Lilly's Workplace (Part 2)

Zoya had spoken about the fast tunnel that would take them to the care house in the city and that they would reach on the day they were supposed to without missing a day or even half a day.

To explain better she spoke about the novel called, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', which is a fantasy novel for children written by C. S. Lewis. It was published by Geoffrey Bles in 1950. It is best out of the seven novels from The Chronicles of Narnia. Among all the author's books, it is also the most widely held in libraries. She also explained that this Chronicles of Narnia were made into 3 movies later.

In that first book and in the first movie also, the children get into the Wardrobe and end up in a different world called Narnia. After meeting a lot of adventures, being crowned there, they grow up and become adults. One day they are riding their horses in that very area where they had Narnia through the wardrobe. They recognize the exact spot and slowly make their way to the fir trees to see if it was real. They pass the fir trees and enter the wardrobe and then they tumble out of the wardrobe as children.

They were children when the entered the wardrobe, went into Narnia and went through many adventures. They became adults in Narnia and then they became children again when they tumble out of the wardrobe.

Ben had added that time for them had stood still while they were in Narnia and when they came back they were as if they had just been playing hide and seek. He remembered as he had read that book and he had even seen the movie.

Cathy had understood and said that in the same way as with the children who went and lived in Narnia for so many years, they no matter how long they stayed here, time will pass but in their own world, the time has stopped. When they reached their own place then their time will start again.

Dany thought they were all very clever as they were having an adventure of a lifetime and when they all got back it will be like they had never spent any time here.

Zen, Sunny, Cathy, Shana, Tina and Nanu nodded their heads in agreement that they only would know that they had been here. Shana added that Mono and Lilly and all the Orbs would also know. commented Shana.

Tina wanted to know if Mono and Lilly would let them visit their world once things settled down here maybe in a year's time?

"We have no objection'" replied Mono after looking at Lilly. "But your coming here next time will be with the permission who will be the head of this little group of towns. We have not given a name to our little Utopia, but we would like you to give us some suggestions."

Mono said, "We will also have to send some people to the cities above to get to know how you administer your country and your cities. We will learn and then come back to implement the same, in a shorter version, in our little place. After all, we have 5 towns and the main town is Town M. The others can be substitutes for Town/City administration and Town M can be like the capital having a local and a country type administration."

"We will need to incorporate the village areas and our industrial areas too as they produce agriculture products as well as industrial products," Lilly added.

"Yes, we will also need to learn a lot from your towns down here especially how to be more pro-environment friendly, and divert the attention of our industries towards that direction," added Luke.

"This will be done by the appropriate authorities. But you need to protect yourself from unscrupulous people. This we will see when the time comes. Zia and I are there to help you guys, don't worry."

Lilly was keeping an eye on the children that they did not touch any of her machinery. Those machines if tampered with would give her a set back by many months. So, she was ensuring that nothing untoward happened to cause her further delay for reassembling her father from the Orb energy. She was quite apprehensive as to whether she would succeed. She had the confidence earlier but as time was passing, she was getting the jitters.

"Be careful of the wires that are hanging beside that bed!" she exclaimed as one of the kids was about to trip. "We do not want the destruction of this assembling machine."

She then asked the children to come and stand with the Orbs.

The children obediently came over to stand with the Orbs. The Orbs were all huddled together on one side. There were a lot of them, about 175 and the additional one of Lilly's father. Now they did not need to communicate telepathically with anyone as one of them (Lilly's father) could speak.

Lilly then spoke to her father by asking him to step to the side. His Orb was recognizable as it was off-white in color as compared to the other white Orbs.

Thereafter, the Orb of Niel came over and spoke to the rest of the 175 Orbs present. There was a lot of noise like a humming sound. The Orbs seem to be in deep conversation or perhaps it was an argument. Some seemed to be unhappy but half of them seemed to be happy.

After the discussion was over, Niel came over and hovered over Lilly. He discussed something with Lilly for quite a while about what had transpired between the rest of the Orbs and him. They both decided to talk to everyone in the group of the trekkers as well as Mono.

He then called out to Mono, Luke, Zia, Sherpa, the 10 students as well as Lilly.

He explained that the hypnotizing apparatus that they had been using at the Time machine areas and at the jails was made of crystals. These crystals after use were on the last leg of their life, like the batteries in a torch. They needed new crystals to be added in these 2 hypnotizers. Two crystals were needed in each hypnotizer.