Chapter 4

"Thanks" Naruto whispered in a shy tone at being complimented so directly by such a beautiful existence, it made his heart beat faster.

"Well let's go Ella, our long journey together starts now." He said with a smile as he started walking to explore more of the city. Ella squeaked once and followed along from the air but when Naruto saw her he thought, 'It would be better if she could just stay on my shoulder like Gaia, it seems really hard with that weak body.'

As he walked he decided to ask Gaia, "Can you do that energy transfer for Ella as well, she looks really malnourished."

Gaia smiled from her sitting position, "Hmm, I was expecting that. Hehe, yes it can be done."

"Am I so predictable?" Naruto questioned with a smile

"It's not bad, when people can tell that you mean well. So are you going to hunt monsters to feed them to Ella?" Gaia enquired curiously, she enjoyed watching his face and his actions as they were refreshing

"If we come across any dangerous ones than I will kill them, at that time make some for Ella."

"No problem"

"Thanks" Naruto muttered in a happy tone, life was looking to be good once again


Naruto explored the city, once more realizing how different the world is from his home but he wished to go back more and more as he saw things. He didn't feel right in this kind of atmosphere even if the city was the biggest one he had ever seen and there were many interesting things, it didn't really matter.

"The people here are really filled with negative emotions" He muttered as he walked

"Hmm, the world is very fast moving and things have changed a lot from the past. These changes make it easier for people to have a problem. It's just not easy for mortals to live in peace anymore even when the supernatural side is hidden from them." Gaia replied as she placed her hand on her tiny chin and watched his expression; the world was boring thing to see as she had watched it from the beginning

"Is that so, it really is the same where ever you go."

"What does your world look like?" She asked in a curious tone, she would be happy if he shared more of his life with her.

"It is a beautiful place of nature; I think you would love it. Though, it is a lot more dangerous than here as there are many beings with power roaming freely."

"Even then I would really wish to see such a place this world has become really corrupt and it will take who knows how long to cure it." Gaia said with sigh

Naruto rubbed her tiny head," Don't be sad, I will make sure to cure it when I get my power back."

Gaia smiled at his encouragement and nodded, the trio walked peacefully without encountering anything of the supernatural and only some mortals fighting here and there.

The sun had set and was getting dark, which reminded Naruto that he was basically homeless.

"Where do you think I should stay?"

"There is a park nearby where the nymphs reside, you can stay with them or we can find another place if you wish."

"I am okay with your suggestion, what about you Ella?" Naruto nodded and called out to Ella who had perched onto the lamppost.

"Ella is okay, anywhere where it does not hurt."

"Well so we are decided but Gaia I want to know why haven't I felt hungry yet?" he asked with curiosity in his voice.

"The ball of energy provided you with the required nutrients but you will need to eat by tomorrow or you can get one more." She said with a comfortable smile as she felt really good to be in contact with Naruto he was just sunny and filled with natural energy, and it was not clashing with him.

Naruto nodded and changed his direction to where Gaia pointed, on the way he saw actual homeless people which was a new situation for him as in Konoha everyone had a place to stay.

He did feel sad for them but nothing he could do about it and walked ignoring their depressive looks but suddenly he came to a halt.

In front of him were three tall giants of a height of 3 m and above, he wasn't stopped because of their appearance or anything as he had seen people taller but what stopped him was that these three giants were cooking the homeless people on the side of the street and no one knew of the reality.

The disgusting smell wafted to him and he felt himself gag, and only his experience with gore stopped him from hurling.

"Laistrygonian Giants" Gaia muttered with disdain

"How are they killing people so openly?" Naruto said with voice full of emotions and suppressed rage; his voice trembled as he spoke.

"The Olympians don't really care about humans especially those who don't believe in them while the demi kids are just afraid of getting hunted down. It is reasonable since they are outnumbered and not strong enough." Gaia said with contempt as she really hated the thought of them.

"The humans are killed by monsters and they are either completely erased from memories by the mist or some accident is made up." Even though Gaia said those facts she herself didn't care about them either as these would wound up killing each other later or they only made the world a worst place. The only exception she felt was from Naruto so she would help if he desired.

Naruto was looking at the giants with clear killing intent now, "Ready to collect their essence."

"I am ready but be careful."

"No need to worry." He said to Gaia and turned to Ella, "Rest here and don't intervene."

Ella looked at his serious expression and nodded as she sat down with Gaia to watch the spectacle.

Naruto walked slowly to the man eating giants and with a rush he increased his pace but unlike before he didn't have chakra to mask his footsteps which made a lot of noise once he ran especially on the roads of the modern world.

The giants turned around as they heard someone running towards them, the bigger one who was 3.4 m tall looked at Naruto like he was a tasty treat. They didn't only eat humans as monsters also hunted each other especially these giants who liked humanoid beings.

"Brothers we got another tasty treat offering itself to us."

"Big brother let me do the honor than, last time you had your fun with that demi kid." The giant with blond hair and a giant baseball bat said as he looked towards the approaching foe while the third was just occupied with eating.

The older Giant nodded and let him take the monster coming their way so the blonde giant stood up and looked towards Naruto with a wicked smile.

At the moment when the giant started running Naruto had also sped up, the giant swung the bat to smash him but Naruto dodged with ease and punched him in the face as he had leaned down with the force.

The punch did hurt but it lacked the strength to really do much to these giants, "That hurt." The giant said as he got hit by a kick that followed the punch.

'They are more durable than I expected guess it is time to use the power.' Naruto mused as he held his hand like knife and coated it with wind power; he was used to making Rasenshuriken by now so it was easy enough make a sharp current.

The enemy didn't realize the change and swung his bat with more vigorous movements which were large and wasteful in his eyes. Naruto dodged the clumsy attacks with ease and avoided the hand that was about to grab at him, then his own hand shot out with wind coating it.

The giant screamed as his veins were cut and Naruto followed it up with jumping over his shoulders and with lighting on both his hands, he hit the giant's skull shocking him.

"AAAAHHH" The giant screamed as his brain was getting electrocuted but the current wasn't that strong so Naruto had followed it with his knife hand cutting its wind pipe. The giant fell down in anguish while it tried in futile resistance to hold back the blood while Naruto ran towards the others.

"You fucking bastard" The older one roared and rushed with his axe

Naruto ducked through the attack which came at him horizontally from the left side and pushed away from the knee attack the followed, and he retaliated with his knife hand carving its skin like knife on butter.

"Gahhhh" It roared and thrashed and wildly, its movement became messier while the silent one threw something at Naruto which he dodged and it hit the older one.

Naruto saw from his peripheral vision that it was a human and it angered him so he kicked the older one with his right foot while coating it with cutting power. The kick had large amounts force and wind power concentrated on it so it cut the neck cleanly.

The older giant died with disbelief on its face and Naruto continued on his path of carnage as he ran towards the retreating foe. "Never show your back to an enemy" Naruto shouted as he jumped onto its back and slammed his fingers into its ears.

It screamed in unholy terror and pain as lightning current directly pierced into its brain and with slight trembles the corpse fell to the ground.

"That was a really nice show; I won't mind watching you fight for a long time." Gaia said in appreciation at the skills shown, he moved so naturally without any hesitation and wasteful movements.

"Huuu" Naruto let out a breath to calm his nerves and his adrenaline rush

"It was nothing; they were just thugs with no skill. I am used to fighting skilled fighters." Naruto said with a somber tone as people had died while he was fighting,

Gaia realized that the human death had affected him so she flew to his face and made him look at her, "Naruto, it is not your fault. You were outnumbered and didn't have your powers; these things happen so don't kill yourself over such unavoidable things. You can't always save people, as people are dying every second so does that mean you will also grieve for them. Just take these moments as motivation and drive yourself to your goal or else you will die slowly from the inside."

Gaia tried to motivate him and brighten up his spirit as she disliked when his sunny disposition darkened even a bit, it brought her pain like she was connected to him.

Naruto felt that the words were personal and they resonated within him, "Thank you Gaia, I am sorry to show such a pathetic side of mine when I am shinobi."

"No, it's alright to feel bad; it helps you from becoming a monster." Gaia said as she touched his cheek

"That tickles" Naruto laughed as Gaia touched his cheek with her tiny hand and Ella had also joined in comforting him with her wings that tickled his body.

"Ella is here for you so don't feel like that, Ella will share her books."

"Thanks Ella, I feel better now" Naruto rubbed her head

"Here are three new power pills" Gaia said as she produced three new ones from the monsters essence which would delay their return by years and by then the gate should be closed.

Naruto took the pills and gave the big one to Ella, "Ella, eat this, it is good for you."

Ella looked at him and opened her mouth, to which Naruto smiled and put the pill in her waiting mouth. She proceeded to gulp it down and she shook visibly as her body changed at perceived rate, she became slightly taller now standing at 1.7m and her body filled up so that she was not skinny anymore.

"How do you feel?"

"Ella feels great, Ella feels like she can take Phineas" She said excitedly

"That's a very small goal let's see you take on something bigger, huh." Naruto said suggestively

"Ella will fight giants and beat them too" She said with a wide smile

"Stop playing with the kid and eat."

"Okay, okay no hurry" Naruto said as he took both the pills but his body didn't change visibly as he had well built body already but if he estimated how strong he was physically, "I should have half the strength of that big giant. Am I right?"

"It should be close." Gaia said with her face lost in thought

"Meh, it's good enough for now. It is better than three time's human strength I started off with."

"Sorry for only giving that much it's not like I had any choice." Gaia said with a pout

"I am not complaining so don't show that face even though it looks cute as well." Naruto floundered as he tried to make her change her expression

"Just kidding" She smiled which made him smile as well

"Well everything is good so let's go towards our destination." Naruto said as he started walking but before that he picked up the axe that had not disappeared.

"Sometimes monsters leave behind some items"

"That feels like a game"

"You can only blame the Olympians who wished to provide their heroes with items once a monster was defeated."

"Hmm, well its good thing for me. I hope to see one of these demi kids with an actual weapon. I feel naked without something in my hand though the axe will suffice but I have never used this kind before."

"If you want I can easily guide you" Gaia said

"Not now, if I need it I will ask" he said with a serious tone with dark undertone to his words which Gaia understood and nodded

With that the conversation came to halt and they traveled silently while taking in the surroundings.


"Father, are you really here?" Jason questioned as he looked at Zeus who was standing in front of him

"I am here son and I am deeply sorry for my actions, and not being there for you." Zeus replied in a gentle tone as he walked closer and hugged Jason

He had decided to meet his son as he was getting ready to go on their new quest, inside the house dedicate to his children

"I do not blame you, I understand that you have responsibilities and laws to follow but please can you bring back my memories." Jason questioned

"That is out of my control; I do not have the ability but do not worry as they will return soon." Zeus replied as he patted his child's back in a fatherly manner

"Thank you for the response, is there anything I can do for you father?" Jason asked as he wished to create more opportunities for meeting his father

"That is nothing and I am here to gift you with an important item. It is the culmination of my love for you my child and made with the powers of lightning that I provided personally so use it with pleasure and keep yourself safe. I must be going now as time has passed." Zeus said in a gentle tone as he kissed Jason on the forehead and disappeared

Jason felt touched and now felt the love of a father, and he desired to have more. He looked at the artifact and clenched it in his fist with a look of happiness.

'Father, I will live up to your expectations and never lose this gift. It is the first thing I have gotten from you personally and I will keep it with me for life, even if it became scrap metal.' Jason thought as he got ready for the mission


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment. I am still getting used to the setting so it might be clunky but I will appreciate it if you point out where a scene should be extended or if there is something wrong.