Chapter 14

"You know you should rest for a while, the place you are going is very dangerous." Nemesis advised, her calm voice only heard by him as she moved like a shadow

Naruto thought on her words and could feel the tangs of impatience so he decided to accept her advice as he might make mistakes.

"Thanks, I will rest for awhile." Naruto said as he sat down beside a bolder, protecting him from view except from aerial view

'I should gather strength now and grow enough to take on any unknown threats.'

'The kids using my power, for some reason are able to use it and force out its strength, even though it's not even 1 percent.'

'Killing more beasts is the only path I have or if I can just kill one of those titans.'

'I hope nothing happened to Ella, I took responsibility and she died because of my mistake.'

'There are so many monsters here, please don't be hurt. Same goes for Alice, she is a new friend and she has helped to the best of her abilities so I shall not give up on her as well.'

'Albion, I will try finding him and see if he wished to serve or not.' Naruto thought as he stared at the ground and played with the dirt with his finger, drawing doodles

"You know, it is rude to ignore a friend and you have been staring at the ground for half an hour. Why don't you to talk to me?" Nemesis said from above the boulder, she was laying on it and her head was hanging down beside his face

"Sorry, just thinking of my next act and setting up priorities straight. What do you want to talk about?" Naruto muttered in a calm tone, without a smile as he didn't feel like smiling as it would be forced and until he gets back what he lost it will be gone.

"You don't have to worry about your friends or woman, they are alright and doing wonderful according to my opinion." Nemesis supplied so as to lighten his mood, it was depressing and now she understood what Gaia's words meant that when he was sad it felt like the sun or the world went dim

"Really, are you sure?" Naruto perked up and asked

"Absolutely and you will see them soon so stop being so depressed, the world hasn't ended yet." Nemesis muttered in a soft tone as she sat by his side, she was interested him as she hadn't really seen any worthy avengers and justice fighters for centuries.

"Thank you, that makes me feel better. I really had the impression that you would be someone hard to talk to but you seem really nice." Naruto smiled as he felt the weight inside his heart lighten as he knew she wasn't lying


"You might be the first person to say that, Naruto. I change according to the place and person, you are worthy of receiving kindness as there is no evil in you. Do tell how you kept yourself so clean?" Nemesis chuckled and asked in a curious tone as she looked at him with her dark eyes that were like pools of darkness

"I am honored that you think so, I just do what my heart tells me and it doesn't wish for death and violence. I do not wish to see the world in pain; I promised a lot of people and carry their burden so I shall not let them down. Does that make sense?" Naruto explained slowly and asked, he didn't know if he got the point across

"I do and it is a beautiful ideal but can you really go about it without causing pain because that sounds like you will control the people to act as you wish." Nemesis added her thoughts to his explanation and it shocked him to the core

'What? Control them to see as I do.'

'Isn't that what Kaguya did and what Madara wanted?'

'Was my dream also leading to such a conclusion?'

'Humans are fragile and selfish beings, they are beautiful but ugly at the same time. Won't my choice have to be mind control in the end if I wished for no pain?' Naruto pondered closely his ideals with a realistic view since he had already read more history in this world and especially since it was about people without chakra so it gave him another perspective

"Don't go silent on me, did you it give you more to think about." Nemesis tapped his cheek and asked

"Your words made me think deeper into my ideals but I already have the answer. Pain will be given to some and this people will be erased as they don't follow the rules, I already have the capacity to sense a person inner persona so I shall judge them all even if it pains me."

"Humans fear as well and act on it but if it is an invincible force they will never even consider resistance. I will make it so there is no reason for fights and I will fix everything in the world before I can ever rest, it is a promise I made and I always keep my promises till the end." Naruto said in a confident tone as the energy inside settled into a dark golden as he had found himself and would not waver anymore

"Wonderful, your soul and persona seemed to be so wishy washy before but now it is hard as adamantine. An unbreakable will is what you possess and it has surfaced completely, I don't think you will have those difficulties like before." Nemesis said in a happy tone as she held his chin and looked into his eyes, he didn't look away or feel anything from it which brought a smile on her face

'Wonderful indeed, a fine specimen he is. Aunt Gaia has good taste, I didn't think she would choose someone right after her previous blunders.' Nemesis thought as she let him go


While Naruto was resting, in a region of Tartarus where time seemed to be acting in an unusual manner, one woman named Ella was going through conflict.

Ella had changed since the time she left Naruto's side as she had been trapped in this place for two months. She had eaten the monsters raw, her feathered wings had become hard and caked with blood and her eyes were filled with madness.

She wore a red bikini top and bottom which she command with her mind, in her hand she carried a whip which had the powers of lightning.

Ella had gone through enormous change and built an obsession as she yearned to see Naruto with intensity.

"Get out of Ella's way, Ella wants Naruto." She screamed as she cut through a horde of monsters with her wings that were like steel swords sharp and cut through them like nothing

She had been lucky as she had ended up falling into a pit of blood, blood of a dark dragon which corrupted her mind slightly along with the negative influence of Tartarus

"Naruto, Naruto" She cried out in desire as she felt frustrated, she was lost and hadn't seen anything but the monsters and the forest

'Where is Naruto?'

'Where does Ella need to go?'

'It has to be a trap, a trap.'

'A monsters is responsible for this, what could it be?' Ella thought as she flew high above the forest and she couldn't see far ahead just like before and every time she returned to the same place

"Ella needs to leave, Naruto needs Ella and Ella needs Naruto." She muttered while her head moved around to locate the target

Finally it seems she had qualified the requirements as Ella saw a new beast, it was sitting atop the hill and she knew what it was.

"A Manticore" Ella muttered as she looked at it with deep hatred, it was different from the usual kind as it was much larger and was twice the size of an Elephant

"You will pay for delaying Ella" She cried out as she flew towards it, her clawed feet ready to cut through its skin when she saw the thing react to her speed.

Its tail held high, the beast shot stingers towards Ella which she dodged by moving to the side and quickly taking altitude.

"Little harpy, do you think I am some tame monster?"

"Get down here and become part of me, there is no escape from here and you will fall just like the rest." The Manticore talked in an arrogant tone as he looked at Ella with disdain, Harpies were lower beings in its eye and it had been blessed by its master

"Ella will kill you ugly beast, you have wasted Ella's time and Ella's chance with Naruto. You shall pay the price dearly." Ella declared in an aggressive tone, she held no doubt about her abilities and she knew that victory was the only outcome

"Haha, a harpy challenging me is a hilarious joke. Are you going to tickle me with your feathers or what?" The Manticore laughed as he roared causing a shockwave and shooting needles again, these attacks passed the speed of sound

Ella watched the pattern and saw the opening; she swooped down at full speed and whipped the Manticore's face. The whip hit the eyes and shocked the beast from the delicate spot but it wasn't dead as it moved around wildly and continued its barrage.

Ella was hit by a needle on her left wing but she didn't cry out or hesitate as she tied down the tail with her whip and cut it from the base.

"Taste your own medicine beast." She roared as she used the stinger to pierce the beast sides, plunging it inside the heart

"Naruto would be happy to eat the beast; it is large and must contain a lot of energy." Ella said happily as her wing restored itself to the ideal condition and she carried the large corpse as she flew through the weird region


'Father was truly weird today, I don't remember him being so open and why would he give me something like this.' Nico thought as he sat on top of a building after meeting Hades and looked at the crown in his hand

'Crown of darkness'

'Why would he give me such a thing? Isn't this thing too valuable to be in my hand and I feel like it has too much power in it, maybe even higher than father's.'

'Or am I thinking too much?'

'Father, wouldn't hurt me and I always visit so I can just check with him if I have problem.' Nico mused as held it in his hand and checked it

'Does he want me to use it because of the new threats and that ominous prophecy of the death of the old order?'

'Maybe or it just because he wants me safe, I can wonder all I want but only he can tell me why. Let's try it out and try to close the gate first.' Nico thought as he placed the crown on his head and it connect with his soul

'Such power, I feel invincible.'


a.n Hope you enjoyed and comment

I will be focusing on it so we can go towards an ending and it is half way done.

I am editing the previous chapters and adding new things.

Naruto only had Yin Kurama.

Also Sasuke is dead