for just one moment as I make the final adjustments on the angle of my powerful, juicy shot...Be afraid!

In the darkness, the spark of 2 midget gems leaving their launchers illuminates the room, but only for a split second! The midget gems have already travelled half the distance to their destined target. You scream. You cry.

And you die!

One piece of gelatinous confectionary for each testicle; they land at once upon your nutsack, ramming relentlessly!

The aftermath is here. There were no screams. There were no tears. There was only the sound of the weapons firing, the sweets impacting upon your unguarded nuts, and willi longcaster's eternal rage:

"P A C K I T I N"