Chapter 19

"I think there is something wrong with these gifts we have gotten from our parents." Leo muttered quietly as he sat with Piper away from Jason, who had gone off with his sister for family talk

Piper looked down with a hesitant expression and looked up, "I agree. I didn't want to think it was true but Jason has gone crazy and I saw him talking to himself like he had gone insane. He seems to be slipping into a daze recently."

"I believe it might be because of his overuse of the item. We should have given them back to that person." Leo muttered as he drew on the ground some complex machinery while avoiding calling Naruto's name as it could have negative consequences

"What should we do now? Do we get rid of them?"

"I would agree with that but I don't think it's possible to get rid of them with our own power anymore. The ring on my hand has fused to my skin, I can't remove it or even attempt removal and I seem to be slowly merging with it." Leo replied in a tired tone as his mind was fatigued from the mental fights

Piper was alarmed with his words but couldn't do anything to help and only begged her mother for help in her heart as she watched her friends slowly melting away into insanity.



In the darkness of the night, where lights should have illuminated the path Nico walked with a confident pace. His head adorned with the Crown of Darkness with a cape of pure Yin energy trailing behind, extinguishing all light within his vicinity.

'Such power, it is unbelievable. I can do anything I wish now. No more Suffering, no more tragedies. Erase all that stands in my way but let's payback Father for this generosity. The Giants and Titans will know death.' Nico thought as darkness enveloped him in its cold embrace and morphed into an armor death.

In his sight that pierced through dimensions, he could see his targets which were Two Giants that seemed to be planning on making trouble for the Olympians.

"Mere fodder dares to plan our fall. I will let them no despair." Nico muttered with a voice that seemed to be overlapping onto itself. It was cruel and cold, the world seemed to be rejecting it but the affect were done as the buildings around him crumbled.

'I should be careful.'

"No need to be careful as death is the purpose of all living things. In the end all will return to nothing." Nico muttered while his eyes turned pitch black that sucked in all the light

He walked in relaxed manner and crossed the distance of countries as he appeared beside the Giants inside the Volcano.

Nico didn't utter a word as his mere presence brought them to their knees in pain and he extended his hand to touch their heads, and all was done.

The area was filled with screams of agony as the Giants rolled on the ground, gouging their eyes and scratching their skin, piercing through it and ripping out their organs.

It was a sight of madness but it brought joy to Nico as he understood what it meant to be at the top. The feeling was overwhelming and sweet like nectar.

"Two down but it should be much better to help Father in his own territory as the gates have been opened for quite a time." Nico muttered as he pierced the foes with a dark spear which erased their souls, killing them completely.

'Quite weak, I hope the ones down there can provide more resistance.'



In the dark reaches of the Underworld, a wide sea of black water which emanated in evil aura as it was infested with creatures of the dark.

A being with a snake half and a woman's upper body moved with haste as it crushed monsters coming at it, with its tail.

"Why, why? Stop already, I do not want to serve anyone just let me rest in peace." She cried out in despair as she crushed the foe in her clawed hand

But no response was given as the enemies continued to swarm forcing her to fight. She was becoming more vicious as time went on and her eyes turned scarlet from the golden color.

Her style of fighting became much closer to a monster as she bit of her foes and decimated the crowd with powerful attacks as he body was covered in golden scales that were strong as the best armors.

"No more pain, no more pain. I have been betrayed too many times. No one is worthy of trust, all you are monsters not I."

"I WILL SHOW THEM PAIN, ESPECIALLY YOU POSEIDON. OTHERWISE MY NAME IS NOT MEDUSA." Medusa creamed in rage as despair had overcome her sanity. The suffering over the ages had built up and everything went wrong because of Poseidon's mistake that she was punished for and has suffered continuously for.



'I hope Naruto is doing well. If not I will not stop before I erase everything again and even if I have to fight Father.'

'He has to come back whole for us. I know he will accept us because he loves me. I don't care for the rest of them as they are only there because of his kindness or else he would have denied them.'

'It truly is annoying but they are lucky that they have brain problems or I would have asked him to let them go.' Gaia mused as she sat on her seat inside the Green, her home dimension.

'They shouldn't have been able to affect Naruto. It must be them; I remember she visited this world while I was imprisoned. We might need help if she is involved.' Gaia thought as she went through everything that happened since Naruto arrived and decided to call her sister for assistance.

She dispersed into energy as she traveled through the void heading for the realm of Night.



"Thank you for giving me an interesting show to watch." Zeus muttered as he looked upon a downed Poseidon who was amidst the corpses of his army

"How?" Poseidon questioned with difficult as he gazed upon his brother with absolute horror

"How you ask, isn't that easy to understand. I trained and learned new things unlike useless bugs like you. You could have been so much stronger if you just knew how to actually learn. Did watching over the mortals not make you understand such a notion?" Zeus replied as he held him by the throat

"Who am I kidding; a retarded child like you could never understand the complexities of the universe and caged yourself inside your safe zone." Zeus teased in an arrogant tone as he squeezed and Poseidon didn't have any strength to resist as his body exploded from the force applied, and all his existence was gathered on Zeus hand

'If he hadn't been stupid enough to fight then I wouldn't have killed him. So sad.' Zeus thought with a smile as he looked at his prize and chuckled, his goal was coming closer and soon he will be powerful.


Naruto woke up from his slumber and realized that he was being hugged by a very naked Ella. But unlike before, Naruto didn't feel embarrassment as he had explored Ella's body the day before with care.

He felt kind of happy and relieved, the experience was something more than physical pleasure for him and he couldn't explain with his limited vocabulary.

It was just fulfilling for the soul and the memory brought a smile to his face. Naruto kissed Ella on the nose before getting up and saw that he was naked as well.

'I guess I understand why Master Jiraiya did this along the journey. The stress must have gotten to him.' Naruto thought as he stretched his body and meditated after so long, he was feeling adventurous and decided that he should face the wrath of nature.

'I am the sage and the nature is a part of me, I am a part of nature so it shall deny me no more.' Naruto focused on those words and dived in with a string desire for domination.


A.N Hope you enjoyed. I hope people have understand the logic behind Zeus and Naruto confrontation. I have sprinkled the clues among the chapters so it shouldn't be hard to guess. I wonder if people can guess the Sasuke Killer.