Chapter 2

In the garden of Olympus, the queen could be seen sitting alone with a melancholic look. It had been a week since that incident took place and she had taken part in killing of a being which represented her values so closely. It had made her feel guilty and ashamed, and regretful but she couldn't speak up in that moment as she didn't want to destroy the good mood she had going on with her husband.

Hera leaned on a tree as she held a sunflower in her hand and pondered on the on goings of the world.

'Zeus has been really secretive since that incident and so reclusive.'

'What happened? I thought everything would be alright now after the war but it seems to be getting worse.'

'He hasn't even slept with me since that day, is that even supposed to be remotely possible.' Hera questioned in disbelief at what she had come to witness and she didn't the answers but she felt something was wrong

She had checked with Apollo and see if there was any threat, and it was not a good day as she heard a dark prophecy.

'Is it the prophecy making him act like this?'

'Did we just invite our own downfall once again?'

'What is done is done, i can only try my best as the Queen.'

'I have to make the two sides work together as the threat is too great for them alone.' Hera thought of the Roman and Greek camps, and decided to act


In the domain of Gaia, Naruto was still floating around conversing with her in a calm manner.

"Thank you my child for such a precious promise, I will also do my best to help." Gaia said with a smile, she felt happy with the show of affection and brought maternal love in her ancient heart

"At the moment I know of only the owners of four pieces: One is Hercules the son of Zeus, he is the strongest holder of the piece as he is an immortal being with a lot of experience in fighting but unlike his father who uses lightning he fights with pure strength. Which is why he was given the steam element, they got that information through snippets of it which connected to the ability themselves so they know what each element represented.

Second is Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, he received the water element. The child is also strong and the leader of the new generation.

Third is Nico De Angelio son of Hades, he received the Yin piece as he commands darkness. This child is very reclusive and doesn't stay in one place.

Finally it's another son of Zeus, Jason Grace who received the power of Lightning while the other pieces are most likely to be given to people close to the last three that is my conclusion." Gaia spoke in a friendly tone without any malice when speaking of the demi's.

"Are the people all bad or good, I wish to know your opinion?" Naruto asked as he wanted to at least have something to work with to be on guard or not.

"These children are sad creatures as they have suffered because of their parents and I won't say they are bad but even then be careful as they are only just dogs kept by their parents. They won't believe a word from you, to them you are a monster and if given a prophecy they will try their best to vanquish you." Gaia said in a sad and worried tone, she didn't want her child to get hurt.

"I will be careful and thank you for the information. I wish to see the world so can I take my leave and is there a way for me to return."

"Very well I will send you to the surface and I will send the method to your brain so when you need a place to rest or talk with me, you can always return." Gaia said with love as she hugged him like family that he never had.


After that Naruto was teleported outside the domain where he appeared, his body formed slowly from the ground in an alleyway of New York. Naruto opened his eyes to see and felt that the current place was very unhealthy, it lacked the natural energy of his world and it made him sick.

He walked from the location to look for a library where he could find the information needed, 'Internet? I am happy Gaia didn't forget to cram that into my head or else I would be lost.' Naruto thought as he walked with casual steps, he was confident in his strength.

Naruto walked on the busy streets while taking in the new surroundings which felt really weird from the large buildings to the motor vehicle things.

"These things could be applied but with chakra so that is not bad for nature." He muttered as he walked the people gave of many negative emotions that he didn't like.

He walked around for some time when his thoughts came to what happened before this, 'I wonder how everyone is doing after Kaguya's defeat. I hope Sasuke is alright, wish he hadn't fought me to land us in such a position. Though what was that light greenish thing that I saw flying towards Sasuke when I was falling through the dimensional gap. I felt immense emotional grief and desire from it, wonder what it was.' Naruto mused as he held his chin but he couldn't connect anything with it.

He didn't let his thoughts lead him into any accidents but decided to forgo the library as he was having difficult time finding it and just went to a nearby Internet Café where he read through the legends and found himself disgusted beyond reason, 'I can't believe such beings could exist. They are worse than anything in my world; even Orochimaru seems tame in comparison.'

Naruto thought as he walked out of the café and followed his instincts directly while thinking of his actions.

"This mist thing really is useful or else I might have trouble." Naruto said as he sat down in a park that was very large and gave him a sense of liberation. Naruto brought his hand forward and wished for a flame, it appeared.

He tried all the elements and as Gaia mentioned they lacked power without the chakra, so he had to completely rely on close combat where he can apply the different elements and tactics to take out his targets.

"I really wish I didn't have to do this but this world needs to be liberated from these Olympians rule. They are worse than Orochimaru who at least had a purpose even if it was twisted it never caused much death but these have caused death over the most pointless things.' Naruto thought with his head in his hands looking forward with his face in deep concentration.

"What to do now? Should I travel and see a little bit first then find my first target." Naruto muttered to no one but then he sensed a being flying overhead. It seemed to give off peaceful and childish vibes, 'A harpy' Naruto thought when he saw it and felt like he wanted a closer interaction.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment. Thank you for liking what I had to share. This chapter was short but from the next one it will be longer. If you have anything to share I will look into it.

This takes place in the lost hero arc from Heroes of Olympus but instead of Titans (Anti Olympians) they will face Naruto. This is canon Naruto after Sasuke Battle. I do not like to nerf any side so it was made part of the plot and he will get back his powers. This part of the story is to gain new powers and characters development. In the second part of this story where marvel things will get added, Naruto will be very strong.