Chapter 3

Naruto traveled hastily as he found the harpy perched on top of tree looking towards a picnic table where he saw an old man that was whacking other harpies to death for trying to steal his food.

He tried to remember who it was but he didn't have a perfect memory or anything so the only thing he remembered was that the old man had been cursed by Zeus to have his food stolen by harpies but it seems now the harpies were the ones suffering while the old man enjoyed it with twisted humor.

Naruto watched from afar as the Harpy he had followed seemed to be very different from the others especially a lot smarter as the others ones kept on doing the same thing. It was smaller and it had red hair along with beautiful appearance that he found charming.

'Should I kill him or talk to him. He seems crazy.' Naruto contemplated as his face scrunched up in concentration.

On the other hand the red haired harpy seemed to be going in for the kill, it saw an opportunity and sweeped in to steal the food but suddenly the old man turned around and whacked her.


The harpy screamed in pain as it fell to the ground with an injured wing, it tried to get away but the sadistic old man didn't want her to do so and started whacking her with a smile on his face.

"You bastards have tormented me for so long; it is your time now." The old man said with glee, his face twisted in a disgusting smile of pleasure

The red one unlike its sisters did manage to scratch its tormentor, Naruto felt wrong from the scene and couldn't hold back any longer from interfering. With anger flowing through his body he rushed towards the old man with a fist but the old man moved like he knew the attack was coming.

Unfortunately for the old man Naruto wasn't a mindless or skill less beast, as he dodged the weed hacker and punched him in the face to the old man's astonishment.

'How could I not see further?' were the last thought of the old man as his head was smashed in by the enormous force.

Naruto looked at his hand in horror; he had just killed the man by mistake. He shook his head to calm himself down from the unintended kill and reminded himself of the evil the old man emanated.

"He was not good, I did was right."

"It was his fault, making me react with such precision" Naruto muttered to calm his nerves and helped the red haired one up as it tried to run away.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" Naruto said in a gentle manner as he approached the red one

Hearing his voice and sensing his presence the red one seem to calm down, "You will not hurt Ella"

"Yes, I will not hurt Ella"

Ella stopped moving and let Naruto help her but as he only had tiny amounts of his original power it took some time to heal her but he took his time admiring her form. It was something different as none of these species existed back home and he wondered what more he could he see.

"Ella likes the feeling from the light, Ella also loves books." She commented on the greenish glow that formed around his hand.

"Oh, you like to read" He was surprised as he thought these beings were too scatter brained for that, 'Must be a unique one among her kind.'

"Yes, Ella loves to read. Words calm Ella down, words don't hurt Ella." She said so innocently while moving her head

'Such a sad girl' Naruto thought as he touched her face and then her back where he saw a scar, he tried his best to heal it.

"Looks like you found a friend already" Naruto heard a voice from behind and he turned around with a joyful smile.

"Gaia" He exclaimed in a cheerful mood, her presence just made the depressiveness of the world vanish

Yes, it was Gaia the primordial in all her tiny glory. Naruto looked at her tiny form and found it cute; she was like a small fairy.

"How, I thought you couldn't move?"

"Yes, but this isn't my real form. This is just a fragment and with it I formed this body through mud. It does not hold any power but I wished to accompany you so that you might not lose the way or get lonely." Gaia said in motherly tone, she didn't continue with the other reason

'I was feeling lonely and wanted to stay with you.'

"Thank you, I am happy that you care. It will definitely be better with you here." Naruto said as he caught her in his hand and rubbed her tiny little cheeks.

"I think that is enough, don't you think" Gaia said with a smile as she shook her head at his antics

"Sorry, you just look so adorable like that."

"I appreciate the compliment" Gaia muttered as she perched on his shoulder

Ella watched the two individual's converse from her position; she had flown on top of a branch and watched from above.

"What do you intend to do with the harpy?" Gaia questioned as she looked at Ella

"Nothing, I just wanted to save her." Naruto replied casually as it was natural to him

"Ok, so did you have anything planned?"

"I will just travel around for awhile to judge with my own eyes the people of this world; I mean the demi's." Naruto replied in a calm tone as he cleared his thought of his kill

"What about the artifacts?" Gaia was surprised as she had thought that Naruto would hunt the demi's now that he knew about the cruelty of the Olympians

"I will collect them obviously but it's not like they are going to disappear or something."

Naruto said nonchalantly as he turned to Ella, "Ella it was nice meeting you but I will be going now so be careful."

Naruto walked away from the clearing as Ella watched with a clear gaze.


"Aphrodite, I beg of you to accept my request. I have not loved you and you have not loved me but this involves my poor children and yours as well. Zeus has gone insane and he has forced me into making such abominations. Please get them away from the children or they will suffer worse than death." Hephaestus pleaded in a pitiful tone as he entered the palace

"I have never loved you but I am touched by your love for the little ones. I govern love so I will comply with this request and if possible I will stop him." Aphrodite replied in a lovely tone as she decided to move but she realized that she couldn't teleport

"You have been naughty, my children. Do you really think I would allow any missteps to happen?" Zeus muttered in a calm tone, he smiled gently and his face looked completely like a loving fathers but his words spoke another thing

"Zeus, do you think you can get away with this? I am higher ranked than you and my domain is love, an eternal and powerful emotion. Do you think you can fight me?" Aphrodite challenged, she knew his actions would spread hatred now as her husband just sent her the information about the artifacts, which could be summed up as abominations.


"Challenge me, little slut have you actually fought in all your pitiful life. While you were getting plowed and seeded, I was not just sitting my immortal ass doing nothing. You dullards seem to be under an impression that I actually have nothing to do but on contrary to such, I spend time growing stronger and learning of the ancient arts." Zeus chuckled and explained, he knew these subjects were underestimating his intelligence

"Training or such can no bridge the gap of natural order and power so shove those words up your ass." Aphrodite was feeling annoyed at being looked down on with such impudence and started to make her move when she was chained to the ground

"The seal of Immortals, such a powerful creation and it was worth the pretty penny it cost. Now stay down until this blows over, I have shut down Olympus so that none can leave." Zeus said in a calm tone as he walked away, closing the doors so none could enter without his permission

"I am sorry hubby but it seems we are stuck together." Aphrodite tried to brighten up the gloomy atmosphere but looking at his face filled with despair was enough to tell her that she was not going to enjoy her stay


"You know I also found the bad things you have done."

"I knew you would find it, I wished to let you know through my own words but talking of personal sins is not an easy thing." Gaia said with some guilt and sadness

"Why?" Naruto asked curiously as he found her so kind what led her to such actions.

"It was the corruption of the mortals and immortals that affected my domain. The children of mine had done evil and killed each other; I loved them all so it made me angry. I did dome stupid deeds before but now I do not have the ability to cancel them out. The ancient being from the origin of the world has put hold on all primordial beings." Gaia said each word in a melancholic mood

"Does my presence disgust you?" She questioned with underlying fear and uncertainty

"No, you have changed and that is good enough in my books." He said with a smile while he walked in the city.

"Thank you for accepting my faults, it makes me really happy." Gaia smiled as she felt some of her burdens on her shoulders disappear

"You are welcome but it seems we have company" Naruto said as he stopped in another alleyway so as to not make trouble for others.

Standing in front of him was Ella, "What do you want Ella?" He asked gently as he didn't want to make her scared but she didn't say anything and presented a feather to him, it was red so he knew it was hers.

He took it but he was confused, what does this mean. Is she trying to court him? Or offer him friendship?

"Don't think so hard my child, the harpy wishes to be close friends with you. She is giving the feather to you, which means she likes you a lot."

"Oh! Thank you, I accept. Ella lets be good friends." Naruto said with a laugh as he hugged Ella who just rubbed her head in his chest.

He gave off the aura of nature and no human presence as he was formed by Gaia so it was understandable.

Naruto rubbed her head as well, "Wouldn't it be dangerous for her to be my side?"

"It shouldn't be a problem at the moment."

"Why now?"

"The gates of underworld have been opened so any monster that dies can easily walk out." She said with a small tremble in her tone

"Is it one of your children?"

"Yes and one of my other mistakes, if they know about you then they will also try to kill you. They are the same as the Olympians, jealous and filled with paranoia; it seems to run in the family very deeply."

"Hmm, I am not worried so don't be sad." Naruto said as he rubbed her tiny head with his finger

"Okay, oh my. I almost forgot. The demi child you killed was the son of Neptune so I have collected the immortal side of his existence to power you up." Gaia said as she took out a golden ball

"It is your choice, do you accept it and continue to kill other beings with power. It doesn't matter if they are monster or otherwise, this all I can do you for you."

Naruto took the golden ball and swallowed, he trusted Gaia and he knew everything she said was the truth. The ball melted inside and he felt his body heat up, energy seemed to seep into his very being and he knew he had grown much stronger.

"I am happy with just this, if we do come across such situations than you can do this but I will not actively hunt down supernatural beings."

"You really are too nice but that's what I like about you."


A.N Hope you enjoy and comment.

Right now I am kind of starting on this plot and I haven't read the books in 4 years so it's kind of slow but the next chapter will be longer. If you have any advice, than I am willing to listen.