Chapter 13

"AHH" Naruto Screamed in rage as he got out of the dark waters, his eyes filled with hate as they looked around for his enemies

"Huff, huff" He breathed in hard as he could not find a target for his hate and punched the ground in frustration

'Damn, damn'

'Why would they not listen?'

'Why did Ella and Alice have to die?'

"I am sorry" He finally stopped and laid on the dark earth with tears of regret from his eyes

'You should have killed them'

'They were filth just like the rest of their kind.'

'Fulfill your duty, child of mine.' The voice tempted him to give into his hate but he shook his head

"Get out of my head" Naruto said as he tried to see where the connection led to but he couldn't find anything

'Everything has gone wrong since I have been reborn, Gaea was right. No more mercy, if they don't listen once they are dead. Those three have already lost their chance, next time I will erase them for this.' Naruto concluded as he got up, his eyes was flickering from green to black and his aura was changing from peaceful to threatening to signify the changes to his soul but it was still in between and not decided. It takes time to change from principle you held for so long.

'If I am here the other three will also be here so I juts probably meet up with them first.' Naruto thought as he calmed down and buried his guilt inside as mopping around will not solve his problems.

Naruto looked ahead and all he could see was the rocky surroundings with no life in sight except the monsters shaped like wolves eyeing him hungrily. He didn't mind them as they were too weak to be of any importance and looked around, he found nothing else so he decided to kill the beasts and devour their power before moving on.

With the wind to enhance his speed Naruto killing them within seconds and absorbed their existence but the change was miniscule as they were too weak. He walked straight hoping to find a monster that can talk and find any information about Ella and Alice or Albion as he couldn't sense anything here in this dark place.

Naruto walked with a cautious gait but after awhile he realized that the atmosphere was affecting him negatively, his skin was turning gray and his nature powers were fighting the taint. It was just cosmetic change either as he felt his aggression rise and felt desire to lash out for no reason, "Che'.

Naruto clicked his tongue in annoyance and focused his powers on his body to clear away the problem and it did so as his mind was not weak to be influenced so easily.

"This place is definitely troublesome and out of my comfort zone. Even my connection to nature is weak here." Naruto muttered as he continued along the path, he felt that since he woke up his body had strengthened a lot and concluded that it was the affect of using the power without restraint before death.

'But will it increase more if I did it again.' Naruto wondered as he considered alternatives to increase his powers and as he moved along the sightings of monsters increased, he could see huge waves of beast of various forms in the field.

'That's a lot, it feel like seeing the huge waves of Zetsu in the war.' Naruto thought as all he could see was these beings dotting the landscape and he decided to take another path where he might be overwhelmed.

Changing direction he headed for the mountains and climbed with ease, here he saw fewer monsters as the footing was dangerous. He killed anything that he came across and devoured it without any thought but the increase was low and even worse was that without Gaea the efficacy was lower.

"You seem to be doing well" He heard feminine voice from all directions and looked around but found nothing

"No need to be so alarmed, Naruto. I am a friend." Naruto heard the voice close to his ears as arms coiled around his chest and he felt the warmth of a woman pasted onto his back

He felt that she was too strong for him now as he couldn't move so he stopped struggling as he felt no malice, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Good boy. I am Nemesis so you should guess why I should be here." She whispered into his ears enjoying his reaction and giggled

"Balance, Justice and vengeance, did my soul attract your attention Olympian." Naruto said with his voice leaking with rage as he started to want to strangle her out of this world

"Relax; I am not like the rest. Also you seemed to have let your anger take the best of you. I am not an Olympian but a primordial, Naruto or should I call you uncle. Hehe" Nemesis chuckled at the thought as she had learned this from her mother

"Sorry, I still haven't calmed down. But could you release me first if you want to talk." Naruto released some heavy breaths to calm down and said in a cool manner

"Okay but you really didn't react to being called uncle so you are interested." Nemesis said with a smile as she let him go and he turned to see her beautiful appearance

She stood at the height of 1.8 m with long black hair and her eyes were black as well as her clothes.

'Too much black'

"Like" She looked at him and said

"What do you want?" Naruto was not distracted and asked what was important

"I want to help you fight for justice because I am always on the right side also mother asked for a favor as she owed Aunt Gaea." Nemesis answered honestly as she sat down on a boulder

"How much can you help?" Naruto enquired about the limits as he remembered Gaea was bound by laws

"I can tell you information and if you fight the titans, you will need my strength."

"Why would I fight the titans?" Naruto asked not wanting believe his thoughts but her words confirmed them

"Because they guard the gates, if you want to go out you will need to fight them and they are at full strength in this realm at the moment."

'Things get worse every minute.'

"So you will fight them and I get out?"

"How silly, Naruto. No, you will fight them with my power at your disposal but only a certain percentage so your survival still hinges on your skills." Nemesis said with a friendly smile

"Thank you, so you said information. Where are my comrades and any advice?" Naruto said as he looked around

"I can't help you with that but my advice is to go in that direction, you will find something important." Nemesis said as she pointed to the right but the mountain was in the way

"Beyond that there is a swamp"

"What is it?"

"Go and find out" Nemesis said as she got up and walked in the direction, Naruto looked at for awhile and decided to follow


In the human world:

'What just happened?' Leo thought as he stood their looking at the destruction, the city had been wrecked and miles of land had been leveled killing countless.

'If he was serious we would have died so why didn't he?' Leo pondered and remembered how it was before the battle.

'The guy was nice and only asked for the necklace' Leo thought as he looked towards his friend who was still unconscious and without an arm.

'It was Jason who reacted aggressively for no reason and then before this happened I saw that he had become unstable.'

'Why?' Leo was feeling lost and out of his zone here, and wished for someone to provide him answers

"Leo, we need to go and fight the Giant." He heard Jason's sister calling out to him, even now she was angry but duty called

"What about Jason?"

"We will leave him with Piper and some of my comrades." She replied in a calm tone

"Okay" Leo said as he followed

'I will look into it later but I feel it might be connected to these things that we got from our parents, even I felt invincible using it.' Leo mused as he touched his bracelet

'What kind of thing is it and why did they give such power to us?'

'Am I being too paranoid?'


In Olympus, Zeus sat in his garden as he enjoyed the show of his weak little child fighting the monster.

'Even with such low power that being managed so well and my little Jason has done good but needs more practice.'

'I still need you Jason or else I will need to use the worthless brats with lower talent to draw out the power. More time is needed; so much power in it but I need a sacrifice for it.'

'You are such sweet child listening to my words; I will immortalize your heroic actions once this is over.' Zeus thought with a smile as he drank wine


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

I hadn't thought about what happens after the last battle so it will take some time.

Nemesis looks pictured above