This is the speech that I gave to my graduating class. Everyone in my school has to make a speech and read it in front if the entire senior class. We had roughly 650 kids in my graduating clads. So everyday for a week people went up and read their speech. Everyday people got to vote for the top three speeches of that day. I was one of the unlucky few who happened to be chosen. Because I was chosen I ended up reading my speech not only in front of my entire senior class but all of their family as well at my graduation ceremony.
Although it was something I hated and never want to do again it is something I will never forget and will cherish forever. As I looked out at the audience, my eyes cloudy from crying, I saw almost everyone else crying. They were all looking forward to the future and how we will change it for the better, or at least that is what I hope.
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I am a person. I am a sister, a daughter, a friend. I am a woman, but I am a woman who doesn't like men. I am a woman who does not want to be called a girl, I am an adult that doesn't want to be called a child because I have not "experienced" life. I have experienced plenty of what adults call life, I have experienced working and paying bills so that the heat doesn't get shut off in the middle of winter. I have experienced raising a child, cooking and cleaning for them. I have grown faster than I should have but through what I have experienced in life I have grown to be me. But I will not pretend that I know all or that I will stop growing and experiencing new things. Life is about learning and growing. Through my life, I have seen myself grow so much, and discover who I want to be as a person.
People say that the world is an accepting, and forgiving place. But that is a lie. The world is not an accepting place. The world is not forgiving. The world is just the place in which we live. It is the people who need to be accepting. But the people of this world are harsh, mean and unforgiving of those who are different and challenge their ideas of the world. I am a person. I may be different than what you think a person should be but that does not make me evil. Even if you view me as evil nothing you say or do could change who I am because I am me. I am strong enough to not let your words hurt me. I am strong enough because I have already experienced bullying for who I am. I have experienced friends leaving me. And my own mother shunning me and telling me that my sins against god will send me to hell. Nothing you say can harm me, for I am strong. I am me and I love me.
There are those who are accepting of differences. However those who are truly accepting are either those who are different themselves or those who care for you as a person and not based on how you act or who you love. These are the people that we, who are different cling to to stay sane in this world of madness and prejudice. There will forever be those that are accepting and then there will always be those that banish the different ones, or throw curses at them. However, everyone has something different. Something that makes them special, because no two people are the same, nor will they ever be. So why am I different, what makes my special so bad to others? What makes those who love by a different standard, or exist in a way that challenges the ideals of many, shunned and forced to remain quiet. We who are different forgive those who banish us from their lives. We have learned to forgive and forget because if we do not forgive and forget we will forever be wallowing in sadness.
With every word of hatred we grow stronger. We grow stronger and learn that the world still has good. And that the world will forever have bad, and that most of the time the bad outweighs the good. But even if it does outweigh the good. It is the good that sticks with us. It is the good that gives us the strength to keep living in hopes that the world is changing to be the kind, accepting and forgiving place that we, who are different want it to be. You are the good. Each person can be the good they just need to show it. They just need to be a kind, and forgiving person, and be willing to at least learn to accept those who are different from them.
I am many things. I will always be many things, but the thing I am first and foremost is a person. No matter what labels I have or anyone else has we are always a person first. You cannot label someone based off of what they have experienced in life, what colour of skin they are, what gender they are and certainly not by who they love. Because we are all people. We should all love and learn to accept everyone's differences. Everyone's something special.
Graduating class of 2018 it has been an honor to grow up with all of you. To see each and everyone of you go through struggles and come out stronger. I know that all of you will go out into the real world and make a difference. My hope is that you only make positive ones and change the world so that it is accepting. So that everyone can live together happily and know that no matter where they go they will be treated fairly and be loved for who they are.
We have all been together for years some of us for longer and others for shorter but we are still family. And although this class is no longer bound together by school we will forever be bound together by the memories we created during our years together. As we move away to continue down different paths do not forget that each and everyone of you has a family here with these people that saw you through all of high school. I know that every challenge that comes your way you will conquer. You will grow stronger and smarter every step of the way and I cannot wait to see how much this class can change the world.
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Dedicated to: All those that took their lives, all those that died to young and to all those who are struggling, you will get through it and flourish once you do.