First Two

"This is really come true! No, wait. Doesn't this exceed expectations?"

"No, [Azure]. You don't need to question the [God] saying."

"But, it missed half of the calculations! We must investigate it."

"No. Our knowledge is just too shallow. I will rephrase it, you MUST NOT question the [God]."

"This is about the 'probability' [Cherry]! It might be a wild variable that could break the balance. [White], just conduct the votes!"


A new environment welcomed them. Two humans just walked away from a teleportation platform inside a kingdom.

They were just standing there frozen. For a few seconds, they did not move at all for different reasons.

Arceede was just holding his excitement level. His fist was shaking violently. Or it was best to say that his whole body trembled from the excitement.

"Uhh.. uhh. I won.. I really won."

The one that immediately dropped his excitement level was an unfamiliar scene beside him.

Avia was sobbing. Compared to the excellent performance he showed so far, he looked like a different person.

Arceede could not do anything, he was just standing there looking at his companion. He had some questions but did not dare to ask.

"Thank you, Ar. I promise that I will be useful to you. I will make the guild better."

Avia was rubbing his tears and Arceede was so surprised with the pledge.

"What.. do you mean?" He could not help but ask.

"Nevermind, I just want to say thank you. What's next? Logout? We should get dinner."

Avia was just avoiding the answer. His face was calm while giving the suggestion. Just a poker face he usually did. Like someone who never cried a few seconds ago.

"Yeah, I will logout. But, let's just wait till the notification ends. I want to feel our accomplishment."


[Global Notification] Congratulations! A party has cleared hidden achievement: Hidden Trial of Begie Village.

[Global Notification] The Trial to the Mainland of the Greylhad has been opened in the southwest area of the Begie village.

[Global Notification] For further details. Check Menu > Forum Tabs > Landing Page.


The notification appeared for a few seconds. And once it disappeared, it popped up again. Just like that, it repeated three times.

"Damn. We really made it." Arceede could not help but exclaim once the repeated notification ended.

"Yes. Thanks." Avia was thanking him sincerely. Although, that was with a very low voice and could not reach Arceede's ears.


"You did it, right? You did, right?"

Viro was in front of Arie's door and bombarded him with questions once Arie opened it.

"Hey hey, relax. Let's dinner first."

"I did. Just grab yours and answer my question."

"Okay okay."

They sat on a couch after Arie picked his dinner. Arie just leisurely turned on channel 73 amidst the intense gaze of his brother.

"I did."

With that simple answer, Viro finally calmed down. He leaned back on the couch while sighing.

The TV showed the situation inside the game. A reporter was interviewing some players.

Viro was sitting there quietly. He was significantly different than when he was in front of the door.

'Have I met 2 bipolar people in this short amount of time?'

Ranker's Quest was always controversial even when the first time it launched.

1 hour in-game was 30 minutes in real life. And so, this live stream stuff was a hole for the opinions.

Arguments were saying that time in-game was actually 1:1. It was just that the transmission to the brain was modified. It was the most solid argument that everyone believed.

A writer was inside the game and writing the same draft as in real life. The draft that was written inside the game was really doubled the amount of what he did in real life. The same went for various experts too.

Begie Village, the place when players started the journey with Lvl 1 character was always noon and people never left a complain about it since it was a game after all.

"Hey, I arrived at night in the Mainland."

Arceede had cleaned up his dinner and sat back to the couch.

"Ah, right! The village was always noon. And so, you cleared it with Avia? Only two?"

"Yeah, we did it."


"Have you seen the newly open trial anyway?"

"Not yet. I logout once the notification occurred. Ah! They want to show the information. What a nice timing!"

The TV shifted to a third-person view of a streamer. On another perspective, a floating ball was seen recording him.

"Do you want to have it?" Arie was pointing at the floating ball while asking Viro a question.

"Umm.. not yet I guess."

"You can buy it. Don't worry. I want to give mine to you if I can."

"Ah, right. All top rankers got it for free. Why don't you do it then? Number 1 for sure."

"I don't want to attract that much attention now. And.. you know what am I concerning a lot, right? I don't have enough courage to face 'them'."

"But, could 'they' join the guild once it's established?"

"Yeah, I will try to recruit 'them'. I hope they can forgive me."

"Well.. wait, damn! That many?"

Viro shocked about what was happening on TV. The conversation interrupted because of it. He shifted his eyes to his brother, his face was full of doubt.

"No no, we didn't face them. Well, we did but it was a failed run."

The TV showed a spacious room with chunks of stone scattered everywhere.

About 15 totals of goblin and hobgoblin were inside a room. They had a red aura on it. Some of them also had red skin.

They were equipped with various weapons and surrounded the 4-man party.

There was one big creature in front of the 4-man party. It wielded a big stone pillar on its shoulder.

"Damn, that red ogre is cool!" Viro could not help but exclaim once the big creature seen on TV.

"Well, it's not an ogre actually."

"Oh, really?"