Chapter 18

Life was never easy and Uzumaki Naruto could attest to that fact as he never seemed to have time to catch a break.

He had just been jogging towards his destination through the swamp when he saw Ella, which made him so happy that he was shouting like a child.

"Ella, I am here. This way, down here." Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs at seeing his friend who had died because of his indecisiveness

Ella who had been carrying the corpse of a giant beast looked towards Naruto but she wasn't seeing with the expression he had expected and she let the burden drop.

"A new present for Naruto, he will be very happy to devour one so strong." Ella muttered as she analyzed Naruto like he was a monster

'She isn't seeing me, is she under control or an illusion?' Naruto thought as he took a defensive stance

"She is been affected by the underworld parasite, a rare species that can slowly affect its host until finally it takes over." Nemesis supplied as she was very knowledgeable on this subject

'Thanks but how do I remove it? Where is it and is there negative consequence of removal?' Naruto questioned as he jumped back from Ella's dive bomb from the air

Ella dived down like a comet, her speed was illusionary and Naruto barely avoided the claws by an inch.

He quickly pushed her with the wind but Ella retaliated with her whip, which broke through the wind attack and coiled around his left leg.

'She has become really proficient in the time we separated.' Naruto thought as he tried to sink Ella by manipulating the earth but she took flight and dragged him into the air.

"Sorry Ella but I need to harm you if I want to save you." Naruto muttered in a frustrated tone while his expression was filled with coldness that restrained the monstrous fury inside.

While his words didn't reach Ella, she did realize the danger and tried to smash him into the giant spiky tree.

Naruto raised his hand and released a beam of flames which cut Ella's right wing, causing them both to stumble into the trees.

"Ahhhhhh, Ella will destroy you." Ella screamed in pain and rage as she landed while smashing Naruto into the ground.

Naruto hit the ground without any defense as Ella electrocuted him with the whip.

Millions of watts of electricity flowed through his body causing Naruto to be paralyzed as he was unable to move his body.

Naruto quickly used his own elemental control to neutralize the current while releasing wind wave outwards to destabilize Ella, who had been charging towards him.

Naruto pulled the now destabilized Ella towards him and slammed her into the ground by her head.

"Gahh, Ella will win. Ella needs to find Naruto." Ella screamed as she released unrestrained currents around her body

"Ella calm down, it's me Naruto." Naruto shouted at her while restraining her in his embrace

His skin was getting scratched while the current was neutralized by him.

"Ella, Ella, please listen to my voice." Naruto spoke into her ear while controlling the sound to infiltrate into her body and attack the parasite.

Naruto found the target inside her skull and used the sound to break the fragile foe into atoms while using the wind to clear them away.

"Let me go... "Ella screamed but then stopped when she realized that it was Naruto was the one embracing her.

"Naruto, Naruto" She called out in a happy tone as she kissed him on his neck.

Naruto smiled and all his stress went away with Ella in his arms. He felt so comfortable and didn't want to let go.

"I am so happy to see you alright and I am very sorry for getting you killed. Please forgive me." Naruto said in a gentle tone as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Ella is happy to see Naruto; there is no need to apologize. For Naruto, Ella will do anything. Naruto is all, Ella needs. Never leave Ella alone. Ella feels like dying without Naruto." Ella muttered in an affectionate tone as she showered his face with kisses.

Naruto was touched by her confession but also saddened as he could see the heavy reliance she had on him.

'She is so pure, just like a child. Do I deserve this?

Yes, she is mine.' Naruto thought when such a foreign thought popped in his mind. He was shocked that he could think like that.

'Do I want them like that?' Naruto questioned his head and tried to imagine them with someone else, his soul shook and he felt absolute disgust at the thought.

"What's wrong Naruto? Does it hurt?" Ella questioned as she saw the expression

Hearing her words Naruto was reminded that Ella was hurt by him so he started healing her body.

"Nothing just a bad dream." Naruto replied with a smile while hiding his thoughts that seemed to imply extreme changes in his psyche after going through all these life changing events.

'I think it would be best for all of us, if I do not resist those desires. Ella and Alice will go insane if I do not accept them but what about Gaea. Will she accept my feelings when I am like this?'Naruto's head churned with many things that left him frustrated but his focus came back to Ella when she started rub on him so sensually while her clothing seemed to have disappeared.

"Ella, what are you doing?" Naruto asked in an embarrassed tone as he knew there were people watching and with his eyes not knowing where to look

"Ella wants to be with Naruto, make Naruto happy. The books told Ella, how to make Naruto happy." Ella replied as she pressed her chest onto his body and kissed him.

Naruto could have pushed her away but he saw Ella's eyes filled with love, insane love and he could not deny as he didn't want to see the consequence nor did he desire for her to leave him and go for another.

I have become something people would abhor but if the ones I care for love me then I am willing to be anybody. Naruto thought as he responded to her kiss and slowly took the lead, it was his first but it doesn't mean he hasn't seen it before.


"I didn't think I will be in such a position nor did I think the pure Hestia would be watching a couple going at it." Nemesis commented inside Naruto's soul space where she was sitting in a forest with Hestia as they saw the scene outside.

"Nemesis could you please give them privacy; it is not right to do this."

"Oh my, is this making you uncomfortable. But why, haven't already seen this or is it something else." Nemesis teased as she closed the scene and made the place regain its peace.

'Aunt Gaea will not be happy with this but it seems she will have to accept these lower life forms, if she wants Naruto to be happy. Though I wonder, what he would feel when he knows about what happened when he was asleep? Aunt Gaea is really proactive when she wants to be.' Nemesis thought with a smile as she tried to predict how this show will end.

Hestia on other hand didn't understand what Nemesis meant but she felt happy for Naruto as he received so much love from his partner.

'May this happiness last forever.'


"So boring, it would have been so much better if he didn't know how to find or kill such tiny targets". A woman wearing white clothing muttered as she sat on her throne

"I went to the trouble of making her stronger but no payoff. Never mind, it just means this worm is really capable unlike my slave. I wonder how the battle between these mongrels will go, hopefully it will be interesting." The woman talked to herself in a sadistic tone as she stood up and walked towards the door

'Another rebellion to handle and more mortal worms to crush.' the woman thought as she headed for a planet under jurisdiction that needed to be cleansed.


A.N Hope you enjoyed.