Chapter 15

'What is Zeus up to, giving such artifacts to children?'

'It makes no sense, is he trying compensate for the misdeeds he has done.'

'No, that couldn't be. I refuse to believe that, he must be planning something.'

'I am really getting tired of his plays, with this it is final. I shall take him down soon.' Neptune thought as he stood up from his throne and appeared in the roman camp

"Son, I hope you have been doing well." Neptune muttered in a friendly tone, his favorite son Percy was getting ready for bed

"Father?" Percy turned around to see the large man that had appeared without a sound

"Yes, it has been some time since we saw each other and I am sorry that I can't return your memories but do not worry as they will return soon." Neptune said as he walked closer and hugged Percy

"Why is my memory gone?"

"I don't know how the person was thinking so I can't comment on it."

"I see, father why are you here? I was told only important task or something like that would be worthy of your presence." Percy said in an annoyed tone, he didn't like the fact that the children couldn't meet their parents as they wished

"I am sorry but that is not under my control or else, I would love to spend time with you. For now, I am here to give you this gift. It is the Aqua ring and it allows you power over water that you cannot imagine but don't wear it, keep it as a necklace or in your pocket. Only use it when real danger comes and you have no other choice." Neptune warned as he presented a ring of blue color and designs of water dragons.

Percy accepted the ring, "I will be careful with it, thank you for caring for the warning. Would you like to stay for a drink or something?"

"I need to be going but soon we will have all the time together." Neptune replied as he kissed Percy on the forehead and vanished as he didn't wish to mess with Zeus who had started acting strange since last month when he sensed that large energy signal


In mount Olympus, one of the purest beings of the world was sitting by the hearth as she usually did. She had been trapped in that hall by some means that she could not recognize, the little brother she cared for had showed his evil fangs as he threw her aside with disdain.

'Why did this have to happen?'

'History is repeating itself and Zeus seems to head for something even worse than father.'

'Did my kindness kill those people; was it the reason more will die?'

'I had trusted them to make the right decision but they even killed that person. Such a pure soul, one I have never seen. I should have acted but I made excuses and did not wish for conflict.'

'Now it seems to be snowballing out of control, he is out there and his existence calls out to me. The sense of dread is increasing, why the others have not felt it.' Hestia questioned as she looked into the flames that danced casting shadows in the room

"Is kindness so wrong?"

"Was I wrong in my inaction?" Hestia questioned, her voice felt raw with emotion as she saw destruction of countless lives

"Why did you have to come here, mysterious soul?" Hestia said as she wished for an answer and wished that it never happened. Even if she desired a meeting, it was better that he didn't appear

'Is there a way I can leave this cage, I have stayed her for three months now. I need to act even if it is a little bit.' Hestia thought and with a determined look, she carved out a piece of her soul as she fought against the cage and let it free from Olympus

Hestia collapsed in pain and exhaustion as she finished but she had a peaceful smile, 'At least I managed to act.'


'I am invincible, I am invincible'

'Kill them all, kill them all' Jason heard the call as she woke with a start and his eyes shone with lightning

"Jason, how are you feeling?" Piper asked in a worried tone as she sat beside him, they were at a hotel

"Piper, what happened to the enemies? What happened after I lost consciousness?" Jason asked and he could help but look for the necklace which was a sign of his father's love and care

"They are dead and quarter of the city was destroyed by that person." Piper replied, her tone was somber as she remembered the cries of despair as she had passed by the impact site

"Monster, Piper, it was a monster. Where is my necklace?" Jason corrected her terminology as she seemed to sympathize with it

"Here" Piper said as she passed him the cursed necklace

"Jason, do you really think that. Do you really feel no guilt for what just happened? We could have all been fine if you had just given away this necklace."

"What is it in the first place, you went crazy using it?" Piper questioned in an emotional tone, the guilt was eating at her as she felt that this wouldn't happened if they just gave the damn necklace

"Piper calm down, I obviously feel bad for the losses but this is a gift from my father. Do you understand how much worse it could have been, if that monster took it? He would have erased the whole city, I could not let him take away and you could not see his real form. He was hiding it but I could see that ugly form, it reeked of evil and made me react like that." Jason explained as he remembered the scene when Naruto asked for the necklace, his real from had been revealed. Jason held Piper's head and kissed her on the lips to calm her down, he cared for her and didn't want her to be hurt.

"Feel better?"

"Somewhat but you shouldn't wear it either, you were going crazy." Piper advised as she got up to get some food

Jason watched her go and then looked at the necklace, he smiled happily.

'How can I let it go?'

'This power is what I need and with it, I can gain anything I wish.'

'This isn't the full thing, I wonder how much stronger I can get. No more tragedies only happiness.' Jason thought as he put it on and his flashed with red lightning, the cursed object that drew on the souls was affecting his mind set and resonating with the base desires


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

Do not worry, naruto is not going to die or lose anymore. He is going to gain power and kick ass, like the op beast he is.

This chapter is short as i added a lot in the previous chapters.