72. Horrifying Hazards Part 1

"What's wrong with you, Spence?" Bond questioned as he looked over at him.

"I don't know, but I was afraid that... That you would have died." Spence choked on his tears.

"Nah... I wouldn't die so soon. Besides, this won't have killed me." He picked up the wet burnt cigarette.

"I am not sure, but if you eat a burning cigarette, you may die."

Spence looked at Bond as his eyes scanned the tired figure beneath him. The nicotine effect was gradually wearing off as he could feel sweat on Bond's cold, wet body. His hand moved up in his hair and softly caressed the blond tuft till it came back to place. Pushing away slowly and adjusting himself on the cushiony thighs, he noticed the tired eyes as their foreheads touched each other.

"What are you doing?" Bond muttered in a low voice.

"Shh..." Spence kept a delicate finger on his lips.

Both of their eyes were locked with each other. Bond eventually stole glances to stare at Spence's lips swollen due to crying. Spence stared at him without blinking as he felt a fire rise down his core. Even his comfortable sweat pants were giving him a hard time.

"What is wrong with me?" He muttered.


"Whenever I see you, I feel something wrong inside." Spence said as his fingers brushed across Bond's blackened lips.

"Spence, you are sitting on my lap." Bond said as he turned his head away.

Spence placed a hand under his chin an pulled him towards himself, with Bond seeing his lust-filled eyes. Or perhaps love. He wasn't sure of himself.

"You are mine. Only mine." Spence whispered as he cupped his hands and pulled him even closer. The fair face was now turning scarlet red.

"Spence, let me go." Bond sounded adamant.

"No Bond, I am yours and you are mine." Spence said as he touched his nose with his'."

Bond was slowly giving in.

His hands moved upwards as it traversed through Spence's arched back, reaching at his neck. One of his hands rested on the neck while the other hand grabbed his sweaty, brown hair, pulling it from the behind.

"You don't know what you have done, Spence."

"What have I done?" Spence struggled to speak as his Adam's apple moved up and down.

"You have hurt me. No one has been able to do that." He said, pressing Spence's Adam's apple.

"Then let me pay back for my mistakes." Within the span of a second, Spence sprang backwards, falling upon Bond.

"Let me just say it." Bond said as his eyes rolled to the side. "I think I love you."

Even though Spence had been through countless phases of life unaffected, Bond's words struck several chords in his heart. They were dancing around in a random fashion, creating a melody that was melancholic but joyful at the same time. The sound of which reached his mind, putting him in a trance never heard of before. Some people call it lunacy, while others call it love.

Spence bent his arms downwards, close enough for Bond to feel his warm breath's touch. He looked into the longing eyes for a short while before crashing his lips against the trembling one.

"It's... Ngh... My first kiss... After a confession." Bond muttered through the kiss.

Spence occasionally turned his head to ensure his lips covered every part of Bond's mouth. While he pecked lightly on the cupid's bow and the chin, he shucked the life out of the upper and lower lips. His tongue navigated through the sensitive parts. His tongue was almost skillful to the point that it chiseled through the crevices, eventually reaching inside his mouth.

"Spence... Ngh!" Bond tried to speak but only his eventual moans were audible, filling the room with a lust - filled aura.

Spence's tongue danced around his mouth as he chases away Bond's thirsty tongue away. After all, best things are for the last. He thrust his tongue deeper to the uvula, making Bond flinch. He sprang upwards, biting Spence's tongue. The smell of warm blood filled his mouth.

"What the hell, Bond? Spence moved away, as he held his tongue in between his teeth.

"I am sorry." He muttered.

Spence chuckled out loud.

"Did I scare you?" He said, patting Bond's head. "Go sleep."

Bond walked to his bed and sat upon it, resting his back against the headboard. He looked upwards and suddenly started speaking, "You know Spence, when I was at the Chattapan market, they said I wouldn't be killed if I helped them prepare sacrifices."

"I kinda guessed so." Spence stared at him.

"But you know what, I already knew what was going to happen. It wasn't my first visit there. I lured Pin in there." Bond said as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"What? Are you mad?" Spence yelled out loud.

"Yes. I am mad. I am mad to the point that I tried to kill my own friend."

"Madness is not what comes from within. Rather, it's something that rises from circumstances. I won't blame you." Spence said as he flashed a bright smile.

"You won't say it to him right?"

"I assure you this secret will go to my grave."