71. Mapless Mazes Part 7

"Hey Spence! Look he's moving." The man said as he pointed at the screen.

"What? Where?" Spence moved in closer to inspect the situation.

He looked at the figure closely and noticed the lean figure moving. His legs were crossed on top of each other and his neck had a metal ring around it, that were connected to the pipes on the exterior. There was no doubt about it. It was the same person who had pulled him out of the quicksand years ago.

"Oh Sam, what happened to you?" He muttered as he patted the screen. He could almost feel Sam's touch.

"Don't worry man. He'll be fine." The man said as he switched off the screen.

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem. Now leave before they see you." The man gestured him to leave.

Spence rushed towards the entrance, as the sound of the footsteps increased. He opened the door softly and walked out of the room, signaling a bye to the kind person. As he climbed down the ladder, he noticed Haruko waiting for him.

"What do you want now?" He asked bluntly.

"I helped you so much and you talk like this!" He exclaimed in his melodramatic voice.

"Alright, thanks Haruko."

"Mhmm... Mention not." Haruko nodded his head.

Spence turned back and was about to leave when Haruko grabbed his arm tightly.

"What do you want?" He seemed to be annoyed.

"Since I have done so much for you, can you help me once?" He hung his head low.

"What is it?"

"You know Bond right? Of course you do. Can you get me his contact?" He muttered in a low voice.

"What business do you have with him?" Spence glared at Haruko.

"I really like him. I want to see him more."

Spence was seemingly getting furious at that point. He wasn't sure of what was happening, but he was sure it was because of Haruko mentioned Bond. He suddenly remembered all the ways Bond touched him and claimed his heart, almost colonizing it. However, the colonization somehow seemed mutual. He was feeling equally possessive now. So much so that he could punch Haruko in the face.

"Bond is mine!" He exclaimed, letting out all his fury.

"Since when are you into short guys?" Haruko seemed to be confused.

"Short guy...? He isn't short. 178 centimeters isn't short."

"I think you have mistaken him for someone else. I mean the short Thai guy whom John had you know..." He stopped abruptly.

"Oh I see now. You mean Pin. He's the guy you are looking for." Spence answered.

"Oh yes. Please get me his contact." Haruko clenched his arm tightly.

Spence nodded his head ans walked towards the door. For some reason, he couldn't feel something right and his mind wandered off somewhere else, searching for answers. He could feel something strange at the back of his head. He suddenly realized. Haruko was fully aware of the fact that Bond was gay but couldn't find Pin's phone number.

'Strange.' He thought to himself as he walked out of the SEC.

Back at the room, Spence was having trouble seeing through. Bond was sitting on the chair and he noticed the countless cigarette butts lying around the table. The whole room reeked of tobacco.

"What are you even doing, Bond?" He rushed to the bathroom, opening the smoke exhaust.

However, Bond didn't respond.

"Bond? Are you still alive?" He raised his voice.

Bond still didn't talk back.

He ran over to him and stopped at the table, as any step further could make him nauseous. He brushed the strands of hair behind his ears, which seemed cold now. Rubbing the temples and the lobes, he could sense almost no life in the drooping body.

"Bond! Get up right now!" He shook the half dead person but got no response.

Spence's hand now began to tremble. He picked up the pitcher on the bed side table and threw it on Bond, as he felt his body getting colder. Tears were forming in the corner of his eyes and his hands slipped as the water kept on reducing the friction. He could feel his grip slipping away.

"Bond! Respond for God's sake!" He yelled but didn't receive any response.

"I will do this now." He muttered as he moved closer, tightly gripping the body in his warm embrace.

He could feel the cold water touch his clothes as he moved closer and closer to Bond. Thinking it would help, he rubbed his back countless times to give him more warmth. Warmth that he was craving for, since years.

"Please forgive me." He muttered as tears streamed down his cheeks, onto the wet shoulders.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp electric pulse run through his body as he felt slight movement. The hands gradually moved upwards as he felt them embrace him back.

"I am sorry Spence." Bond said as he spat out a burnt off cigarette from his mouth.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Spence got up and punched him on the face.

"Thank you Spence." Bond sat upright. "I wanted to die today. Thanks for saving me." He muttered.

"Are you mad, idiot?" Spence said as he rushed towards him, grabbing him in an embrace.