Dead End!

The Noble fell with a thud. Silver after waiting a moment to see if anyone else would come walked over to his body. Perhaps due to the noble being in Sleepwear, no items dropped. Silver searched the room and was able to find a few items. First was the nobles sword, ordained in expensive gems.

(Short Sword)

Rarity: Rare (Blue)

Level 10

Equipment Requirement: Strength 40

Attack: + 21

Attack Speed: + .1

Bonus: If equipped with a Shield gain +10 Defense

Durability: 47/47

I good Short Sword that would be best on a tank. Silver decided that he would keep it for now, and if Banana is able to get to Feral City he would then sell it to him.

Silver further searched the room and found a few pieces of jewelry filled with gems which he could sell to NPC's. He then slowly exited the room.

He was not planning on leaving just yet though. On the map that he received from the Baron a small corner of the mansion was unknown. It is likely that either his wealth or his immoral actions are being hidden there.

Silver often roamed around unfamiliar houses without a map. This made maneuvering around this house with a map rather easy for him, avoiding any housekeepers that still wondered the halls occasionally.

After a few minutes, Silver finally reached the corner of the house that was labeled unknown on the map. He arrived at the door and became somewhat apprehensive. If the door to the noble's room had a formation placed on it this room would likely have one as well.

Silver was still unwilling to leave, he thought it was likely that only the dead noble would be alerted to the formation being breached. Especially so if he was hiding what was behind this door from others. Silver decided to go for it. Silver checked if the door was locked, which it was. Silver used his real-world skills to pick the lock and then entered the room.

After a few minutes Silver guessed that he was correct, if there was an alert system most likely only the now dead noble would have gotten it. After entering the room Silver was somewhat let down. It looked like a regular office.

Silver went over to the desk and saw a book.

....Silver was rather shocked, a Criminal who kept a Journal titled Journal of Crimes.....Either Packter wanted to be caught, or he was missing a few screws...

After taking the journal Silver searched the office not leaving an inch unexamined. After a few minutes behind one of the paintings, he found a locked safe. The safe used was mechanical something very rare in Silver's time period. That being said Silver has seen a few movies were safe cracking did take place, he decided to attempt it.

It would seem that the developers have watched the same movies, because in just a few minutes after Silver placed his ear next to the safe he was able to unlock it. A notification then popped up in front of Silver

- 3 Gold Bars


- Sphere of Magical Essence

Silver reached for the items and examined them one by one, a gold bar is equivalent to 100 Gold. This means from looting a single nobles safe he had obtained $300,000 in real-world money. Due to the stupendous price of setting up a guild, gold prices were still remaining the constant. The requirement for establishing a guild was different depending on the city, but three requirements were always needed.

- Ownership of land in the city of the Guild, which often required a good reputation

- A guild creation order which only dropped from bosses level 15 or higher

- Tier 1 Cities required 1,500 Gold fee Tier 2 Cities required 1000 Gold, and Tier 3 Cities Required 500 Gold

It would most likely be a while before a guild can be established in a city. Silver now had around three hundred and thirty gold coins which would be comparable to the current wealth of large guilds.

Silver then looked at the Faithful Dagger

(Parry Dagger)

Rarity: Rare (Blue)

Level 10

Equipment Requirement: Dexterity 40, Strength 20

Attack + 11

Defense +5

Attack Speed +.1

Bonus: On Successful Parry reduce Crowd Control effects by 80%

The bonus on the dagger was insanely good. As long as Silver was capable of parrying an attack the Crowd Control associated would basically be reduced to a non-factor.

Finally Silver looked at the last item.

At that moment Silver heard noises approaching, he quickly entered fleeing towards the door as quickly as possible. Silver stepped out of the door and noticed that the noises were coming from people heading directly towards his location. Silver quickly headed away from the location but spotted a man just before making his escape.

(Tier 1 Mage)

Level 24

Atk ???


Although his appearance would remain hidden, his Stealth was useless against such a high leveled Mage NPC. Silver sprinted down the hallway breaking line of site with the mage, quickly activating which increased his movement speed to over 200.

"Bang." He crashed into a barrier that the mage seemed to have created around himself in all directions. Knowing his chance of fighting the mage was zero he only had one chance. Silver tried his luck to escape the barrier! He activated : Instantly appear at a random location within 5 feet

Silver instantly appeared on the other side of the Barrier he had succeeded. He continued to sprint through the house before finding a window which he could escape. He ran through the courtyard and over the gate. The guards were much to slow to stop him, he headed in a roundabout way towards the slums that neared the manor.

Alarms rang out across the neighborhood. A barrier appeared enclosing everything within a mile of the Manor in an instant.

He entered an alley and began taking off his rare looking cloth armor until only his novice clothing was left. He then laid down in the alley, looking like a pitiful beggar.

An hour slowly passed the barrier still activated. Silver constantly felt magical scans passing over him, but he continued to pretend to sleep in the alley. A guard walked down the alley,

"Hey, you get up!" The guard yelled in an authoritative fashion.

Silver opened his eyes slightly, and slowly sat up "Who the hell are you!" Silver spoke slurring his words, while also checking the guards status.

Elite Level 20


"Who the hell am I!?!" The Guard kicked silver in the stomach. Silver faked coughing up some blood and stood up while clutching his stomach.

Silver as if just realizing that a Guard was ordering him took his actions extremely seriously. "I'm um sorry officer, I didn't mean it. What could this lowly one do for you." Silver spoke slowly, and quietly making him look extremely nervous.

"Hmph, a murderer has killed a noble and is on the loose nearby. He escaped from lord Mathews presence. Although I know that trash like you won't be helpful to someone so skilled. At least don't dirty the dead nobles name by being killed by the same man. Get out of the area now." The guard spoke with contempt in his eyes.

"but, but...I have nowhere else to go, officer." Silver stammered.

"Useless trash, I will personally remove you from this area let's go" The guard then dragged Silver along with him.

The guard then brought him to a checkpoint that was set up in order to leave the barrier. The guard waved at the others and chucked Silver outside the barrier. Silver slowly stood and walked away from the Captain. He has escaped, and he could not stop a smile from appearing on his face.