An Ordinary Mug

'Ahh.' A particular blonde-haired Omega can't help but sigh in annoyance as she thinks, 'Why does they have to stay in the same room as Haruo's bitch?' She didn't know what happened and why Rei was tolerating this kind of thing, but if she was Rei, she immediately slapped the living hell out of the bitch and made the bastard pay!

But she's not Rei, so she has to behave.

They are sitting on the couch in their living room, glancing at each other while Rei is busy staring at the other blonde Omega in front of them who, for Shiori, looks so stupid as she smiles at them in which she reciprocated with a solemn face. As if she could fill Shiori's hostility, she then directed her attention back to Rei sitting between Yasuko and Shiori.

Meanwhile, a person is also confused about the whole situation in front of him right now. His name is Kyou Takahashi. He was dragged out of his car after the said call from Yasuko when he felt relieved that he didn't have to drive home Shiori. Why? It is because another hour of driving towards Rei's apartment with that woman in his car is a literal hell for the man. Driving shouldn't be that stressful! And he didn't want to place himself in that situation again. Kyou then sighed, glancing at the Omega in front of them and remembering what Shiori told him before entering the apartment.

The two of them stopped in front of the apartment. Shiori's fist is slowly rising and feeling hesitant to knock while her other hand is on the hem of her shirt. She is gripping it too hard that they mirror the anger in her eyes. The Alpha beside her stepped back a little when she turned her head towards him, glaring at him. 'Just what the hell is wrong with her...' he thought.

"Listen, Kyou. Whatever you learn and who is behind that door as well as where we are should be kept a secret." Shiori leaned closer, pupils constricting as she squinted her eyes. "Even from Yuu."

Kyou gulped, raising a brow at her. "And why is that? Isn't this concerning his cousin? He has the right to know."

"It's Rei's choice. He didn't want other people to know." She stepped back, crossing her arms and looking in the other direction.

"Then why are you letting me know?" Kyou asked, massaging the bridge of his nose in annoyance. This woman is really... "I don't want to be involved in his mess."

Shiori loudly sighed, pouting and glaring at him. "Come on! Aren't the two of you already friends? And we don't know what will happen in there. You are Plan B."

'Ahh. Plan B, my ass. What am I? One of your sacrificial lambs?' Kyou thought, crossing his arms and flopping his back comfortably on the sofa. He glanced to his side where Rei was sitting, raising a brow at how blank he looked. Rei was staring at the floor below, avoiding anyone's gaze at him. His eyes were empty, and his face was solemn as if he had lost something. What's with that look... It looks familiar. Where has he seen him make that look--- Ah! The day when he saved him.

"Ah," Asuka exclaimed, suddenly standing up from her seat and causing the four to look at her.

"W-What's wrong, Fujimori-san?" Yasuko asked, raising a brow as they all watched her run towards the kitchen and rummage through the sink.

Asuka shyly chuckled, scratching her cheek because of embarrassment by her sudden outburst before rinsing a white mug. "I-I'm sorry. We just had dinner, and I'm still cleaning up. I thought you would be home late, so I am done yet."

"It's okay." Rei forced a smile, standing up from his seat and walking towards Asuka before gently snatching the white mug out of her hand. "I will do it. You are a guest."

"Oh no. You don't have to. I was about to finish any---" Asuka panicked, trying to snatch the mug from Rei in which the red-haired held on to and moved it away from her.

Why is 'his' mug on the sink? Did she use it? She, out of all people? And Haruo let her?! He couldn't help but grip the handle of the white mug tightly until his fist became paler. His bangs cover his eyes,  enough to hide how shocked and disappointed he was. Did... Haruo forgot how important this mug is to him? Asuka continued to reach for the mug, insisting on cleaning it. She immediately flinched when a sudden loud voice echoed across the apartment that it also caused the three, sitting in the living room and watching everything, eyes widened.

"It's mine!" Rei aggressively growled at Asuka before blinking, looking around at the people who were already staring at him in shock. Shit... Now, this is awkward.

He faked a cough before forcing a smile to lighten the mood, acting as if nothing had happened. "Aren't you just rinsing it? It will be done soon so let me."

"Eh?" Asuka blinked, completely speechless by how Rei changed his mood. "O-Okay."

He watched as Asuka slowly walked towards the living room, sighing as he focused himself on the task in front of him. He let his thumb rub on the cold, ceramic surface of the mug. Others may have thought that he was overreacting earlier but it is because it's not an ordinary mug for him. He raised his gaze from his white mug and saw a similar design black mug on their dish drying rack, together with their white plates. It's not... An ordinary mug.

"Did you like it? These two mugs are like our little housewarming gift." Haruo grinned, holding the two mugs and shoving them in front of Rei who raised a brow at him.

"You don't have to buy me stuff. I forced you to take me with you." Rei mumbled under his breath, grabbing the white mug out of Haruo's hand.

"What are you talking about Rei?" Haruo pat Rei's head, cheekily grinning and leaning closer to Rei. "Didn't I tell you? Let's get to know each other more."

Rei blushed, looking away from Haruo. "Y-Yeah. Thank you. For the mug."

"It's a pair one. Isn't it making us look like a couple already?" Haruo leaned back, smirking at Rei whose eyes widened at what he said.

The red-haired Omega immediately turned his attention back to the black-haired Alpha, glaring at him as he redden up to his earlobe. "Shut up."