Chapter 6

The nymphs gathered around Naruto once they heard him scream, Alice came forth while watching his face.

"Is everything all right?"

"Sorry for making a ruckus but it's okay now." Naruto said as he felt better already with Ella and Gaia's presence

Alice stared at him for a moment and nodded as she left to give him space so that he is ready to listen to their request.

The smaller wind nymphs gathered around him once again an tried to make him feel better as they had know he felt fear and it was something familiar to them.

"Thanks" Naruto said as he saw the little ones cover his body to provide him closure, he felt happy that people cared for him and it was something he liked.

The sun had risen and the light shone over the park as Naruto stretched his limbs and went through fighting exercise to help him heat up and keep shape. After that he picked up the giant axe and tired to incorporate it into his move set but it was proving to be difficult as it felt really clumsy using such a large thing.

"Naruto its okay you are doing well, the feeling only comes from your body which isn't used to utilizing such bulky weapons." Gaia said to encourage him, he was doing all right better than most axe users as he moved with finesse but she knew some people felt uncomfortable with new weapons.

Naruto nodded and continued to try and fix the clunky parts of his move; he could use the axe with either hand while he could use it with both to trick the opponents into believing it.

As Naruto sat down to rest the Nymph leaders gathered in front of him.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Champion" Alice said with formal speech

"It's okay, do you need help" Naruto was used to receiving requests and her presence just screamed that to him.

Alice didn't show surprise at that and nodded, "Yes, we have a big problem and we can't get out of it without sacrifices."

Naruto perked up in attention and narrowed his eyes, 'How big?"

"A dragon" Alice said hopelessly as she waited for him to decline

"How big is it?" Naruto only thought of it as a giant lizard nothing more, he had seen worse.

For the first time Alice showed an unsightly face, it was filled with surprise and followed with hope that her brethren might all survive.

"It is not too big as it is young but the size is approximately 20m, its body is 15m while the tail is 5m." Alice explained as she made the wind take shape of the dragon while Naruto looked carefully and thought how the combat might happen.

"Naruto, you can't defeat it." Gaia threw water over his fighting spirit and the nymphs hope

Naruto just took a breath to calm himself down, "So what should I do, I can't just let them suffer." He asked expecting an answer. To him Gaia had become like Kakashi, who will provide him answers when asked.

Gaia felt that he just thought of something rude but let it go and explained, "With your strength and gear right now, it is highly likely you will die along with Ella or if you used the Nymphs than you might survive but then many of them would be sacrificed."

Naruto and the Nymphs thought on it and nodded in acceptance as they couldn't see it happen without casualties now that it had been put into words.

"But there is a way, we can kill more monsters to gather strength and gather more gear." She said calmly while touching Naruto so that he won't speak, Naruto understood.

"Yeah, this way we can do it. How long do we have Alice?" Naruto showed false bravado

Alice and her companions looked very happy and they hugged each other in joy, "It should be here in two weeks but even this isn't enough for us to get away as the monsters have infested the city." She said helplessly and felt guilty to put so many burdens on a stranger; she didn't want to be like the hated Olympians.

"Even If you can't accomplish it without casualties we will be forever thankful and do our best to be of service." She said with dignity and honor flowing through her words which resonated with Naruto who nodded.

"Don't worry everything will be alright." Naruto said as he touched her hand which felt warm and he let go and walked away

Alice looked at her hand and felt surprised that she was not feeling uncomfortable from a males touch.


Naruto walked out of the park along with Ella heading towards any clothing shop.

"So what is it?"

"The affect lessens as you take more; you will require higher level beings to feed on to maintain the efficacy. Unless you wish to massacre whole lot of them it is going to be slow, you can become strong but not enough to beat the dragon." Gaia said mercilessly but Naruto didn't lose hope

"So I will just kill more and utilize my skills to do the rest, a dumb monster shouldn't be a match." He said confidently

"It can fly and breathe fire" She said with a dull look

"So I can have Ella cut its wings with the axe while we blast it with projectiles from the ground."

"That could work but most likely you will die or the nymphs as it will definitely throw fire in that direction."

"So what should I do to succeed without a sacrifice?" Naruto said helplessly, he didn't like this feeling and it made him angrier that he had been deprived of his power.

Gaia sat on his head and patted him, "Calm down, there is a sure fire way. We poison it."

"Poison? Where do I get one that strong?" He said in confusion

"The gorgon sisters" She said with a smile

Naruto could feel his mood uplifting with her tone of voice and asked, "And where do I find them?"

"Not very far and at an unexpected place"

Naruto she was just dragging along, "Where?"

"At the convenience store, these girls have moved with the time and found a better way to hunt." Gaia said with smile as she thought of the dumb little creatures

"That was definitely not what I expected but it is smart, I would give it to them for using their brains." Naruto said as he remembered the things about the creatures and their tragedy inflicted upon them by Athena.

"Will you kill them?" Gaia asked curiously

"Depends, I will try talking with them first and if it works then no killing. On other hand if they decline I will kill them as they are not innocent anymore, I will get justice for them but they also deserve punishment now for killing the children who had the unlucky fate of being born to the Olympians."

Gaia felt his determination and conviction, "Good or else you might end you might die because of you bleeding heart. I like that about you but it can get annoying so don't go that far."

"Haha, I will try my best." Naruto said as he thought of the many times he had been told those words.


On the way to the clothing shop Naruto killed several monsters and fed the pills to Ella who did become strong but the affect was minimal even after taking multiple pills. It had even less affect on him but something was still better than nothing, and he did get some daggers and a round shield.

'These things are random as some games. What did dog like a beast have to with shields?' Naruto thought as he helped Ella put on sports bra and shorts but it was impossible to get them off without him there so they ditched them.

"I know these things are random, so I wish for a pair of shorts which work mentally." Naruto said as he felt annoyed at leaving her naked on the bottom as her ass and private parts were on show, barely protected by feathers.

"Don't worry Naruto; Ella is happy with just this." Ella said as she looked at him with a smile

"No, we will definitely find a solution but now we deal with our real problem." Naruto said without hesitation and kept his eyes away from her naked skin.

'Damn hormones'

Naruto felt really annoyed that now that he had calmed down his other instincts were working in order and it seemed they were coming at him with revenge as he had never done any sexual thing, not even that.

Gaia didn't like what she was getting from Naruto so she patted his head and concentrated her ability to suppress his desires and as he was accepting of it, the affect took place.

"Thanks" Naruto said as he took in fresh air to cool down his body.

"You are welcome" Gaia said while holding back her annoyance she felt in her heart


Naruto walked along the path of the metropolis filled with more people than he had ever sensed and also the bad they had done to the world, he had a connection with Gaia and was a sage so he could feel it the more he walked in this city that had almost completely ruined Nature.

The people they didn't care and made a mess, smoke everywhere and pollution kept on increasing very second.

"Naruto stop" Gaia said as she felt him losing to the will of Nature, her hate and suppressed desires.

"What is this?" Naruto's eyes were red and still filled with inherent rage of nature as he question what he seen and felt

Gaia sighed sadly, "This is what humans have become, and you said you will be my Champion do you even know what that means. Have you thought on how you can save the world without harming the mortals as even if you heal the planet it would only be temporary?"

Gaia didn't like to make him stressed but he needed to know what he was getting into with clear view.

"We will talk later; I wish to have peace of mind while handling this problem." Naruto postponed these thoughts to not be distracted and kept his senses to the surface to avoid getting lost again.


Finally after having killed some monsters that he passed by and becoming stronger Naruto arrived at his destination. He entered the store where he saw two female receptionists who smiled cordially at him in a welcoming manner.

Naruto smiled back and walked towards them directly, when he heard one of them,

"Sister, it's another monster who wants to court us"

"Don't mind it and enjoy the experience Stheno" Euryale said haughtily

Naruto stood in front of the women and said with a friendly smile, "Hello, nice to meet you."

"Do wish to buy anything or just talk"

"Talk, something very important"

Euryale's interest was piqued as the monster was not lost in lust or anything remotely close to love seeing their beautiful appearance and he was strong, she could feel it.

"We are listening."

"I can help you get your revenge on those two people from Olympus and even heal your curses." Naruto said carefully while looking at them, any sign of attack and they had to die

"Can you really?" Stheno said with hope and joy as she held his collar with her face close to his


"What do want in return?" Euryale didn't know if she could believe him but it was better than nothing and the gates of death were open, they would return if they died.

"Your blood, the poisonous and the healing side"

"That is very simple, I know you want more so don't dawdle."

"Live by my rule, no killing innocents that is all I ask." Naruto said seriously

Euryale and Stheno both looked at him with surprise, 'What kind of monster is this?'

"This request is simple and we can oblige by it as we won't have any reason to do such a thing. But when can you grant our wish." She asked while getting ready to strike if he was just playing around

"You might think this is an excuse but I need a year at most." Naruto said cautiously getting ready to act but unexpectedly he heard them laughing, his face showed surprise.

"Is that all? We are immortals; 1 year is nothing in our eyes. I was expecting you to say at least 100 or 1000 years, them I might have attacked. You must not have lived long to see the time like mortals." Euryale slithered to his side, he didn't move as he felt no danger

"So pure and you look good now that I look carefully. Do you want this big sister to give you a good time?" She teased while her sister laughed with happiness after a long time of pain and despair along with rage at the world for their accursed fate.

"No thank you, I would like to spend time with someone I love. I don't take these things lightly." Naruto said as she looked at him teasingly

"Such a nice guy, sister would have been a happy girl if she had met you instead of that seaweed bastard." Euryale said with anger and smashed her hand against the table destroying it.

"Sorry, it's just remembering how our sufferings were result of his seducing our sister and the fact she has died many time already made me furious." Euryale said with embarrassment as she was the intelligent one among the sisters behind Medusa.

"It's okay, I understand your pain" Naruto said as he touched her face to take away the tears she let out as she felt hope.

"You really are a nice guy; we will trust you and follow what you have said but just be sure lets all swear on the river Styx." Euryale was serious as this was a hope that she had to latch onto, they had no other choice or they would continue living the same.

"Okay" Naruto was already planning to do that but it seems the women really were more desperate than he had believed.


"How did it go?" Gaia asked as she was sitting on Ella's head outside the store

"It went better than expected"

"Good, now we hunt monsters to improve your strength and get any other lucky weapon while waiting for it."

"Yeah, let's go Ella. I will teach you how to fight with you claws."


On Olympus, Zeus walked into his personal palace and sat down on his throne. He looked forward, staring hatefully at a sign which read, 'Sector 67.'

He wished he could burn it down as those words mocked him and his existence but unfortunately he held no such power.

'They do not understand my actions and never will. They have become too fragile like the mortal.'

'I need power and they would never accept my means. I had lost myself in lust to numb this pain and hatred but then the world smiled upon me and gave me a way.'

'How can I resist the temptation to free myself from this slavery?'

'How can I, Zeus be a damn slave?' Zeus thought as he broke the arm rest of his throne from the pressure and touched the collar on his neck, something he could not take off for the moment and has tormented him for thousand of years

Zeus got up from the throne and walked towards the sign, in his hand was a dark crown. With slow movements he scraped the sign with the edges of the crown and his eyes were filled with hope as he saw scratches appear on it.

"Yes" He exclaimed in joy as he looked at the accomplishment of a life time, this sign was unaffected by his powers but this crown damaged it

'Unlike the other pieces the darkness piece is exceptionally pure and strong. Hades child should be a worthy sacrifice to the crown of darkness, i would have loved to use my brothers but they aren't weak enough to not understand what was happening.' Zeus thought as he walked back with a wicked smile on his face

"Soon, soon, I will have my dreams come true. There shall be no more strings on me." Zeus muttered with confidence and his eyes shone with intelligence and madness


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

How was it?

If you think I should extend some part do tell or there is anything I could do better. These things about the dragon are actually from the novel but it was only mentioned in the passing.

So yeah the next or the other one would be about the dragon. Now I am not sure, death or not.