An Epic Item!

It was now Saturday Early in the morning. Silver still online took a deep breath somewhat exhausted from his earlier actions. More and more people started arriving in Feral City. Even with the limited number of passes to enter the city. With over a few thousand novice villages in just the Southern Continent, there would at least be a hundred thousand players arriving in the city shortly.

At that moment Banana King sent silver a message.

"Hey Brother, just letting you know that me Sophia, and Ashton entered Feral City together. Most of our guild members are unable to enter the city until we are capable of creating a Guild Hall. Let me know if you need anything!"

Silver sent Eric a quick reply before closing the chat. He headed towards Baron Cust's residence. Once the guard from yesterday saw Silver arriving he welcomed him in. Silver went to the same guest hall as yesterday, and shortly after arriving Albert Cust entered the hall.

"I have heard of the news, I cannot believe that you escaped from Viscount Mathew's clutches. It is truly unbelievable.

Silver replied humbly "It was all due to luck, with even slightly less I would have been captured."

"I can imagine still I am certainly impressed. I truly owe you a great favor, can you show me your hat for a moment?"

Silver immediately handed over his hat to Albert. Even if the hat was lost its stats were already somewhat outdated, he would not make a huge loss.

Albert then took out a stone and placed on top of the hat. Before stating "Although Rodger was never too strong he should not have been able to be killed by you so easily. Rodger was in a weakened state due to casting a ritual spell. He imbued this hat with a majority of his power that could only be unlocked by those who completed his will. He entrusted me with the key, now that you have completed his will the hats properties will be fully shown to you."

With the stone placed on top of the hat after a few moments, the stone started to glow, before being completed devoured by the hat.

"The process is complete please take a look"

- Gained 50000 Experience

- Silver's Trusty Hat Upgraded!


(Leather Headpiece) (Bound)

Rarity: Epic (Purple)

All Attributes + 8

Bonus 1: Shadow Blink+: Instantly appear at a chosen location within 5 feet (Instantly lose stealth).

Bonus 2: Disguise: This hat can change to any design the user desires. Will hide the user from inspection. (Cannot create Faces)

An Epic item! Silver quickly equipped the item. Although he could not gain all 32 attribute points that this item offered due to his Ring of Vitality, which caused his max Constitution, and endurance to be 15. He still gained a huge power boost his current Combat abilities were ridiculous compared to other level 10 players.

Level: 10

Silver (Novice Assassin)

HP: 285/285

Attack: 60.4

Defense: 39

Attack Speed: 2.05

Movement Speed: 202

Stamina: 115/115

Attributes: Strength 33, Dexterity 57, Endurance 15, Constitution 15.

After basting in glory for a few seconds he finished speaking with Cust and went on his way.

Currently, he had no mission he could complete within the short term. His only current quest was taking over the underworld which he needed much more strength to complete.

Glancing at the map of this city Silver headed towards the Feral City Library. After arriving a short, and childlike Librarian approached. "Hello Adventurer, unfortunately, the library is currently closed." She said despondently.

"Is there a reason for the closing?" Silver asked the librarian respectfully.

"A large portion of our books were stolen, and two guards were killed in the night, although we have garnered a bit of information through magic on the criminals that had committed the crime, the guards are currently to busy with other tasks to assist." The librarian spoke without hiding the sorrow in her voice.

"If the librarian could trust this young adventurer, I believe that I could retrieve the books back from those who stole it, and administer some justice." Silver spoke confidently to the Librarian.

"A vigilante, unfortunately, this library is unwilling to work with one. I apologize but the library is closed." The small librarian spoke resolutely.

"I understand." Silver then left the library rather dejected, to think the Librarian would have such strong respect for the law.

Silver while walking down the street spotted a man across the road in an alley seemingly scouting the library. Silver pretended to be unaware of his presence and walked out of view from the man.

Silver then activated and changed his hat into a mask to hide his appearance. When walking around the corner of the alley he spotted the man sitting down pretending to be a beggar. Silver used

Level 12

HP: 240

Attack: 60

Defense: 20

Skills: Stealth, Pickpocket

Silver slowly approached the thief in stealth circling around him at a four feet radius before arriving behind him in the alley. The next moment Silver placed one dagger on the Assassins back and the other around his neck.

"You have twenty Seconds." Silver threatened without speaking anymore.

The thief shocked by the sudden situation was lost for words, after five seconds

"fifteen seconds left" Silver started applying pressure to both daggers.

"Hold on! please don't hurt this beggar; I don't have anything!"

"Ten Seconds" Some blood could be seen coming from the dagger under the thief's neck.

"Okay, the books! I know where they are, please!" The thief spoke quickly while panicking.

"Continue, five seconds." Silver dagger's pressure remained constant.

"The outskirts of the city, in the north an old abandoned tile factory! I can bring you there."

Silver sheathed his daggers before threatening. "You have no chance in running, but I welcome you to try." While releasing his killing intent, causing the thief to shiver in fear.

The thief was intimidated and started bringing silver towards the factory. After thirty minutes of closely following the Thief, they arrived near the factory.

From Silver's experience, it seemed that the Thief was not lying,

"hmm, drink this and stay here. When I return I will hand you the antidote if the information is true that is." Silver gave the thief a normal looking bottle of liquid.

The Thief looked at the bottle for a moment before understanding he had no choice, he drank the bottle.

Of course, this was just a normal bottle of water that Silver handed the assassin. Silver activated before entering the hideout.

The factory was quite large, but when he entered he saw a group of five or so hooligans that seemed to be on the lookout. They all had the same information as the previous , although these thieves may not all be evil it was after all just a game.

Silver used his instantly killing a Thief since the strike instantly killed a thief his was instantly reactivated due to his passive skill .

The other Hooligans went on alert, a hole just appeared in their comrade's chest without a hint of what occurred. Silver then went to the next closest hooligan instantly appearing using into a regular attack to finish him off, Although his reactivated, due to being unable to instantly kill the thieves his presence was now known.

Two of the three remaining Thieves instantly activated to flee. Silver immediately sprinted towards one of the two who activated Stealth and threw his dagger at the other, instantly striking both ridding them of stealth. He finished off the one in front of him in only a moment, then went to the one running away after tanking his . He caught up in two seconds and finished him off with a . Finally, he returned to the final thief, he was so terrified his legs were shaking, Silver who was still in Stealth appeared before him. In a mere five seconds, his four thief friends have perished

The thief instantly hit the ground and begged for his life.

"Don't worry, since you have surrendered your life will be spared. I am Silver the man who all alone has culled the Spider group." He then vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Now a real problem occurred if he could not find the entrance to the thieves hideout within the 23 Second duration of he would look so uncool! He quickly searched around and found a hidden passage with only a second to spare.

The thief quickly fled, and would spread the word of a monstrous phantom named Silver!