First Quest in Feral City!

The Party returned to the Novice Village and went towards the Village Hall. Silver approached the Mayor speaking confidently. "Hello Leon, we have completed the mission of killing the three monstrous beasts."

"How wonderful. You have saved many lives today brave adventurers, Thank you. All of you will be greatly rewarded, and remembered."

- Gained 25000 Experience

- Gained Title [Village Hero]

- Innate Ability Greater Detection


Level 10 is a turning point which greatly enhances a players strength, not only do players gain 10 Free Attribute Points, but also receive a Free Talent Point, even more, important they gain access to the main city, only the Capital remains unavailable for adventurers. Only those of Prime Citizen status may enter the Capital City of each continent.

In true cities trainers can be found, not only can these trainers enhance your Class when you are ready, but you can also learn a multitude of skills.

Silver analyzed the rewards that he had received;

Village Hero (Growth Title): Gain 5% increased Attribute; Upgrade Title when a Great Heroic Deed is completed.

Innate Ability:

: Gain greater knowledge when detected the Strength of an opponent. Fail to detect information on people who far outweigh you in Strength.

Silver pleased with his rewards glanced at his other Party members. It seems that for their reward they only gained a large amount of Experience and the Village Hero Title.

After telling Eric that he was leaving the village, he talked to the Mayor.

"I am pleased with my rewards, the destination of my next journey is Feral City. Can you let me know any information that will be helpful in my adventures."

"Of course I will share all my information with my young friend. Feral City is one of the Empires six first-tier Cities, each who are lead by Godlike figures. Only a few adventurers posses the qualification to enter these Cities. I am the judge for this village, we are only given a few dozen passes each for these high tier Cities. Those who do not qualify will have to await a different opportunity to enter a tier one city.

Feral City is run by Duke Lowis a powerful Elven Arch-Mage who rarely appears, but with his power, no one doubts his control over the City. That being said, due to his policy of not controlling the City to closely, Nobles are somewhat rampant in their behavior. Although they do not dare commit actions in the open fearing crossing Lowis' bottom line.

For now, I would be rather careful, although your talent is superb, your current capabilities are far too lacking. Even immortality cannot save you from the wrath of these nobles.

Once you arrive in the town speak with Earl Edward, a decent noble in the First Tier City. He is a kind man." Mayor then handed a pass, and scroll to Silver.

"Thank you, Leon, I hope we meet again in the future." Then Silver activated the Scroll to Feral City.

Silver appeared at a Teleportation gate at Feral City.

"Halt, please present your pass to enter the city." Silver presented his pass.

"I see, would you like an escort to Earl Edwards; We can bring you to his estate if you desire."

Silver glanced around at the ginormous city, he was on a platform surrounded by two to three story stone structures, and wide roads. He was incapable of seeing the edges of the City.

"A Guide would be useful, I have no idea of the geography of the city."

"A guide would be no problem for a guest of the Earl." The Guard waved over a young looking solider. "Please assist Earl Edwards guest with a journey to his estate."

The Guard brought Silver a few miles towards the outskirts of the city, after nearly a half hour of walking a nice estate appeared in view, the estate took up around an acre of land. Silver was escorted to the front gate where he presented his pass.

The guard took a glance at the pass before leading Silver to a parlor. "Please await Earl Edward here, he will arrive momentarily." He then poured Silver a drink.


Gain 10% Max Health

Duration: 24 Hours

Cooldown 24 Hours

The Wine tasted quite great, Silver decided to use the free time to use his Attribute, and Talent points. Silver placed 9 Points into Dexterity reaching 50 in total. Then placed the remaining 6 into Strength bringing it to 26. He placed both of his Talent Points into Master of Skills

Master of Skills 3/3: Decreases the cooldown of all skills by 25%. Silver gleefully viewing his new status was interrupted by the arrival of the Earl

"Hello, Novice Assassin Friend of Leon, It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Dell Edwards an Earl of the City of Feral, a Friend of Mayor Leon."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Edwards, I have come with directions from Mayor Leon."

"Yes I owe Leon a favor, I will answer any questions that you desire."

"I have received plenty of information from Leon before leaving, but I do have two questions. First Is there any skilled assassins that I could directly learn from?" Silver asked

"For all other classes I could be of assistance, but truly skilled assassins do not reveal themselves in the open. First, you must find a member of the Assassin guild. If you are unable to do so I will at least be able to assist you in finding some rather unskilled Assassins."

Silver thought for a moment "I have made some contact with the guild, and believe that I will be able to make contact, if I fail I will ask you for some assistance. My second inquiry is of the Noble Albert Cust. Do you have any information about this Noble."

Sir Edwards was quite surprised that Silver had already made contact with the guild. He then spoke of the noble "I do not hold too much information on Baron Albert. I do know that he is directly under Viscount Brand, and is rather moral compared to most. He lives to the South of the City rather far out. I do not know of any further information on this Noble."

Silver Glad about the info he had received went to check his quest information.

After a few moments of silence, the Earl spoke solemnly.

"I do have a request to my adventurer friend, no not a request but a great favor. Leon has expressed much appreciation to not just your potential, but also your moral integrity." Sir Edwards stated with confidence in his eyes.

"Due to my positive reputation, I currently have very little connection to those in the underworld causing my power to be little underground. As a young upright Assassin with great potential many will be interested in you; including those evildoers." His tone of voice started changing sounding heroic.

"I ask you to climb up the depths of the underworld and assist me in fixing the multitude of problems that Feral City has. This would already be a difficult task even for someone of your potential, but what I ask you is even more difficult. I hope that you climb the ladder of the underworld without committing great sin against the common folk. Any assistance that you need I will do my utmost to assist. Leon put a great amount of trust in you, so I will do the same. Whatever path you choose to rise to the top of the Underworld I will accept!" The earl then closed his eyes awaiting a response.

Silver looked at the quest and believed that it couldn't fit any better than his current objective

"I accept soon the entire Underworld will bend to my will!" Silver said resolutely.