Chapter 17

"Child it is time for you to wake up, the world needs you."

I heard the voice filled with wisdom and power, and the world shattered like glass.

I was back in the real world and I felt different. I was brimming with power that I could have never dreamed and it gave me hope. It filled my heart with happiness and joy that I wished to share with my beloved.

'Thank you, Old sage, for this blessing.' I said in my heart and with joyous feelings, I looked towards the area where my beloved should be.

My heart dropped into the depths of darkness as I witnessed my beloved dying and even his body was lost to the world while his murderer laughed.

I almost lost consciousness from the shock and then I screamed my frustration out to the world, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

The silent world was once again bombarded with cataclysmic disaster caused by the scream infused with wild high level chakra.

Lands were torn, mountains were shattered and the seas were in turmoil causing enormous tsunamis.

I was in pain that I could not fathom but I had only one goal. Kill the one responsible for my beloved's death.

My eyes felt like they were burning and I moved like never before, there was nothing stopping me now.

I was covered in a shroud just like my beloved and I was on the Uchiha before he could even react. But before I could punch I realized that his eyes were useful and I protected them.

The Uchiha would have been strong and even stronger than me at the current time but he had been beaten down by my beloved.

So just like that his body was erased from the enormous force contained in my fist, which caused high levels of collateral damage.

I would have never done such a thing before but now I didn't seem to care. Without beloved the world had lost its colors and didn't seem important anymore.

The Uchiha had been a cause of my beloved's suffering and finally he had been put to rest.

I looked at the eyes floating in front of me and thought about who could use them to revive my beloved as I wished to stand by his side.

Ah, Hatake Kakashi. My eyes focused onto one of the vile filth that proclaimed he cared for my beloved, when he couldn't even provide basic training to beloved so he could protect himself.

Even with my miniscule powers, I could have taught beloved to be a great taijutsu fighter as the only ones better than me would be Neji and Lee in our age group. I could have trained beloved in chakra control more than anybody and I was just a child compared to this filth.

He would do as a fine sacrifice to my beloved. Hatake needs to pay the price for his incompetence.

I did not hesitate and the man was put into static position until I have need for him as I still need to find beloved's soul.

I had been freed from the clutches of the invisible hand but I did not forget the insult. I will find it and destroy it.

Anything that comes in my way will need to disappear and anything that causes harm to beloved has no right to exist.

This world has caused him pain, it should die.

My anger had caused me to err in judgment and a golden ball of energy was forming in front of me but I remembered my beloved's love for this world and dispersed the attack.

I was hit by the backfire and blasted into the ground but I felt nothing. The surrounding had been razed and even the survivors of the war had been killed off from the move, except for some lucky ones.

I lay on my back as I stared into the empty sky and my eyes gathered onto a familiar energy. It was similar to mine and I knew it was the way.

Wait for me beloved, I will find you and bring you back home.


'Enough rest, I should continue.' Naruto thought as he stood up and started walking again, he felt his body feel light and his steps lighter.

'I must have needed a rest.' Naruto concluded as he smiled slightly

"Do you feel better now?" Nemesis asked as she saw that Naruto felt a bit less stressed

"Yes, I feel like my mind isn't under pressure at the moment." Naruto replied in a calm manner but he wasn't completely okay since he still hadn't seen his partners and the future of his own world was still at stake

Nemesis could read him like an open book but didn't insist on bothering him and disappeared within the darkness. She was his shadowy companion for this journey in the underworld and provided him with some comfort as he didn't like to be alone.

Naruto continued his journey towards the swamp across the mountain range while cutting down everything in his path but suddenly he felt danger and he rolled down and hit one of the boulders below.

Naruto looked above and saw a flame whip that had burned a deep line at the place where he had been walking.

'That was fast and that whip looks really dangerous.' Naruto thought as he quickly got up and readied himself for combat.

Nemesis provided him detail as he saw the monster, which was the previous jailer of Tartarus known as Kampe.

Kampê had a human head, with snakes for hair, like Medusa. She had a half human body, like a centaur, but with reptilian skin and a dragon half, with gigantic claws. Her dragon half was black with white stripes down her back. She had huge dark reptilian wings, a huge venom-dripping scorpion tail (that is extremely venomous), and at the point where her halves meet, her skin bubbled and morphed, occasionally producing ferocious mutated animal heads that constantly change shape (bear, boar, wombat, tiger, crocodile, wolf, etc.) like a gruesome, monstrous belt. Hundreds of violent darting vipers sprouted from her legs. Her eyelids blink sideways, like a reptile's and even just standing near Kampê was like standing in an acid fog.

Naruto quickly reacted by causing the land around him to turn into quicksand, causing the vipers to sink while throwing huge wind attacks at Kampe.

The fog was pushed back but Kampe was the strongest opponent he had come across as she blocked his attack with her wings.

"My master has declared that he will grant me power beyond my current realm, if I bring him your head. So be a good boy and extend that pretty head of yours." Kampe spoke in such a rough tone that it caused his ears to hurt

Naruto didn't respond and observed his foe, and with a command chains had latched onto Kampe from underground.

Naruto didn't hesitate and used his powers of wind and electricity to increase his speed to the max. He broke through the sound barrier and slashed at the beast with his sword.

But the Kampe was strong just like he had expected and even after being electrocuted though the chains, it controlled the whip and blocked the attack while causing massive burns on his hand.

Naruto let go off the weapon as it melted from the heat and almost fused with his hand.

'My resistance to the flames isn't enough. So I need to connect deeper with the world.'

'No more procrastinating. No more hesitation. I have nothing more to lose. My will is eternal and will never be broken.' Naruto's eyes burned with spirit as he connected to the world and his body took on a shade of gray and he sprouted horns from his head along with wings from his back

His eyes turned pure black from the human like eyes; they were like deep abyss which sucked in the observers.

'What is this? How can he make me feel fear? Is this the real form of this monster?' Kampe thought with shock as she attacked with ferocity

The battle seems to be close but Naruto felt like he was under massive pressure and his body seemed to be breaking down from taking in so much power.

'These titans are getting back t their original power. It must be because Naruto isn't a Demi and has the signs of a superior being.' Nemesis concluded as she saw the battle, which should have been over in a second if the Kampe fought like it had with the Demi's.

'Oh, now this is interesting. I didn't think the fence sitter would actually do something.' Nemesis should actual surprise for once as she a bird of flames collide with Kampe's whip, giving Naruto a clear chance for a finisher

Naruto didn't dawdle and kicked Kampe in the head as his foot was charged with energy and that mysterious flame power.

It stood no chance and Kampe's head was erased from the enormous force.

Naruto fell to his knees and let go of the power, he returned to normal but you could still see cracks in his skin.

"Thank you" Naruto muttered through heavy breaths as he looked up to a woman with red hair and a warm feeling


"Hestia" Naruto muttered unconsciously as he stared at the woman that saved his life. He couldn't take his eyes away from her gaze as she felt so similar, like he was looking at himself.

'So pure and beautiful.' Naruto thought as he felt her soul

"Thank you" Naruto said as he got up while Hestia observed him silently

'He is so pure, I have never come across a person like him but it seems even he has started to become tainted by negative emotions.' Hestia analyzed as she felt his pain and rage

"It is not needed, I did what was needed." Hestia replied with a warm smile and gave off a homey feeling

Naruto nodded as he understood what she meant, "I believe you are here for me so could you talk about it quickly as I am quite busy."

"I need your help to subdue Zeus; he has gone mad and imprisoned everyone else." Hestia said with a sad face as she felt pain from such betrayal

"You don't to even ask as I will kill him and devour his soul." Naruto replied with clenched teeth as he held back the rage within at the target for whom, his hatred grew day by day for all the atrocities he had committed before and now.

Hestia closed her eyes and placed her hand on his cheek, "Please calm yourself and don't let rage take over. I understand that Zeus cannot be forgiven but please do not extend it t others and give them a chance."

Naruto felt a soothing energy flow through him with her touch and he gazed at Hestia with an unwavering glare, "I will decide when we get there but know that I do not like to kill so I am willing to give chances to people who are ready to change."

"Thank you that is enough for me. Please use my power as compensation as it is only a fragment, it shouldn't be a problem to use it." Hestia muttered in a grateful tone and smiled as she held his hand, Hestia turned into flames and integrated into his body

Naruto was surprised since he never expected such a thing especially not Hestia disappearing like this.

'Did she just give her life to me?' Naruto thought as he blinked to see if he was not making a mistake and turned to Nemesis

"Nemesis, what just happened? Where is she?"

Nemesis didn't reply as she knew what happened and let Hestia talk, "Naruto, I have just mixed my power with you and am still here. This way there will be no delay and you can have all this power while also having my knowledge at your disposal."

Naruto checked his body and realized that he had grown by a lot, and his body was healed completely like he hadn't broken his bones or anything.

"I am happy with this assistance and will try my best to also keep my part of the deal." Naruto said as he hoped the others were smart and sane enough not to get in his way

"Where will you be going now?" Hestia questioned

"I am heading for the Underworld Swamp to fight a monster there and find an ally." Naruto replied as he started walking with a shadow on his right and flames on his left shoulder

"You must be looking for Damasen and the Maeonian Drakon but how are you going to deal with this? The Drakon can reform within seconds, even if you blew it up." Hestia asked as she was unsure how he was going to go about it

"It can reform but I can devour things permanently." Naruto replied as he walked to the downed enemy and pierced its body, and it shrank quickly into a small ball shaped item that he ate and Hestia could feel his power growing.

"Wonderful, I was thinking how you will be powerful enough to resist against Zeus but now I understand. Then why not go to the pit of Tartarus and devour Kronos, he is one of the most powerful beings of this world and by devouring him you should be able to compete." Hestia advised as she thought of the best ways to improve using this ability

"She is right you know so consider it." Nemesis added while not saying she had actually forgotten about it as that would have been easier and she couldn't watch good fights

Naruto had thoughtful expression and said, "I will go there after I am done with the Drakon." As he knew that this ability had its limits and won't allow him to survive such large consumption of power.

'Need to grow one or two steps at a time and not take leaps of 20 steps.'

"What you think is best; it doesn't change much if you do it now or later." Hestia accepted the answer without any issue as she was only there to advise and not to command him.


Naruto continued to jog at a comfortable pace as he dispatched the monsters that attacked him while he head straight for his target.

But soon he stopped as he looked at an unusual sight, the wind was black and everything that came across it was dying.

"What is that?" Naruto questioned

"I think it might be a new monster created by Tartarus or a mutation." Hestia provided as she looked at the scene which was foreign as she had never come across this being

"It's good that the monster is moving away since I don't know how much trouble it would cause to me." Naruto muttered in a relieved tone as he watched the giant cloud like being leave at high speed

As it left, Naruto continued his path and soon he entered the swamp which was as creepy as it could get. The haunting noises and the poisonous smoke along with plants, which made it an ideal place for ghost type beings.

The trees were lifeless but Naruto felt dark energy from them so he let out his killer intent to subdue these monsters as they didn't seem to be in frenzy like the rest.


A.N Hope you enjoyed. I am back as i realized writing is my fix. I should finish this story by the end of the month.