Chapter 5

Harlem Neighborhood, Naruto stopped at the entrance of a park where he felt the land was filled with natural energy.

"Why does this place feel like this?" Naruto asked as he looked at the entrance

"Oh, that is because nymphs are nature spirits so wherever they reside the land is filled with such feeling." Gaia said as she realized what he was pointing at.

Naruto entered the park and felt gazes from all sides on him, "They seem to be shy."

"Can't blame them, there life has been very difficult these days because of the pollution and the occasional Olympian trying to force themselves on them. They have already given up on the Main leaders of the Olympians giving them justice for their grievances and only serve them for survival." She said with contempt remembering the countless times she witnessed the poor creatures get taken by force

Naruto didn't feel right imagining such horrible things and his dislike for his yet to be seen enemies grew, he felt real desire to kill for once in his life. He rubbed his finger on Gaia's head, "Don't worry I will make it stop."

"Thanks" She felt better as she forgot about the things and focused on him

"Are you close to these being as they are nature spirits and the world is your domain."

"Yes, so you don't have to worry about them betraying you for the Olympians and they are already curious about you as you give off a similar presence." Gaia giggled as the wind nymphs flew around Naruto

Naruto felt the scene was magical and picturesque as the wind nymphs flew around while chattering and the water from the lake was forming into a woman, even the trees turned out to be dryads.

Of the wind nymphs one was bigger and seemed regal, she came forward and asked, "Who are you, you feel like Mistress Gaia?"

"Hmm, how should I answer this? Let's go with, Gaia's Champion, I am her chosen to fight against the evil of the world." Naruto said laughingly as Gaia felt her cheeks blush

The nymph stared at him and the tiny Gaia, according to her feelings and senses she could tell they both had very strong connection to Gaia so he might be telling the truth.

"Very well, do you require assistance oh champion of Gaia."

"Haha" Naruto snickered at being called that but managed to reply.

"I just want to rest here and you guys can keep me company, it's my first time seeing your kind."

"My name is Alice and I welcome you into the sanctuary of nymphs. The other's would be happy to keep you company."

"Thank you" Naruto said to her back as she drifted away, he could feel dislike for men from her, 'She must have suffered under someone's dirty hands.'

"Don't think too much about such things and rest, it affects your inner self by always being open to dark thoughts." Gaia warned

"You are right; I shouldn't brood too much on the negatives of the world. It is beautiful and I should try to focus on the good as well or I might lose faith." Naruto said as he rubbed his hair and walked towards the trees.

He sat down on the grass and it felt really comfortable like an expensive bed, it was just like that one time when he enjoyed his stay at Shion's lavish palace.

"So comfortable" Naruto let out a satisfied sound as he lay down, the nymphs giggled at his expression

"It's the dryads making it easier for you."

"Thanks guys" Naruto perked up in a sitting position and waved to the nearest one

The wind nymphs came close to his stretched hand and he could feel the touch, it was definitely different form touching flesh and blood. The hazy body moved in excitement from his touch as it had gotten something that it loved.

So when he called for Ella to come down so that they can sleep together, the wind nymphs covered him up. Naruto didn't mind and just smiled but when Ella came down and lay in his embrace, he realized something. He could feel the naked chest of Ella touching him and its heat was transferred to him.

"How did I not see that she was naked the whole time" Naruto said with embarrassment

Gaia who was sitting on the nearby tree felt like laughing, "I thought you were used to such thing that's why you didn't react." It made her feel better knowing that he was pure and untouched.

"No, I think I was still getting my head around this new world." His cheeks were red in shame and he kept his mind out of the gutter.

Ella didn't understand what he was going through and just rubbed her head in his chest while keeping her claws away, he was covered in her wings.

Naruto looked at the innocent girl, "Tomorrow I will get you something to cover up, okay."

"Okay, Ella is happy with anything. Can Ella also get more books?"

"Yes, we will get more books but not now."

Ella felt sad and moved her head to the side, "When?"

"When we have a place to stay? Don't be sad it won't take long and I am here with you." He said as he rubbed her head

Ella nodded happily as he touched her and both fell asleep comfortably within the embrace of nature while Gaia watched over them as she didn't require sleep.


Far away from them, the three nymphs were talking to each other.

"Alice is it safe to let them in" The dryad leader enquired

"They are okay, the boy said he is the champion of Gaia and he is pure when I examined him so we are safe."

"Is he really the champion?" The water Nymph asked curiously

"I am not sure but he has this overwhelming feeling of nature to him so I do feel he is telling the truth. Don't tell me you could not feel it?" Alice said as she looked toward Naruto's direction and realized the little fairy was looking in their direction and she was compelled to look away unconsciously

"If he is the Champion should we ask him for his help? The situation is getting worse as the monsters have been set loose without a limit and I heard from my little ones that a dragon had been sited." The water nymph said with a serious expression

"What?" the dryad screamed in terror

"Quiet" Alice commanded

The water nymph covered the dryad who was shivering in fear as she was haunted by nightmares of her distant past.

"We will try talking to him or else we will move from this location" Alice said as she looked at the place with melancholy, this wasn't the first time they had to run as being weak without a protector was harsh in this cruel world.


In his dreams Naruto saw the war once again and the final battle with his so called best friend but as he analyzed it more closely he realized that he was the only one to feel like that and Sasuke had been a lost cause. He looked at the visions with a sad look when a light green clad individual seemed to be searching for him.

"Who is that?" He couldn't see that closely for some reason and he didn't know why he was actually seeing it in the first place.

The scene changed once again and he saw a necklace that had the design of a lightning bolt with power flowing through it. He saw a boy with determined expression fighting against something wearing it and it empowered his strikes with lightning.

"That should be mine" He felt his soul cry out for it and felt emptiness inside which lit the suppressed anger

"Hoo, I will get it back once I have understood a little bit more. Don't want to be led by the nose."

The scene went away and he was in space looking down at the world which confused him as he had never seen it from such a place.

"Did Gaia's powers give me such ability but what does it even mean?" He felt confused at the random scenes

"Don't go overboard child" A voice spoke to him in the darkness of space, it was filled with power that he had never felt and not even Kaguya carried such presence as his soul felt mortal fear like never before and he woke up with a scream.

His body shook at the feeling of that being and his eyes looked around wildly for its presence but nothing. The sudden noise and movement had woken up Ella who took flight while the wind nymphs had scattered in fright.

Gaia who had been enjoying his sleeping face was surprised when it changed to terror and he woke with a scream.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I saw visions of my world and then I was in space. Till here it was okay but then a voice spoke it affected my soul so much that I felt fear. I just don't understand." Naruto body still shook from the meeting and he was trying to calm himself down.

Gaia's face fell when she came to conclude who could have met him; she flew over to his head and patted him.

"Don't worry Naruto nothing will happen to you, just listen to what it said and nothing bad will happen." She said with a motherly tone as she felt helpless against that being

Naruto took some breathes to calm down as Ella and Gaia hugged him, "What was it?"

"I can't tell?"

"So a primordial or higher" Naruto concluded logically even if Gaia didn't confirm it, he was sure of it or else she wouldn't be affected.


'What is this artifact?'

'It seems to be something of very high level, why would father give it to me?'

'I am happy that he finally decided to talk to me personally but this feels suspicious.'

'Would father really give such a precious item away like that? I have never heard about it and this negative feeling I am getting, is really confusing.' Leo mused as he held the artifact that his father had gifted him, he felt happy and confused

He turned it around and tinkered with it but it was truly too hard just as expected and not even his flames could do anything about it.

'That was stupid; I was told it enhances flames so obviously flame retardant.' Leo shook his head as he did something stupid and put it on

"Let's just learn from experience, I should trust father as he did go out of his way to give me a gift and no enemy should be able to enter the camp." Leo reasoned as he put it on and he felt it connect with his soul but he didn't know how malicious this object was and it's real function


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

This is to help get some connections as Gaia has limits set on her.

How was it?

Felt like my motivation almost dead so it was actually hard to write and it ended up shorter.