73. Horrifying Hazards Part 2

At that time, Spence got a message on his phone:

"Come meet me in the SEC." This time, it was not in codes. Rather, it was in plaintext.

Spence looked at Bond and said, "I have to go now."


"To the SEC. Haruko wants to meet me." Spence noticed the change of expression on Bond's face. "And no, I am not going on a date with him." He added.

Bond got up and rushed towards him, wrapping his arms around the lean waist. "I trust you." He whispered in Spence's ears.

"Thank you." Spence kissed on his cheeks lightly and moved his head away. He walked out of the room as Bond kept his eyes fixated on him.

When Spence felt that Bond's eyes were no longer digging the back of his neck, he increased his speed and ran towards SEC, stopping right at the entrance. The door was already open for him, welcoming him to the pit of hell. He walked in cautiously as he noticed a figure in the corner of the room.

"Sam, is that you?" He asked as his pace decreased.

"Welcome to the SEC, Spence!" Someone exclaimed.

Spence turned back to look at the person behind him. It was Haruko, fully dressed in his rose gold glory.

'Something is off about this.' He thought to himself.

"Just like every thing you do has a corresponding effect, you need to do something to achieve what you want." Haruko said as he looked up at the ceiling.

"You mean I have to do a task yeah?"

"You are getting smart!" Haruko exclaimed.

"No, I am realizing how much of a barstard you can be."

Haruko let out a loud chuckle, which sounded evidently fake. He pointed him to go towards the chamber, where he could get changed. Spence chose a dark blue body suit this time, reflecting the state of his mind, blue and dark. He walked out of the room, unsure of what was to come. Seeing Haruko for the second time in the same day was definitely not a good omen.

"What do I have to do?" Spence asked.

"Wait for the announcement." Haruko said as he pointed his finger to the speaker.

At that time, there was an announcement:

"This task is to test the level of concern for a person. The candidate has to kill the chosen one 'Pin Rattapon' by asphyxiating him."

Haruko gaped at Spence in horror, with his mouth wide open.

"The direct reward of this task is that the candidate can meet his object of affection."

"It's fine, I can kill him." Spence said as he laughed.

"No you are not!" Haruko yelled as he charged towards him to stop him from leaving.

"Haruko, let me go dude!" Spence said as he pushed off his hand, running out of the SEC like a maniac.

"Spence, no!" Haruko followed him.

Spence ran to Pin's room and locked it behind himself. Pin was sleeping soundly, almost as if he had passed out. Spence crept upon his toes and stood near his bed, looking at him intently.

Meanwhile in the other room, Haruko had used his spare keys and unlocked the other door, terrifying Bond.

"What are you doing here?" Bond asked as he frantically got up.

"I know you hate me, but I need your help."

"Why should I help you?" Bond's voice tone lowered.

"It's your own friend, his life is in danger."

"What?" Bond asked as his eyes widened.

"Spence will kill your friend." Haruko's breathing became heavier. It was as audible as the words he spoke.

"I don't trust you." Bond stated.

"Yes I know, but you have to trust me before it's too late."

For some reason, Bond sensed a sincerity in Haruko's voice.

He rushed to the wardrobe and emptied out its contents, revealing the door inside. Haruko took out the bunch of keys and hastily tried each one of them, before finally finding the right one.

Suddenly, they both heard the voice of muffled screams.

Bond took charge and barged opened the door, as both of them fell inside the other room's bathroom. Haruko fiddled around his legs to escape the tangled situation and tried to walk out of the shower chamber.

"It's not locked!" Haruko said as he ran outside the bathroom. Bond followed.

What they saw next was nightmare material. Spence was sitting on Pin's torso, with a pillow pressing the pitiful person's face. He looked like a psychopath at that point. A person who could kill for his pleasure. Pin's screams filled the air, as Spence was too less bothered about the two people standing in the room.

"Spence, get off him now!" Haruko yelled as he slumped on the ground. There were tears in his eyes.

Bond couldn't be patient enough to talk at that point. He rushed towards Spence, grabbing him by the arm and landing a punch on his face. He seemed to be returning back to his senses. Guilt slowly crept in.

"I am sorry, Bond." He said as he moved to hug Bond tightly. However, Bond pushed him away.