Get Crystals for the Hypnotizes

The 175 Orbs were all huddled together on one side and the additional one was of Lilly's father. Now they did not need to communicate telepathically with anyone as one of them (Lilly's father) could speak. Lilly had spoken upon some urgent matter by asking her father's Orb to come to the side. His Orb was recognizable as it was off-white in color as compared to the other white Orbs. No one could figure what was discussed.

Thereafter, the Orb of Niel came over and spoke to the rest of the 175 Orbs present. There was a lot of noise like a humming sound. The Orbs seem to be in deep conversation or perhaps it was an argument. Some seemed to be unhappy but half of them seemed to be happy.

After the discussion was over, Niel, the Orb of Lilly's father came over and hovered over Lilly. He discussed something with Lilly for quite a while about what had transpired between the rest of the Orbs and him. They both decided to talk to everyone in the group of the trekkers as well as Mono.

The rest of the persons present including the students were called over.

Neil explained that the hypnotizing apparatus that they had been using at the Time machine areas and at the jails was made of crystals. These crystals had been used extensively in all the Towns for hypnotizing people whether scientists, the jailed scientists, and the political prisoners, as well as the administrators in all the towns, except those in Town M. Overuse of the crystals, had almost depleted their life span and they were on the last leg of their life, like the batteries in a torch. The hypnotizers needed new crystals to be added in these 2 hypnotizers. Two crystals were needed in each hypnotizer.

Now the question was where these crystals came from and how could they get more? These crystals had been obtained by the Orbs with great difficulty. They could only use telepathy to get the crystals and add them into the hypnotizers. They, in other words, they used mindpower. The crystals were extracted with mindpower, chiseled and made into the required shape with the help of mindpower, then they would be checked, lifted and placed in the hypnotizers with the help of mindpower.

(It is something that some people can do like bending of knives, forks, and spoons, or lighting a bulb or breaking a bulb, etc using concentrated effort or mindpower. It is called, 'Extra Sensory Perception' ESP. The Russians have been doing a lot of research on this matter).

The crystals were not available here in their Utopia Towns. They were obtained from another dimension which the Orbs had discovered. As a matter of fact, even Niel had discovered the way to this dimension and had made the hypnotizer for his daughter.

When had the Orbs gone to find the crystals and when had they assembled the hypnotizers was the big question. It was probably when they were destroying a Time Machine in Town I. They must have disappeared that time. There were 75 of them, no one had kept a track of their numbers.

Anyway, now the issue was to get the crystals. Mono, Luke, Zia, Sherpa, and the 10 students wanted to know how the crystals would be obtained.

Lilly took the stand and explained what they wanted to do. "There are about 150 Orbs here, excluding my father. All of them need not stay here with us. So 100 Orbs will go to get the crystals. Those Orbs who are ready to go for the crystals please come to the left side and those who wish to stay and protect us come on the right side. "

"All the students and Sherpa will go with the Orbs to get the crystals. The children will have an adventure of another dimension. The 100 Orbs will keep them safe and Sherpa will also be there to help and protect them."

"The boys can look after the girls. The area they are going to is a different but very safe world. They will learn a lot and will enjoy themselves there. But they must polite and not get angry with anyone. I hope that is clearly understood."

"Mono, Luke, and Zia will help me with my experiment. By the time you come back, we will have brought my father back to his body from the Orb-atoms state." Lilly added.

Hearing this, the Orbs started going towards the left or the right and soon the division of 100 on the left and 75 on the right was accomplished.

The students were a bit apprehensive. They were not comfortable about going elsewhere but then at least Sherpa was with them and so were the 100 Orbs. The adventure of another dimension overweighed their apprehension and the quest for adventure won.

Lilly informed that the 100 Orbs will cover them and they would actually enter another world.

It would be like the stories they had read when they were in the early primary classes. So, they were going to relive their childhood.

"Let's proceed towards the magical curtain," she said and lead the way to the rock curtain after opening it from the inside in the same manner as she had opened the rock curtain from the outside.

Upon coming into the tunnel she turned right and walked further into the tunnel followed by the entourage of the 125 Orbs as well as Luke, Zia, and Mono. The rest of the 50 Orbs were guarding Lilly's workplace.

After a 10 minutes walk the came to a turning and now they were outside facing the mountain. Another few minutes walk took them to the base of the mountain. It was dark as night had fallen. A sharp turn brought them to a ledge which ran behind a waterfall.

"Walk carefully, the ledge is quite wide so you will not fall. The ledge goes behind the waterfall."

"As you go behind it you will be touching the rock surface, but at one place your hand will go through the fake rock. Please walk in one after another."

"Ok, some Orbs will lead the way, then one boy one girl please one after another, and last will be Sherpa. All will be surrounded by Orbs."

"You all are entering another world where the time for you has stopped but for us, the time will move slowly," she added. "Theoretically, we should stop till you come back but we need to accomplish the reassembly of the atoms experiment. Complete your work and come back fast."

"The rest of us will wait here till you enter the magical world."

"Bye, all see you in a few days!" Everyone wished each other Bye.

25 Orbs, as well as that of Niel, were left protecting Lilly, Mono, Luke, and Zia. The 100 went onto the ledge to lead as well as protect the 10 students and Sherpa.